Server: GTA RP
Character Name: clayton
Steam ID: 76561199237878540
Ban ID (just the numbers): rpuk17100
Ban Reason: G3.1
Why do you think you were banned: I was banned for being in discord for about half hour when i shouldn't of been.
Why should we unban you: hope all is well i was banned due to being in discord for a little bit longer then i was suppose to of been i understand the fact you are not allowed during RP moments but i was only in discord due to i was explaining few things to my mate that was new and he kept saing a few trhings out of text i didn't mean anything of it and when the admin asked i admitted straight away that i was discord i due to having to explain the things you can and can't and and how to reword what to say. But i did end up forgetting to leave there were moment where 2 people met up but it wasn't to do with me and they admitted it them selfs as i was just going about my day as my own it was being 2 people that i was with were also communicating with each other thrugh discord but they were new and let off with it i understand that i was just unbanned but i didn't go out my own way to ruin rp or anything like that with other people like this was just a genuine mistake i wasn't doing anything to interact with the rp i was just doing bins then decided to get some stuff then due to the fact i was in thee abit to long and i forgot to leave discord and was in there for half hour and my mate met up with me i didn't mean anything of it and underdtand the rules it was just a genuine mistake i did tell them that we need to come out of discord but then a debait happened in the discord with a few of us and we just forgot to leave i am sorry and i was really sound with the admins at the time like undtstood that i shouldn't of been in there i just forgot it was really late at night.
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes