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Unban Appeal - bratva - GTA RP

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Unban Appeal for bratva 

In-game Name: Klaus Lipton

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561198993511253

Ban ID: !!rupk13203!!

Reason given for your ban: c2.3

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: Good evening, i got banned because of a silly mistake my friend and I we where having a silly fist fight and by mistake he pulled his knife and stabbed me and i died, it was last minutes before my electricity went off this is a problem i have in my country ( Lebanon/Beirut) i know it's hard to believe but you can check it on internet if you don't believe me, So the electricity went off and i had only 2 minutes to turn of my computer because UPS battery can't stay much longer so i couldn't wait for NHS To come and help me.

Why should we unban you ?: I've been in the server for years and i never did anything like that and i will never would, i dedicated a lot of my time in this city because i love the community and i would never do anything against the rules or harm the community, it wasn't in my hands i live in a country where electricity cuts off.
Now i fixed the electricity problem and this kind of mistakes won't happen again, i hope you understand the situation i was in and give me a chance.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

Mr.Danoo good evening , the electricity power here in lebanon is terrible they cut it with out informing us doesn't have a certain time, but most of time my power went of i always mange to come back and finish the scenario it's only this time i couldn't come back and ill be more careful with that next time if i got another chance  and i promise this won't happen again, i do really love this community and i respect all the rules.

Good evening @bratva!

Why had you made no attempt whatsoever to inform the players around you and/or staff members about you disconnecting whilst downed? 

Mr.Danoo when my power went off my wifi also turned off so i couldn't inform the staff till the next day i found my self banned , it was late night for me too 

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Good afternoon @bratva

I appreciate that somethings are out of our control, what can be done to limit the chance of you being stuck in an RP situation when the power goes off? 
Are these timed power cuts? 

Mr's.Jessie Thank you for getting back to me, i appreciate you i was always careful when the power goes off it is only this time happened and i couldn't come back or inform the staff because it was late night and i didn't expect it, but now i have better electricity and the kinds of situation wont happen again.

Hello hope you're having a good day , the electricity in my home town was bad, there was a problem where the electricity keeps on shutting down but now the problem is solved and these kind of mistakes won't happen again.Plus now I have a backup generator  if it suddenly shuts down so I'll be able to prevent these kind of situations

Good evening @bratva

Thank you for your responses 

I am happy to let you back under what you have said, please do what you can to make staff aware next time and reread the rules before joining back

Any bans in the next 6 months will lead you back here. 


Welcome Back!

Now that you’ve been unbanned don’t forget to give our rules a thorough read over again here.

Please note unbans on the server are instant and you will be able to connect straight away.

Additionally, to get more involved with the community join our Steam Group and Discord!

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