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Unban Appeal - Bundy - GTA RP

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Unban Appeal for Bundy 

In-game Name: Paul Bundy

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561199081359935

Ban ID: !!rpuk11835!!

Reason given for your ban: G3.1

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I was banned for G3.1 using OOC information to gain an advantage on rp. The best way to explain my ban is a poor lapse of judgment which led to both me and Mack getting a meta gaming ban. I gave out a container code to a member of the hustlers (Mack) which I had obtained using OOC information, this was later used to gain an unfair advantage over 229 during Hustlers and 229 war.

Why should we unban you ?: Before I start this appeal I would like to say I take full responsibility for what I did and know exactly what rules I broke and understand the reason I got the ban placed on me.

I would also like to mention that I have apologized to both baz and Dean multiple times and they have both forgiven me for what i did. I have spent a lot of time on calls with both Baz and Dean speaking about what I did and it has really helped me realise the severity of the rule I broke.

I had been on the server for like a year when I got banned. During my time on the server I always tried my hardest to provide good RP to all the people I encountered, meeting new people and making some friends along the way. My time on the server has been very enjoyable for me and I would like to think it was enjoyable for the people I encountered.

During the year on the server I have kept a relatively clean record while spending a lot of my time on the server. With every warning and interaction with a staff member I have always taken what they said on board and made sure not to do the same thing in the future.

Over my 6 months away from the server I have had time to reflect on my action and understand what I did was wrong and I can say with all honesty it would not happen again. If I got the chance to return I would provide the best rp i possibly can at all times and make sure that everything i know is strictly in game.

What would stop me doing this in the future? Now the simple answer is I would not want to get banned again, the other reason is I wouldn't do this to someone again as I have taken the time over the 6 months to realise how wrong it is.

I can now see from an outside perspective how wrong it was to take them items as I can now see if the roles were reversed i would have been devastated because of how much time i spent on the server gaining them in-game items.

Now although I haven't been able to play the server for 6 months, I have still kept a close relationship with the friends I made on the and kept up to date with all the updates the server has had that has made me want to return even more. With the months I have had away from the server I have come to realise how much I enjoyed playing and how much I miss it.

Now when Mack stole from baz and deans container i got added to a ticket which i knew immediately what it was for but for some reason i tried to play the dumb card and act like i didn't know what had happened the reason i did this was because i was embarrassed and didn't want to admit what i had done as i knew i was in the wrong, I was also quite arrogant in the call with staff and would not own up to my actions knowing full well what i had done, I would like to apologise to the staff that were in the call at the time cause I wasted a lot of staff time when the situation could of been dealt with with in a matter of minutes. This mistake would not happen again as I now know telling the truth is always the best option.

I know exactly why the meta gaming (G3.1) rule is in place. The rule is in place to keep the server strictly rp. If people break this rule it can really affect the outcome of an rp scenario. Also in the case of my ban it is in place to protect the economy of the server and also the community.

What would I do if I had the opportunity to return to the server? I would like to continue the criminal side of RP as this is what I committed most of my time on the server too, I would also like to venture into a different side of RP, maybe joining a faction such as G6 or the police.

Again I would just like to apologise to the RPUK staff team for when I was pulled and questioned about my action I completely wasted yours time

Thank you for taking the time to read my appeal, Paul Bundy

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

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Do the following before we dig deep into this appeal:

  • Quote the rule(s) you broke
  • Explain them in your own words
  • Explain why they're on the server

You have stated that you apologised to both Dean and Baz when this had happened? Can you provide proof of this in your next reply?


Honesty is the best policy in this community, as I told you a long time ago when we were both 229 members. I get that you may of felt embarrassed to do so, however if we didn't find any fault in you or Mack's wrongdoings. You would've got away with a lot of stolen and metagame'd items where the actual owners could've potentially felt demotivated to play on the server anymore. Had you have told the truth at the time, we would've been a bit more lenient with your punishment..

This was, and is your first ever ban on this server with a punishment of a six month cooldown, due to the extent of what you and Mack did. Albeit, you have various other notes for:

  • Warning | Fail Driving (G1.8)
  • Warning | RDM (G1.2)
  • Warning | RVDM & Exploiting (G1.1, C2.2)
  • Warning | Roleplay Everything (G2.3)

I've noticed that during your 6 month cooldown, that you've been keeping up to date with the community both in RPUK Main Discord, 229 Discord and other chat groups but what else have you been up to? This could be both real life situations if you're willing to share those, and other games or still on FiveM.

Now, I know we've already spoke about lying to Staff when questioned and you've given your reason for this. However, how can we let you back into this community if you'd lie straight to our face? Albeit, your Poker Face (Voice Face) isn't as strong as you'd like to think..

We put a lot of trust into our players, but it was really sad to see both you and Mack lying to us when we knew the truth and we had the evidence...

