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Unban Appeal - Biscuits - GTA RP

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Active member
The Taxi Rank
Server: GTA RP
Character Name: Bruce Biscuits
Steam ID: 76561199467603529
Ban ID (just the numbers): 16689
Ban Reason: G4.5, UKN, C1,6
Why do you think you were banned: I was downed in a fight with Azteca’s by a local car at legion, I was taken to pillbox and I then returned to the place where the combat took place. Also two others reasons that I will go into in depth below.
Why should we unban you: Firstly I’d like to thank the Staff member willing to read this appeal as it’s going to be a long one,

G4.5 - NLR

I was teleported to a roof by Jessie and a male staff member who I don’t know the name of where I was questioned on the reasons for breaking the said rule. I may have seemed cold and quite reserved and uncommunicative in my responses but this wasn’t a good representation of myself. I’ve had a few interactions with Jessie and other staffs members OOC where I’ve always been respectful and polite, so this was not in my nature to act this way. This ban was foolish and didn’t need to happen as I was only pulled to speak with the staff team. I can only apologise to the staff members for acting this way and can assure you this will never happen again as I’ve said previously it’s not in my nature to do so. I’ve taken 4 months away from the server to reflect on my actions and can say it’s helped me. I’ve always loved Roleplaying on this server and if allowed back I would love to create many more RP situations for all parties to enjoy.

UKN - Alliance Ban

I believe the ban was handed out for a decline in role play and trying to get in as many gunfights as possible.

I’ll start from how I met alliance and how things started. Alliance was started over a year ago where we had great interactions and moments against Triads. We created this gang that was nothing more than a group of friends with a beef against "Triads" at the time and this "Alliance" went on for about 2 months but it came to an end. We never had any complaints by other players and I believe we had great RP experiences with everyone we ran it to.
Alliance was then taken over about 3 months after it fell apart and recreated to what everyone now knows it to be today. I thought as a "old” member of Alliance I’d re join and see how things were going in the gang. I had great memories with the "old” Alliance so I thought it would be the same sort of atmosphere and experience. I decided to re join the "new” Alliance as my role play story had taken my character to join a gang and I thought Alliance knowing the history “Bruce” had with them would be perfect. Evidently I was wrong. As I fell into a more side of "fragging” then actually roleplaying as this was my first time in a proper well run gang and I didn’t really know much different, however this was my fault as I allowed myself to decline this was no one’s in the gangs fault and only I can hold my hands up. I was only thinking about myself and not the other players RP I was affecting. I felt my role play declining and I do hope that I can show you guys as staff and the community that I am here to role play. I spent a lot of my time putting effort into my role play in the past, making it enjoyable for others not just myself. I do wanna reiterate that this decline was my own fault and I do take responsibility for that.

Taxi Auto Centre: I spent 3+ months working at taxi auto centre where we as a collective were appreciated for our good and enjoyable role play skills. We even got a suggestion on the forums for being "some of the most consistent role players on the server” which I was and am proud to be apart of.

Deliveroo: I worked for Deliveroo creating a new and exciting project in RPUK where we delivered a service which was only invented to create RP scenarios for both the drivers and the customers. We worked strictly off tips and was only in it for the role play provided. I had great memories of this and wish to continue these type of stories in RPUK if given the opportunity.

These are two of the many role play stories to which I provided to the server and would love to create many more of these high level role play stories if given the chance. As this is what I enjoy most and would be dedicated to produce if given that chance.

C1.6 - Community Ban

This ban was given out as from what I know other members of Alliance were spamming messages and videos into the RPUK discord. I was not involved or apart of this act. In all honesty I wasn’t even aware of this happening until I looked at my discord on my phone and seen I was no longer in any RPUK official discords. At the time of all of this happening I was on a Train travelling to get away for the weekend. I can only apologise for what happened but I can assure you that I wasn't apart of it.

I thank any staff that take their time to read this appeal as i know it’s long winded. But I wanted to fully get across my perspective and my points of each ban provided. I do wish you see me as an individual and not as a collective as I don’t condone any of the past actions.

Thanks Biscuits
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes
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Good evening @Biscuits

The standard of your RP dropped so much and blame was pushed to a different group.
Sadly nothing has changed since your last appeal, the door remained closed.

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