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Unban Appeal - brennan - GTA RP

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New member
Unban Account

Server: GTA RP
Character Name: BRENNAN
Steam ID: 76561199570079550
Ban ID (just the numbers): 12345
Ban Reason: i cant actually remember why i got banned
Why do you think you were banned: im writing this to try and get some help i cant remember why i was banned and i really would love playing this server again
and i try to join the discord and it dosent let me how cam we resolve this?
Why should we unban you: im a very respectful player i dont actually know why i got banned it was a long time ago and i know your probaly reading this and thinking its not alot but please let me know how i can get back on this amazing derber
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes
please can someone help me out and point me in the right direction it wont let me join the discord
Hello @brennan

You were banned because we caught you using cheats on our server.
This ban is permanent, without eligibility for appeal, and also affects your access to our Discord.

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