Hi Liam, thank you for taking the time out of your day to reply.

The rule I broke was G3.1. OOC Information - Using out of character information to influence the course of roleplay is considered metagaming and punishable by a ban. This includes but is not limited to: Twitch Streams, forum information and Steam messages.

The meta gaming rule is gaining out of character information and using it in roleplay to gain an advantage over other members of the community such as streaming your location after being downed in a discord so other members could then help you without knowing in rp.

The Meta gaming rule is in place to prevent any players gaining an unfair advantage using OOC information, and to keep everything strictly RP. If it was not in place the server would become unenjoyable as people would consistently use information not gained in RP.

When it came to apologising to Baz and Dean most of the time it was in a vc with them, Im sure if you ask either of them they will both confirm that i apologised multiple times. The only thing that i can find that is from discord messages is: Dean apology 2.pngBaz apology.pngDean apology.png

I totally understand that if I had told the truth from the beginning it would have made the situation a lot easier for both me and Mack which is still something I kick myself about now. I agree with what you said about both Baz and Dean how they might have felt demotivated and not wanted to play the server which is not something I would want to do. The six month ban really helped me realise how important it is to tell the truth as if I had told the truth I may have only faced a normal meta gaming ban without a six month cooldown.

You mentioned that this was my first ban on the server and I would like to say it would be my last like I said in my appeal with every warning I have been given, I have taken the advice from staff and made sure to always improve my rp.

During the six months, aside from keeping up from the community, I have been working. I quit my last job and have recently gained a new one, which I have been working for for a few months. When I'm not working I spend most of my time in a vc with members of the community playing other games or just talking with one another.

How can you trust me ? Over the six month ban as I stated I have kept in close contact with members of the community and the server itself and quite frankly missed playing, if i got the opportunity to play again I would not want to throw it away by lying or breaking any rules at all.

Trust is something that can be earned, if you allow me back I would try my best to earn the staff team's trust back, by sticking to all the rules in place on the server.

Thank you for reading, Paul Bundy. 

What is your goals for when you return?

Will it just be the return of Paul Bundy?

Obviously I want to continue with my character Paul Bundy, I would also like to venture into a faction such as the NHS or Police as I have a close friend who is in the NHS and he says he enjoys it, I also think being in a faction would help better my roleplay. 

So, this is the issue here..

You obviously were trusted beforehand much like all other players to have a bit of integrity and play things fair. Which this trust has been broken, and you could've made off with 12-30mil worth of items (Not sure the actual value, but an estimate). Now, due to the fact that you never paid for them that transaction could've been incredibly damaging to the economy and that you lied to Staff about it.

What happens next time something like this happens? I know you're going to say, you wont lie to Staff etc... but humans are humans, and if they think they can get away with it. They will try their absolute hardest to do so.

Help me and the rest of the Staff Team believe that you want to be here, and that you want to earn our trust.

What do you propose we do?

Thank you for the reply Liam,

I can see how it would be economy breaking, taking that amount of guns in one sitting is not a normal thing to happen on the server. All I can do is apologise for my stupidity.

Like I said previously trust can be earned obviously the staff team will not trust me straight away as what I did was a massive break of their trust, all I can say is I will try my absolute hardest to earn the staff team's trust back day by day.

I think i have shown that i want to be in the community as i have not just left after being given the 6 month cooldown, from the first day i got banned i always said i wanted to return i never had any doubt at all that i would want to return to rpuk, like I have previously said I have kept in touch with a lot of different members in the community in multiple different discords, speaking daily about how the server has changed and what is new about it.

What I did would simply not happen again, even if given a container code in RP I would not use it. I now see how totally unfair it is on the other person and how demotivating it is, I would not want anyone to stop playing the server in any way as I know how enjoyable it is.

I would not want to throw this opportunity away if you gave me one by breaking another rule, being banned for 6 months just makes me want to return and stay in the community even more.

I would totally agree if you gave me some sort of condition such as a ban in the next X amount of months leading to a X amount of month cooldown obviously the time period would be totally up to the staff team.

Thank you for reading, Paul Bundy.

I would totally agree if you gave me some sort of condition such as a ban in the next X amount of months leading to a X amount of month cooldown obviously the time period would be totally up to the staff team.
I was thinking more along the lines of;

If you are banned again for something damaging to the economy, you are not fit for this community and you will not return.

Along with;

Any bans within a 6 month period will be a permanent one.

Do you agree?


This is your golden chance not to fuck up economy wise again..

As stated prior, and I'll state again;

Any ban within a 6 month period, will be a permanent one.


Welcome Back!

Now that you’ve been unbanned don’t forget to give our rules a thorough read over again here.

Please note unbans on the server are instant and you will be able to connect straight away.

Additionally, to get more involved with the community join our Steam Group and Discord!

Steam Group: RPUK Steam Group

Discord: RPUK Discord

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