Server: GTA RP
Character Name: patrick yamam
Steam ID: 76561199594697479
Ban ID (just the numbers): 19580
Ban Reason: must be 18 to play this sserver
Why do you think you were banned: i was banned because i let my little brother have a go on this server and create a character because he had never been on five m before and really wanted a go and i didn't know u had to be 18 for this server and he is 16 my original character is martin jo and I'm 21 irl and just didn't know my little brother was going to get me banned as i didn't know you had to be 18 to play this server and i sincerely apologise for his actions and if i was unbanned i would make sure it never happens again I'm so sorry. thanks brooksykes03
Why should we unban you: i should be unbanned because i didn't know about the u have to be 18 rule as i haven't been playing rp that long my self and i didn't realise that u had to be 18 and when i let my little brother have a go on his own character who is 16 i didn't know he was going to get me banned i was out irl and i came back and said sorry bro I'm accidentally getting you banned because apparently u have to be 18 and i didn't know that so i took it off him and quit as fast as i could and now I'm making this appeal because me and my mates play this server and one of my favourite server. and i have a great laugh in this server. honestly if i knew you would have to be 18 to play this server i would of never let him in this server. i just really hope i can be back running as martin jo as i really don't want to be banned from this server.
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes