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Unban Appeal - BarryTheButcher - GTA RP

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Server: GTA RP
Character Name: Barry Butcher (i think)
Steam ID: 76561198081181733
Ban ID (just the numbers): 6619
Ban Reason: G2.9
Why do you think you were banned: I was banned for exploiting the create a character system implemented on the server and using it to create new characters and transfer funds to my main character. I know and understand that i broke the rule G2.9 which is ''Transferring money or items between your own characters is not allowed by any method'' and the ban was fully deserved as it was completely out of order for me to be doing this.
Why should we unban you: I Think i should be unbanned because firstly i understand why i was banned in the first place and can only apologise for my rule breaking, this is no excuse but at the time i was new to FiveM and hadn't really read the rules as thoroughly as i have now although even without knowing the actual rule break i knew what i was doing was wrong and definitely a ban-able offence. Since this time i have been in a lot more different RP servers and got to grips with the general rules of RP and the general rules which most servers implement, i have read through the rules again thoroughly and can only say i completely apologise and can assure you it will not be happening again, it is not worth it. This server was my OG server and had the best community i have played with and since being banned i have had time to think about my actions and also the consequences of me being banned and missing out. I have a couple of friends that play the server and hearing them have so much fun and progress is kind of like being a kid stuck inside watching all the other kids have fun and play out, it is not a good feeling.

I understand that if my request is granted and i am unbanned everything will be wiped from my character and i will have a clean slate, i am completely fine with this if my request does get granted and would look forward to rejoining the city on a clean slate and starting over again, once again sorry for my actions i just ask for one more chance to redeem myself and hopefully become a valuable part of this community.

Thanks for taking the time to read my appeal,
Kind Regars, Barry Butcher.
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes
Why has it taken you 3 years to appeal?
honestly after being banned from this server I took a bit of a break from FiveM and just PC/gaming in general due to personal issues, nothing to do with the ban.

Only recently (past 2/3months) have I really come back to roleplaying and fiveM, two of my friends in real life I believe got unbanned in the past 6 months and are back in the server having fun so I just thought now would be a good time to request to be unbanned.

I have been keeping upto date with the server recently watching videos and reading through the forums and I genuinely believe this is the best server out there for serious RP and don’t really see myself knuckling down anywhere else.
Good afternoon @BarryTheButcher

I hope all is well today?

two of my friends in real life I believe got unbanned in the past 6 months and are back in the server having fun so I just thought now would be a good time to request to be unbanned.
Are you wanting to be unbanned to provide fun RP for everyone on the server or to be able to mess around with your IRL friends?
Hi Jessie yes all is well I hope your having a nice weekend.

No I am not applying for an unban request because I genuinely want to provide fun RP for everybody else in the server and also of course my self.

My two friends in the server have had a clean record since being unbanned and have just joined the police yesterday, this is something I also wish to pursue myself.

I understand how it looks like I’m just trying to be unbanned to join my two friends and cause chaos but it is the complete opposite, I am looking to rejoin the server and join in with the fun/enjoy myself as much as they are.

Regards, Barry Butcher
Good evening @BarryTheButcher

I am having a lovely weekend thank you

I understand this ban was a long time ago but please can you tell me anything you remember about what happened leading up to your ban
Glad to hear it :)

& yes from what I remember me and my friends realised we could make multiple characters and transfer the money to our main characters, very silly mistake as it didn’t last long until I got banned.

I understand the domino effect this potentially puts on the server and also its economy. It was a stupid mistake which was deservedly met by a ban.

Since this time I no longer have a win/lose mentality towards roleplay, although it was no excuse I was completely new to fiveM and this was my first server I played on so my attitude towards roleplay was a lot different back then, I know roleplay isn’t about winning or losing it is about providing an enjoyable experience for all the players involved.

Sorry if that isn’t enough information It’s just all I can remember about it from the top of my head.
Yes not a problem, the effect I believe it has on the server is for one it dilutes the economy of the city by bringing in an influx of cash not gained in legitimate ways which is obviously not an intended feature added by staff/devs.

The second way I think it affects the server is it sets a bad example to new/current players who do play on the server, if everybody here did what I did and became millionaires in a few hours then most of the server features would become pointless, everybody would have guns, fast cars, mansions etc and I imagine it would become very boring very quickly.
Yes hello yet again 😂

Honestly I’m looking to apply to join the police if I do get back in the server and then hopefully work my way up to be part of the RPU or traffic police I’m not too sure what they’ll call it here, if that fails I think I’d quite enjoy joining the NHS or some sort of similar faction, eventually I’d like to own my own business here.

The roleplay I am looking to provide on the server is just to have a fun & pleasant time all round for everybody involved and by that I don’t mean messing around and getting to trouble, I’ve been keeping myself up to date with the server on the forums recently whilst awaiting my unban request and I genuinely believe no other public server provides the quality roleplay this one does.

In the time since my ban I can’t say I played much fiveM but after taking a break from gaming and coming back I have gotten quite into playing RedM and this is where I developed a real passion for roleplay, only I have now gotten tired of riding thousands of miles on horseback😆
Do I say hello again? Who knows :LOL:

If you were to be unbanned what would you do differently? This was not a small amount of money that was transferred
😂😂 yeah i feel like I’ve typed that word out 100 times tonight.

If I were to be unbanned, first and foremost I would not be taking part in any exploits or looking for any shortcuts to make fast gain, I have learnt my lesson from this offence and do not intending on finding myself in this section of the forums again. The short term gain was definitely not worth the fun I have missed out in the time I have been gone. I would hope to become a valuable member of this community with my roleplay rather than the items/cash my character might have.
Hello again (I had to)

These unbans come with a condition, Deletion of all characters except one and the remaining character will receive a full wipe, this includes cash, bank account, cars, houses, inventory. You would keep your contacts and any memories that character has made

You have
Salford Ste
Barry Butcher

Do you agree to the above and if you do which character would you like to keep + receive the full wipe
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Hello again (for old times sake😆)

Yes I fully agree to the above condition and would be very happy with the result, the character I would like to keep would be Barry Butcher please :)
Good evening/morning @BarryTheButcher

I hope all is well?

The above has been completed.
Please read the server rules over before joining back so you do not end up back here.

Any bans you receive in the next 6 months will bring you back here.

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