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Unban Appeal - Chappie - GTA RP

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Los Santos Police
Los Santos Police
Los Santos NHS

Server: GTA RP
Character Name: Erik Ragnarok
Steam ID: 76561198820463052
Ban ID (just the numbers): 17824
Ban Reason: G1.2 RDM
Why do you think you were banned: Hello to what ever staff member is reading this hope all is well, I was banned for G1.2 RDM after I provided no Roleplay before shooting a cutlass member.
As Grove and cutlass have been fighting for a while one of our member was being chased when he called out he was being followed by a cutlass member so when I pulled up I heard "I'm cutlass" which is when I moved closer and shot him I did speak before I shot but I was on whisper which is completely my fault , I said something along the lines of "we are grove fuck cutlass" but with that even being said does not let the other person enjoy the roleplay or shows the roleplay I can provide.
Why should we unban you: I knew what I did was terrible and that's the whole reason I put my hands up in the report but While being banned I have took the time to think what I have done and regret my actions My record is something I tried to keep clean and did for a really long time and I hate that I have let it drop this low , I know I can provide a lot better roleplay and would like the chance to show you I can. If this scenario was to happen again I would go completely different about It ,What I Should've done is try get him out the car and put him in zip and move location then we could've torture him leaving him with injuries he could've roleplay out and could lead to more roleplay with NHS or I while trying to hands him he could've called for back up or attempted to get away and regroup with his gang , there are plenty more ways it could've gone and played out. I'm sorry that it has come this far and to the person roleplay I effected and ruined I will not let it get to this point again and will make sure I do not end up here again.
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes
Hello @Chappie ,

Why does everything have to resort to violent RP, even when reading your appeal. Is there a reason why you cant just come up with a interesting prolonged RP story instead of resorting to some kind of violence?

This is the second time in a short amount of time you have done something like this, can you explain why you have to shoot someone that you don't like?
Hello @OneShot and good afternoon.
Why does everything have to resort to violent RP, even when reading your appeal. Is there a reason why you cant just come up with a interesting prolonged RP story instead of resorting to some kind of violence?
I'm sorry for this and should've provided more then just violence ones other then put "etc". Your completely right not everything has to be end in violence there are many other ways I could've gone about it and the way I did was 1000% not the way I should've and I honestly really regret what I done not just once but twice I clearly didn't learn the first time and took it for granted ,when it should've been a eye opener that my roleplay is dropping and when the second one hit I really knew I fucked up.

A couple of examples of what else I could've done and should be doing instead of going straight to shooting

*If I managed to get them out the car and in zip ties I could've gone down the route of maybe trying to public humiliate them by taking them to Clothing shop and dressing them up or maybe giving them a hair cut and then take them to a well know place to embarrass them.

*I could've even done a simple conversation to either try get him to slip up some information like the radio for example or to see if the beef could get squashed as it has drained a lot of people(including myself) and was going on for way longer then I should've have.

*Taking them back to grove safehouse and making them clean the place while I roleplay that I'm recording him doing that.

*There is a good one I would like to but I don't know if its classed as teaming hence why I never done it would be to pay the Occult to sacrifice them to the devil which would give roleplay not just to Grove and Cutlass but would be entertaining for the occult (I know this is still violence but more roleplay then the usual shoot and dump).
This is the second time in a short amount of time you have done something like this
If only I could take it back what I have done I would in a heart beat , I clearly didn't take the first ban serious and deeply regret it as they are here for a reason and should be followed at all time , I'm really sorry for my actions that have lead to this and hate that I have broken trust between us (Staff Team). if given the chance to play the server again I wish I could rebuild this trust and show that I can provide Good roleplay.
can you explain why you have to shoot someone that you don't like?
There was on going beef between Grove and mara and due to grove and maras history they have always had bad blood between the two but this does not justify my actions , We have just fought cutlass and I let the adrenaline and Lack consideration get the better of me when I should of finished what was going on with Cutlass before dealing with what grove and mara had going on and probably could've ended by having a simple conversation.
I noticed that you were in NHS at one point, why did you leave it?

Going through your last 100 OOC/LOOC messages most of them is asking people to QE, telling people to RP their injuries, people teaming and more, most of which just involves you being in some sort of fight, I didn't see anything from you complimenting someone's RP.

Do you think you should try a different style of RP?

Maybe trying out a different character?
I noticed that you were in NHS at one point, why did you leave it?
I Didn't so much leave it I was removed for inactivity on that character but I think I just had a bad run on it where I only seen a few that actually wanted to roleplay with the medic and not just try get a instant revive but saying that I have planned to bring him back in to the NHS and try it out again as I have already asked a member of Command how I go about it and they have told what I need to do.

Going through your last 100 OOC/LOOC messages most of them is asking people to QE, telling people to RP their injuries, people teaming and more, most of which just involves you being in some sort of fight, I didn't see anything from you complimenting someone's RP.
This is true there have been some points when I have received good roleplay and it wouldn't hurt putting something in ooc/looc it is something I need to start doing instead of complaining in there all the time as it will show the other player that they are doing the right thing and making people laugh/enjoying their roleplay.
Do you think you should try a different style of RP?
As stated above I was planning to when I come back to re-join the NHS and and rotate to have a healthy mixture between my gang character and NHS character so if I stop enjoying one of them then I can switch between them every now and again so I’m not stuck doing one roleplay style.

Maybe trying out a different character?
If I play NHS again and don't enjoy it then I plan to make a police character and learning that side of the roleplay or maybe I enjoy NHS and still make a police character so I have different option on what to play.
Hello @Chappie ,

I appreciate you being up front and honest about everything,

The idea was for us to place a character lock on your "Erik Ragnarok" character, but as you explained your willingness to change and try out different styles of RP I will not do this as long as you pursue those other characters that step away from the gang side of things. If we don't see this happen and you slip back into the same place that led to your ban, we may just place a character lock on you or even a ban.

Does this sound fair?
The idea was for us to place a character lock on your "Erik Ragnarok" character, but as you explained your willingness to change and try out different styles of RP I will not do this as long as you pursue those other characters that step away from the gang side of things. If we don't see this happen and you slip back into the same place that led to your ban, we may just place a character lock on you or even a ban.
Just to clarify I'm not allowed to do any gang activities on "Erik Ragnarok" at all anymore or is this for a certain time? As I would like to still be able to play that side of roleplay on that character but keep a mixture between the two?
No, so we were going to lock your "Erik Ragnarok" character, now that you are willing to try out different characters we will not be locking your character. But if we see you are not trying out these other styles of RP then that's when we will step in as decide to lock your character or not.
No, so we were going to lock your "Erik Ragnarok" character, now that you are willing to try out different characters we will not be locking your character. But if we see you are not trying out these other styles of RP then that's when we will step in as decide to lock your character or not.

I now fully understand what you are saying thank you
Does this sound fair?
Yes i agree this sounds fair and appreciate the opportunity
Hello @Chappie

We are happy with your responses and we have noticed a decline in your RP recently which you have also acknowledged, with this in mind we have decided not to lock your character but this may change if the following is not fulfilled or even may lead to a ban.

We're willing to welcome you back to RPUK under the following conditions:

  1. You must adhere strictly to all Community and Server Rules at all times.
  2. Any violation of server rules within the next 6 months will result in an immediate permanent ban.
  3. You must pursue a different character, which you have mention NHS/Police, and you must meet the monthly hours requirements for at least 3 months.
We trust that you understand the seriousness of these conditions and are committed to upholding them.

Don't mess it up!

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