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Unban Appeal - Candice - GTA RP

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Well-known member
Unban Appeal for Candice 

In-game Name: Candice

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561198807273955

Ban ID: dont know, cant get it as discord banned too

Reason given for your ban: G3.1

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I was banned because of player report - https://www.roleplay.co.uk/topic/137322-report-a-player-candice-long-298-gta-rp/#comment-785129
I used the F6 menu to see if Michael mason was in a gang or not, breaking the rule G3.1

Why should we unban you ?: Hello again.

It's been over a year now since I've been banned, and I wasn't too sure when I could appeal as I wasn't actually given a date last time so I waited 7 months to be sure it was okay to appeal. I genuinely never had intentions to do bad within this community and nor will I ever, I've made my fair share of mistakes and rule breaks during my time here, and I honestly just want to be able to put them in the past and for mistakes and rule breaks to remain behind me, unrepeated in the future. I endeavour to contribute only positively to the community, I don't have any malicious intentions and I never have, I just want to be able to enjoy the game and have a giggle with people like any other player. I apologise for my actions and behaviours that have caused any upset, I regret these immensely.
I understand that I have been disruptive and I really don't want to cause any more trouble. I'm not going to try and defend my actions, instead I will simply sincerely ask for another chance to play here again please. After 2 unsuccessful appeals I'm not really sure what else to write or where to direct this appeal in fear of sounding like a broken record, or to come across as being insincere, but I am happy to answer any questions. If you are wondering what my plans are if I was to be unbanned, as for crim character, I'm really not too sure, as far as I know Chuck isn't allowed to invite anyone to the F6 and with coozer not being able to play Ju Long so that leaves me more likely to play police so that I could play with him. Originally I was hopeful that Coozer may be given another chance as triad lead after his ban because another leader wasn't assigned for so long, it kinda got my hopes up a little bit thinking management was maybe considering about giving him another chance but I was wrong. I wouldn't join another gang on that character though I know that for sure. For my police char I plan to progress her to firearms or CID like I used to be trying to do.

Also, please let me know if I have to appeal the server ban and the discord ban separately, If I have to write another appeal I can do.

Thanks for taking the time to read.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

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Next time you appeal bring both bans into the appeal.

But we are not yet willing to entertain your appeal.


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