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Unban Appeal - Bradley Jonathan - GTA RP

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Bradley Jonathan

New member
Unban Appeal for Bradley Jonathan 

In-game Name: Bradley Jonathan

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561198450002857

Ban ID: !!rpuk8765!!

Reason given for your ban: C2.2, C2.3

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I was banned because i combat logged three times because i didnt want to lose all the items i had on me and i thought it was a dumb reason to do so. This is what happened: I was at the impound picking up my car and driving to marabunta because thats where i usually buy and sell drugs. I was on my way there and was going up the hill at around 110mph and there were a few people standing in the middle of the road and i couldnt see them because i was going up a hill quickly. So i crashed into them and said that it was their fault that i ran them over because they were in the middle of the road. They started getting mad at me and they pulled out baseball bats and thats when i locked my car and ran away. They were saying that i destroyed their armour so i was driving to the ammu-nation at legion square to buy it for them. I realise that i dont have the money in cash so i go outside to my car and was going to head to an atm to get cash out. The whole marabunta gang pull up with guns and shout put your hands up. I didnt have enough time to do so because i had already unlocked my car and pressed f to get in and then they shoot me and i died. I decide to combat log because they killed me and i thought it was a very dumb reason to shoot me and it was a very dumb decision from me. I load back in a minute later and they are there and i combat log again because i didnt want to deal with them. I load back in and i decide to let them take me, then they take me to the docks and cut my lips then want me to talk, the ambulance comes and they tell the ambulance to go away, they put me in a car and start taking me far away and i needed to go so i left a third time.

Why should we unban you ?: I think i should be unbanned because i regret my mistake of combat logging and realise that i disobeyed the server rules by combat logging and i would love to come back to the server since it is the best server i have played on with the best rp. I know what i did was wrong and would love to play with my friends on the server again

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

So within this situation as a whole you broke two server rules because you thought it was a dumb reason for you to be downed? Whilst yes the RP behind you going down was poor going from the evidence on the report how does you breaking rules justify this? 

From your own words you logged to save your items, Can't you see the problem with this? 

Yes I can see the problem with this and I understand and completely agree that it was the wrong thing to do and it was a quick and irrational decision on my part and I wasn't thinking of the consequences I could be facing.

If this was irrational to make the decision to combat log why did you then proceed to keep doing it to exploit the bleed out timer? 

I'm finding it hard to believe that an irrational decision carried over for nearly 5 hours to where you was then saved. 

My plan wasn't to exploit the bleed out timer. It was to not deal with the ridiculous predicament that I had been dealing with even though I know it was a terrible decision on my part. It was irrational as I wasn't thinking about the consequences through out the whole situation and that it would be ruining other peoples roleplay experience.

So if this wasn't to exploit the bleedout timer as you did do, Why did you relog multiple times over the 5 hour timeframe ?

There are multiple things you could of done instead of break the rules and not end up here. I understand the situation wasn't great but what stops you doing this again if you decide a situation doesn't go the way you like? 

I answered the first question already. It was to not deal with the ridiculous predicament that i had been in and not to exploit the bleed out timer.  I fully read and understood the rules and made sure to reinforce them in my head, if i was able to play again i wouldn’t go against server rules as i don’t want this to happen again. Also now being able to recall the rules, i am now able to make the server a better place by making sure this doesn’t happen again.

So this took you multiple attempts of logging in to avoid the predicament you was in, What was different from the last time to where you was saved, As looking over the logs it was simply to keep the timer going to get saved for you to keep your items. 

IF we do give you another chance your inventory will be wiped as you did attempt to break the rules to keep said items, So would be unfair for you to keep them should we give you another chance. Do you agree to this? 

Can you please quote the rules you broke and explain in your own words why you believe we have such rules in place? 

In relation to you saying you will make sure this doesn't happen again, How would you do this?

The rule i broke was combat logging which is leaving the server while in an rp situation. It is one of the rules because it stops people from leaving the situation to make the experience more similar to real life. I wouldn’t allow this to happen again because i now know the punishment that i will receive if the is happens again, this stops me because i don’t want to go through this process again. 

If i do get unbanned i am happy with all of my inventory being wiped as I think it’s fair since i combat logged and would’ve lost my stuff if i died.

I've gone ahead and requested your inventory to be wiped as indeed you should of lost these items anyway however you did attempt to save said items. This will take some time to be done however once completed we will update the appeal and move forward.

Wipe complete

Thanks Stavik! 

Since the wipe has been completed I'll go ahead and issue the unban @Bradley JonathanPlease keep in mind what has been mentioned here and we hope not to see you back in this section moving forward, However should that happen the process won't be as easy as it was this time around.


Welcome Back!

Now that you’ve been unbanned don’t forget to give our rules a thorough read over again here.

Please note unbans on the server are instant and you will be able to connect straight away.

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