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Unban Appeal - Beetle Juice - 08/20/20

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In-game Name
Beetle Juice

Steam ID

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.

Reason given for your ban.
VDM and Combat Logging

Which server are you banned from?
Altis Life

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
I believe i was banned because of a mistake i did that i now regret. I kept on getting spawn killed everywhere i go and this individual was meta gaming and knew where i was every time. So i got mad and got a plane and flew into him even though i didn't kill him i got banned. In my opinion it was a mistake i did and i learned from it so i wont do it again. I was banned for combat logging because every time i spawned i got killed therefore i spawned in like 4 times in 1 hour.

Why should we unban you ?
I think i should be unbanned because it has been a long time since i was perm banned and i really enjoy the server and wish to play again. I do agree that i made a mistake and i have now learned from it and i wont do it again. I also want to play again and i enjoy the server so i hope i can get unbanned.

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

I confirm this is not a temporary ban as those are not appealable


Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read our rules

@Beetle Juice  You claim it was all a big mistake and it has been a long time since you was banned. But it has been just under 2 months. The same amount of time it took you to get 5 bans.

Do you think the rules do not apply to you?

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I do agree with what your saying but i have changed and 2 of those bans were mistakes that have been reversed in the given time. I also agree that i have been a bit reckless but i really just want to join the server again and i have learned the consequences.

Reckless no, idiotic yes, You claimed you was RDMED however you didn't provide any evidence or have any evidence at the time therefore you can't break the NLR rule. You respawned at the airport and flew straight to telos (where you died) therefore breaching the NLR rule (Rule break 1) Not only did you remember who killed you (Rule break 2) you also tried to fly into them using your plane as a weapon ( Rule break 3) and then you combat logged hoping that they wouldn't be able to see who was flying it (Rule break 4) Now dive into your past bans / warnings

10/5/2020 - You were kicked off the server and banned for 1hour to read the rules after stealing an NHS vehicle 

13/5/2020 - You were banned for a day for combat logging whilst in restraints.

23/5/2020 - You were banned for driving into a group of people blowing your car up and killing multiple people and after being spoken to finally mentioned and i quote "well, I might have been trying to hit one guy who ran me over earlier." 

So far you have been very lucky 2 bans and 1 kick in the space of 13 days however it doesn't end here as you have another ban in may. 

29/5/2020 - You Rdmed your gang mate with no RP as you gangmate was held by the police who may I add had no radio / communications and caused a massive gunfight due to your actions. 

4 situation in the space of a month doesn't look good for you.

18/6/2020 - You were reports on the forums for Rdming and giving no time to comply with orders which resulted in a week ban.

1/7/2020 - You were kicked of the server for saying the following over OOC and i quote " STFU Pussy, STFU Danbu" and also calling people idiots aswell as other things but i think you get it

And finally we get to your latest ban that you are currently appealing. which happened almost 2 months ago.

So that is altogether 7 situations in the space of 2 months that either resulted in warnings or bans.

I do agree that i made a mistake and i have now learned from it and i wont do it again.
You have made multiple mistakes and I find it hard to believe that you can learn from your "mistakes" which btw may I add the latest ban you intentionally flew into someone, it's not a mistake. 

I do agree with what your saying but i have changed
 I find it very hard to believe that you have changed as it would have to be a very dramatic one to come back from this.

You have been given far to many warnings, you were very lucky to have been given this many chances but you have burnt your last bridge. 

Denied. Perm Banned - You can appeal in 6 months time. (minimum)

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