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Unban Appeal - Biscuits_UnbanAppeal - GTA RP


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Unban Account

Server: GTA RP
Character Name: Bruce Biscuits
Steam ID: 76561199467603529
Ban ID (just the numbers): 16689
Ban Reason: G4.5, UKN, C1,6
Why do you think you were banned: I was downed in a fight with Azteca’s at legion by a local car where I was then taken to pillbox to receive treatment, I then returned back to the area of the fight which was legion square therefore breaking the G4.5 rule (NLR). I was then pulled onto a roof by Jessie and another member of the staff team where I didn’t take responsibility for my rule break and only blamed the reasoning on others. I also have 2 other bans that will be seen and explained below.
Why should we unban you: Firstly I’d like to thank the staff member/members willing and taking the time out their day to read this appeal.

(G4.5) - NLR

I’ll start this section off by first and foremost apologising to the two staff members on the roof who spoke to me on that day. One being Jessie and the other a male staff member who I sadly do not know the name of, however I do hope he see's this.

I’d like to apologise for my nonchalant response’s on that afternoon as it wasn’t necessary nor did they deserve it. I also want to apologise to the players affected by my rule break and the pettiness of the actual rule break it’s self. I’ve taken some extra time to fully allow myself to come to terms with the rule I broke and how it really didn’t need to happen and how I can learn from it. I let my IC emotions carry over into OOC, eventually taking it out on the staff by being grumpy and childish with my responses. I can only express my apologies for doing so. This extra time has allowed me to realise what I did wrong and has allowed me to fully come to terms and understand it. I want to reiterate that the rule break was my fault and no one else’s. I’m responsible for my own actions and it was no one else’s fault but my own. On the roof I blamed Azteca’s for my wrong doings by saying something along the lines of 'Check the Aztecas' but in all honesty it was petty, and it was pathetic of me to do so. I feel as the additional time I’ve been asked to take has allowed me to really focus on myself and my wrong doings, it’s allowed me to take full responsibility and made me realise how petty and pathetic it was to blame others when in fact it was me in the wrong.

Going forward if I believe there has been a rule break I will proceed with the correct steps which will be opening a ticket to seek advice from a staff member, trying to liaise with the player(s) and if we cannot resolve the matter there I would create a report and taking action from there, not retaliating with a rule break of my own and not allowing my emotions to take over. This ban really didn’t need to happen as Jessie said and I’m embarrassed by the fact I allowed my emotions to get the better of me and allow the situation to go that way it has. I’ve had a couple interactions with staff OOC and I’ve always been respectful and positive, so this isn’t a good representation of myself and I hope you can see this. So for that I am sorry for letting you (The Staff Team) down but I also feel I’ve let myself down here as well, painting a picture of myself as someone I'm most definitely not. Hopefully you see me as someone that isn’t here to be a disruption as that's not why I'm here in RPUK. I do wish you see that I’m genuine and if allowed another opportunity I’d show you guys that I’m here for the right reasons. I allowed my RP standards to drop which is something I’m not proud of and if given the opportunity I’m willing to put in all the effort to show everybody in the community that I am here for the correct reasons. I’ve always enjoyed creating good RP stories and scenarios and wish to continue that in the future if given the chance to prove myself. I finally want to add that I appreciate all staff members for all you do in community, taking time out of your day to provide such a good platform. Also I would like to once again apologies to Jessie and the other staff member that spoke to me that day.

(UNK) - I believe this ban was handed out due to a decline or drop in roleplay standards and getting into as many gun fights as possible.

Being banned for just over 6 months now and having the time and opportunity to reflect on my roleplay and the reasons for why I was banned I can appreciate why the staff felt like this was the necessary course of action. I do believe my roleplay dropped a lot and therefore I wasn’t creating any exciting story line which I was doing when I first came to the city. It was my responsibility to realise this but at the time I didn’t, I felt that I was burned out at the time and wasn’t really putting in much effort into my roleplay. I don't want to use this as an excuse as I'm responsible for my own actions and drop in roleplay standards. I do believe the time off has allowed me to return to RPUK with a fresh mindset and taught me some key lessons as well. One being, allowing myself to take breaks from roleplay when necessary or when I feel as I can’t give the server 100% as it’s not fair on other players if I can’t give my all in roleplay scenarios. I do believe I can still offer a lot to the server if given the opportunity to. I feel as I can come back with fresh ideas and also feel I have got back the passion and enthusiasm I once had for roleplay. I can only speak for myself and I do believe the 6+ months I've been banned for has allowed me to shake off the win mentality I had. I'm saddened by the fact I allowed my roleplay standards to drop so much and if given that golden opportunity I'd strive to correct myself as I do not want to be remembered in this way, I've put in thousands of hours into the server in hopes I could leave a good mark on RPUK and hopefully I can still achieve this goal.

(C1.6) - Community Ban

Since my last appeal I have now been further banned on the forums and had to create this new account to appeal my bans. Initially the group (Alliance) were banned from all official RPUK discords. The reasoning from what I believe was due to some members spamming videos and messages in the discord. I was not involved in this nor did I know about it at the time. As I explain in my last appeal I was actually on a train going somewhere for the weekend. I wouldn’t have risked my place in the community, as although I was banned I do still enjoy keeping up with the server and adding my suggestions if I feel like it’s necessary. Whether that be through clips, Discords or just general chat. I can only apologise for what happened but I would like to reinforce that I was not apart of it in any way. I have missed being part of the RPUK community but I do understand the reasoning behind the community ban, but I can assure you that I'm not here to cause issues or be a disruption in the community.

I'm going to finish this appeal the same way I started it, I would like to thank the staff members who takes the time out their day to read this appeal. I just wanted to get all my points out and express my sincere apologises fully. I do hope you see me as genuine and that I'm here for the right reasons. I will also link my two previous appeals as didn't want it to be the same read.

Thanks Biscuits
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes