Server: GTA RP
Character Name: Charlie Finney
Steam ID: 76561197987531948
Ban ID (just the numbers): 16514
Ban Reason: C1.7 Chat Ban
Why do you think you were banned: I used a racial slur in a /me
Why should we unban you: Hello again, first off I'd like to apologise about not replying in my last ban appeal was going through a career change as a lorry driver and had a tough time existing as I work nights haha. Now I've gotten much more used to the nature of my job and I have more spare time to play and enjoy some games.
Going back to this ban, at this point it probably sounds cliche to you, but I am truely appaled by what words I chose to use and what actions I made that day. I get home from work and feel like something is missing, and for me this server is the missing piece to the puzzle. I've sat and scratched my head trying to find a game I'd enjoy and I keep going back to this server.
It's been over 6 months since this ban and I truely believe I'm a different person to who I was when this ban occured, I'm ready for a fresh slate and would love another opportunity to play on this server with such a great community.
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes