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Unban Appeal - bowlcutlol_unban - GTA RP

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New member
Unban Account

Server: GTA RP
Character Name: Kinnamon Krust
Steam ID: 76561199006630694
Ban ID (just the numbers): 12345
Ban Reason: 1.6 / And combat logging originally
Why do you think you were banned: Well, I got the combat logging ban for logging out while dead. I was running across the road as Kinnamon and I didn't stop and look both ways before crossing which resulted in a local killing me. I didn't have anything on me, I wasn't in any active RP so I just alt f4'd and logged off for the night - I still knew this was against the rules but I was gliding on hope that an admin wouldn't care because I wasn't involved in any RP or doing it to save items. When I attempted to reconnect later I was banned for combat logging. There might have been more ban reasons as I can vaguely remember opening a discord ticket and speaking to Phoenix (I think) about the other ban reason but he couldn't tell me because I needed to appeal it, but given all combat logging comes with a one month cooldown I didn't really see a point.

I think the 1.6 likely came from when I put Drex and Sammy's name over a picture of Hitler and Eva Braun and sent it to them on the forums before I peaced out. I can't really defend against that. The backstory was that they'd pulled me to an admin sit because I said the police were behaving like nazis so it was made on the back of that admin sit.

Also, I can't obtain my RPUK-Ban ID because I am banned from the Discord so I can't connect to the server to obtain it.
Why should we unban you: I never really got into any trouble for the 6 months or so I did play on a consistent basis. Once I left Police due to burnout I was pretty fed up with the server and that's when I started popping up on the radar of staff because I was just hanging around Pillbox on my ambiguous stripper character and generally be a menace within RP to G6, Police, NHS, and anyone with an unlocked car - it was all within RP but I can see how it started to push boundaries eventually. I still did provide interesting RP and I do think for the most part people actually found Kinnamon to be quite funny and a bit different than the gang RP that most people engage in, it was something different but it did lead to a lot of conflict so I'd probably steer clear of playing that way again.

I obviously can't avoid the picture I send to Drex and Sammy, I shouldn't have implied they were nazis. I actually quite liked Drex during my time in Police, I always thought he was reasonable, Sammy I never really interacted with that much so I can't speak to much about them, but it was never really coming from a place of haltered but rather a jab at them both for telling me I can't compare the police to nazis within RP. I still knew it wouldn't go down well, so I'm not trying to worm out of it, I know it was petty.

A lot of people keep telling me to appeal and come back. I enjoyed the server and I know I can follow the rules, as I did for several months without issue, but I can't lie and say I wouldn't understand if my ban remained in place. I do understand sometimes sorry isn't enough and some people just aren't the right fit for the community.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes
Nope! You've already burned your bridge back to here when you with that message sent to Drex & Sammy, not only did you imply that they were nazi's, you went on to call them "retards".

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