- Location
- United Kingdom
Server: GTA RP
Character Name: Jake Willsworth
Steam ID: 76561198420646357
Ban ID (just the numbers): 19549
Ban Reason: G2.9 and G3.5
Why do you think you were banned: Good AFternoon staff, hope this appeal finds you well. I would also like to take the time to say thank you for taking the time to read this. Will apologise in advance for bad grammar and spelling.
After Speaking to staff about my last appeal ive fully gained and understood why i was banned and understod your side of things and how things have looked on your behalf to the actions that i did and how that looks towards the staff team and what impact it can make to other players in the server.
G2.9: This rule was broken when i wanted to kill off a character and by this i used knowledge that he had gained from in city to act out the events that had happened. The character i went to kill off had over heard that the Cursed MC was a new uprising MC that has had problems with people trying tot claim their turf. Due to this i thought what better way to kill off a character then go down say to them this is my turf take this money and leave else ill fight to the death for it knowing full well i was out numbered and would die. (does go into the back story of this character being a deranged old man who was a bit short fused and crazy). Doing this the character did get killed as known and said before. However as i dropped money and i had a character who was in the MC at this time before he ot exilled he was the treasure and eventulally said money made it into my account. Due to this it looks as if i was trying to cover my tracks to transfer funds to my character however this was not the case it was soly to kill off the character and allow the club to have funds. I would like to state that this money i never received any benifits from as all club funds was taken off me and then i got killed out of the MC.
G3.5 (this will be a copy and paste from my last appeal due to my defence on this still stands at this moment in time)
I am whole heartadly confused to how this rule has been broken, I never aim to purposfully have cross character knowledge, i aim to be very cautious around what is said and what said character knows, i.e. my police character does not know who the cursed MC fully are just know of them and its ran by an Ex CID officer. Where as my character i played on within that group knew all this information. All characters i have only know info that they have learned from over hearing convosations and what they have seen/done themselves. I never aim to cross knowledge stuff and i also never use OOC info learned from on character onto another or using OOC info in game.
Why should we unban you: I know that i have done wrong and gone about things the wrong way and should be held accountable for mmy actions as what i have done impacts the day to day rolling of RPUK. Its also effects the lgitimicy oh how all funds are gained as a character or even as part of a group. Staff member Jesse put this on my last appeal when declined "Maybe take some actual time away and think about how your behaviour, attitude and roleplay situations can actually affect others" my ansere to this is that the actions that i carried out could effect players in many ways! it can make the following.
- Make players feel ulvrable to ufaif gameplay advantages
-Make players feel as if one can do it and not get caught so can they
- Effect the roleplay in general for all players
What was done here effects players in all kinds of ways wether that create jelousy and make players quit the server to also making players think that they can get away with murder and not have to worry about concequences.
I am not making this as an excuse to my actions however during the time of this rule break happening i went through a very traumatic event in my life which has now later led to myself being diagnosed with PTSD. the best advice i could have received off of the staff team tho was to take a break from gaming and let life settle in and deal with whats going on in my personal life, which after my 1 month cool down on appeals from jesse i have done. which looking back io have realised that even tho i love gaming and RPUK i need to remember to step back at times and take a break. This is proven now with the fact that i made a bad decision as my judgment was clouded and i wasnt thinking straight at all, and could have potentially ruined all players RP on the server.
A massive reason why i think i should be unbanned is i have had time to look back and think about my actions, ive also learned the concequences of them and its taught me some valid life lessons that if life is getting hard dont be affraid to step back from x amount of things and ask for help. to which i have done. RPUK is by far the best server i played within the RP Community, i have made some amazing freinds that i have had the joy of playing other games with them. However RPUK is not just a community its a gaming family, as cliche as some people may say that is at the end of the da the staff team and other players are there to help somone out if needed weather that be with PC help and /or real life advice.
I have played RPUK since i got my PC, yes i did try other servers but nothing hits as well as RPUK, its my escape from reality at times as sometimes its nice to lock in and roleplay a different life. With this i have played it every day and racked countless hours on the server since i have joined. my first aim was to join the police and i did it! i wont lie a big part of me wants to come back and get back on my police character and carry on providing the best RP i physically can.
I have reread the rules multiple times since being banned to make sure i have a good understanding and i have also spoken to some stff members in teeamspeak if any were confusing for me, Ive never been banned or gotten into trouble with the staff team and i believe with the events of what happened just made me make a big slip up which i regret more than anything.
Staff team, i would love to say thank you for reading my appeal and hope i finds you well, i am not asking for pitty in anyway what so ever as my problems are my problems and i should know better to bring them into the server and let it cause bad actions. I am hoping to get another shot at this and prove that i really do want to be on the server and try to make everryones day better by giving off the best RP in the server possible. As a staff team you operate the server to high standards and make sure to educate the players on rules but also know when to tell somone they have messewd up badley.
I hope this finds you well and will allow me to have a second shot,
Kind reguards,
Jake willsworth/ Harrison Willsowrth
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes