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Unban Appeal - BillyBurner - GTA RP

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Unban Appeal for BillyBurner 

In-game Name: Wayne James

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561198138684761

Ban ID: rpuk#3952

Reason given for your ban: (C2.3) & (G2.4)

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: because i disconnected from the game during a fight

Why should we unban you ?: I was being harassed by this group with voice changers for the last 2 days on the server who kept trolling alot of us and killing us on sight for no reason from different cars and bikes . The last encounter i had with them they were chasing me with knifes and i had lagged out during that time , my internet had alot of devices connected that day any people were downloading games and watching netflix so i didnt immediately log back in as i was going round the house telling everyone to stop downloading.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

Seems like a reasonable excuse. 

Please follow the below instructions to get to your FiveM CitizenFX Logs and post the log which is from the time you logged out


Date and time should be something like : 21/05/2021 : 03/:02:55

So not only do you combat log, you have also lied to us in the hope to pull wool over our eyes and let you back. 

You can wait your 6 months from the date of your ban. On the next one, be more honest.


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