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Unban Appeal - Conankay - Altis Life

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united kingdom
Unban Appeal for Conankay 

In-game Name: Conan

Server: Altis Life

Steam ID: 76561198114254560

The date you got banned: 03/05/21

Member of the team that banned you: It was instant as soon as i sent the message into OCC chat

Reason given for your ban: It dident give a reason but im sure it was for inappropriate language

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: Becasue i used the word "faggot" i was instantly banned i can understand why i was banned.

Why should we unban you ?: iI recently got arma 3 and began to play on the server i convinced some friends to hop on because I was having a blast on there, I had played RP server on a number of games before such as Unturned and GTA but this server really stood out to me. I have sinse tried to play on other atlis life servers and they do not have the same quality of interactions as this server, the level of depth from all the people draws you in and makes you play for hours at a time, and I would just like a second chance to play on this server again. In my defence the way I used the word was not directed to anyone i said "because thats what faggots do" pretty bad i know but I dident think chat enfrigments meant a perminant ban i have never run into any trouble on this server before and as I said before would just like a second chance.
I hope to hear back from an admin soon

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

Why did you think that it was okay using such language on our server? What caused you to say it?

Look i sent you a messege and i dont want this appeal to time out i just saw this on your profile. This is my alt account. I sighned in through steam so i cannot change my name to Conankay(UNBAN) you may denie me because i am doing this but i just want to say roleplay.co.uk atlis life UK is the ultimate atlis life experience and now that i cannot play it i am feeling the repracussions, them being constant RDM and complete assholes in side chat on other servers.

Your first question)

Well i spose i acted spontainiusly without thought, that being said i had used the word in voice chat before and people dident bat an eye ( I know that dosent mean its right) The word is in my dialect, (I will now not say it on your server) but i say it in replacement for say "asshole" or "cunt" "what an asshole" i would say "what a fag" im not saying to offend anyone i guess its just a habbit, for an offensive word it just has that plosive sound to it "fffff" that holds the power same with fuck the "fff" at the beggining holds all the weight. It was wrong for me to say it in side chat and I now understant that and can ensure that if you are to unban me I will not be saying any cuss words in side chat because there is no point risking it.

Your second question)

Ill explain the whole situation here, one guy said "Can i just kill downed people i find and take their money" as i rememeber and i said "no" now im not actually sure if you can or cannot but i mean cumon theres no rp to that and its just boring if you were to do that you must admit. He then said "why?" and i responded "becasue thats what fags ( or faggots i cant remmeber) do" and as soon as i pressed enter i was banned. I mean i was wrong for saying it and if i had just said "because thats what assholes do" or replaced assholes for another obscene word i would not have been banned. 

I want to bring up again that i dont belive anyone was harmed it was not directed to anyone in genreal.

However i understant that if somenone on the server was to read it in side chat they could be distressed.

On my ventures to another island i saw first hand how a toxic chat can change the feel of a server, constant shittalking and bad words just brings you out of it so i can understand why your rules are in place for chat. I just got your messege back now but if i click off of this my msg will dissapear, i hope you said it is alright for me respons on this account so here goes nothing i hope to see the sunny shores of atlis life onces again, with altis life Uk 🙂 and Done fullstop

You want to explain why you alt forum account name is George Floyd?

it looks bad but thats my alts steam name if there is a way to change it i will gladly I logged in through steam to make things quicker. stupidly 

i mean take it as dark humour not everones cup of team but please dont let that cloud your judgment

i made this alt for csgo and whenever someone makes an alt and choose the name its like ohhhhh im going to put something funny or edgy becasue its not my main mabye not everyone but a fair few

like i said i hope we can move past this. i can bare playing on insane asylum or whatever its called its living hell, its like all the banned rdmers congrigate there, 

*i cant bare

Well you have made it very clear that you are not the type of person we want in our community. You called people "faggots" You got yourself forum restricted you decided to create another forum account to skip past your restriction and your excuse for the forum name is "dark humour" Don't bother trying to appeal when your restriction is up.


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