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Unban Appeal - Biscuits - GTA RP

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Active member
The Taxi Rank

Server: GTA RP
Character Name: Bruce Biscuits
Steam ID: 76561199467603529
Ban ID (just the numbers): 16689
Ban Reason: G4.5
Why do you think you were banned: The reason I know I was banned is for breaking G4.5. I was downed in a fight with Aztecas and taken to pillbox to which I returned to the same combat situation after I got out of the pillbox.
Why should we unban you: When I was pulled up on to the roof by Jessie and the other staff member I may have seemed a bit unapproachable but this wasn’t my intention, i was caught in the heat of the moment and I can only apologise for that. I admit to breaking the G4.5 rule as I did return to a combat situation after leaving pillbox hospital. This was a silly mistake and can assure you that nothing of this nature will happen again.I’ve never been pulled or banned for anything of this nature and can only apologise for this happening. I have let myself down here as it’s quite a simply rule to follow but as I said before I was caught up in the moment and got ahead of myself in this situation, this is no excuse but I can only admit to my wrong doings and learn for it. I never meant to ruin other people’s RP during breaking this rule but if I have I can only apologise to those players. I’ve took the 2 days Jessie suggested before putting in another appeal to reflect on my actions and can hold my hands up and admit to the rule break and know it’s something that I won’t dare think about breaking this or any rule again. I’ve been on the server for 15 months plus and have enjoyed the Roleplay the server has to offer, I’ve always tried to RP to the best of my ability and hopefully if I’m unbanned I will continue to do so.

Thank you to whoever reads this appeal and takes time to respond.
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes
Good afternoon @Biscuits , I hope all is well with you?

it’s quite a simply rule to follow but as I said before I was caught up in the moment and got ahead of myself in this situation
You've mentioned it's a simple rule to follow, yet you did indeed break it 3 times.
I just want to gain a better insight to what this moment was? What exactly was it you were caught up in which caused you to breach the server rules?
Hi @Danoo, cheers for replying….

I was fighting aztecas at alta street next to the impound, where I was downed and taken to pillbox, I healed in pillbox and relogged as the graphics were all blurry and I couldn’t see the roads. I came back on the game (I’m not sure how long I was as my game crashes a lot before opening up) to radio coms saying that another fight had broke out at MRPD which I went to. I thought this was a new situation but Jessie and the other member of staff told me this was a breach of NLR to which I now understand. Whilst I was in this active combat situation with aztecas I was downed by a NPC driving a car and taken to pillbox, I returned to the same location (legion square) after leaving pillbox and then I was immediately pulled by staff and was told why I was pulled.
Good morning @Biscuits ! :)

Honestly, this ban really just didn't need to happen. The 2 staff members were just trying to have a conversation with you and point you in the correct direction.
They asked you to explain your thought process to get a better insight as I just have here, you answered perfectly here, yet in game all you said was "Alright" when you were told where you went wrong followed by "You caught me, what can I say" and "Check the teccas".

The only reason this ended up in a ban is because your attitude was off from the get-go. We cannot point someone in the right direction if they're not even willing to hold a proper conversation.

You may not have been pulled aside for anything of this nature before, however, this is now your 4th permanent ban.
I agree this ban didn’t need to happen, like I said I admit that I was a bit cold towards the 2 staff members. I didn’t mean to come across this way, I must of just been having an off day. I’ve spoke with Jessie before and hopefully she can comment that I’m normally i’m not like that. I know I did wrong and admit to that, I’ve taken the time that Jessie suggested to reflect and that’s why I can see and explain what I did wrong. I never knew this was my 4th Permanent ban but I’m certain if I was to be given another chance that I’d not break or even consider breaking any more rules
I'm glad to hear you're certain you wouldn't be breaking any further rules if given another chance.

Why is it that we have seen a drop in your roleplay standards since joining Alliance?
My character “Bruce Biscuits” is exploring a different side of roleplay and I’m still quite new to that side of things so I’m still learning the ropes if you understand what I mean. I’m trying to understand that side of RP so that’s maybe why my standards have dropped a little bit, if im given another chance I’m willing to work to pick my standard of RP back up once again as this is a what the servers main purpose is. I’ve always tried to RP the best I can and will continue to do so if allowed another opportunity.
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Good afternoon @Biscuits , thanks for the response! :)

if im given another chance I’m willing to work to pick my standard of RP back up once again as this is a what the servers main purpose is.
What exactly is it that you're going to be working towards, if given another chance here?
I would be continuing to learn a new side of RP and try to stay within the rules. I think character development is key to keep people interested in the server so that’s why I wanted to try a new side of RP in the first place.
I also see I’ve been banned for UKN can you explain what that exactly means? Cause I don’t understand what I did wrong to get another ban even though I was already banned and couldn’t play to break another rule?
Good evening @Biscuits , I hope all is well! :)

Why is it that we have seen a drop in your roleplay standards since joining Alliance?
Given the fact I had mentioned this prior, and you've now been caught under the blanket ban for the standards of roleplay too, this appeal will be declined for now and the door will remain closed.
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