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Unban Appeal - Barry C - GTA RP

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Barry C

Los Santos Police
United Kingdom

Server: GTA RP
Character Name: Barry Clevedon
Steam ID: 76561199070893901
Ban ID (just the numbers): 17647
Ban Reason: G1.2 - RDM
Why do you think you were banned: I was banned as I didn’t provide high quality roleplay towards an individual I thought was a threat after he had stolen my vehicle, I thought issuing him the demand to exit the vehicle was enough but reflecting on this after some time away I notice where I went wrong, I didn’t give him enough time or the appropriate roleplay that this server holds it standard to, what I had done is neglected the impact my actions had on the other players resulting them in having a poor experience with myself.
Why should we unban you: I know that I should have given this individual more time now, not only this but more roleplay as a whole to ensure that the encounter is fair on both sides, I had gunned him down after I thought he might’ve been charging me with the car after telling him to step out, however this wasn’t fair, what I would have done now if the situation was to occur again is to issue more clearer demands with a larger threat to show the presence that I was trying to portray, rather than just telling them to step out of the vehicle and not providing the correct reaction time, I would have instructed the person at hand that their life will be in danger better yet even shout it at them to highlight the aggression in my voice for them to understand that is the threat on their life for stealing my vehicle especially considering the predicament I was in at the time when me and my gang was fighting Vagos.

G1.2 is in place to ensure that every encounter people have between themselves, if it heads into the combat is fair and experienced with high quality roleplay, it’s there to prevent people ruining the roleplay experience this server is meant to have. After this being my second time I had been in breach of this I had taken the necessary time away to reflect on how I have conducted myself in these encounters so that I can ensure I am adhering to the server rules, I have looked at both encounters and seen where I have went wrong, what I need to do if I am allowed back to the community I enjoy spending so much time within.

I hope that I get the chance to show that I have improved after taking some time away and can continue to provide high quality roleplay situations for all players I may encounter.
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes
Hello @OneShot,

To be honest with you, there had been some personal matters that had affected me at the time, normally I enter the community to enjoy some time away from reality and enjoy the time on the game just like everyone else, clearly I let these issues affect me and come into the game, I understand that I shouldn’t let my personal life have this kind of effect on the game as it is my escape essentially.

I took the time away to ensure that I can control that and remove any kind of emotional response I may have towards a situation that could negatively impact people within the community. I do not wish for this to happen again so I am being more aware of how I respond and act around others, ensuring that I do not let something that isn’t part of the game impact how I act within this community because I do not wish to be here in the unban appeal section, and instead develop rich and entertaining stories for everyone to experience.
@Barry C This isn't the first time you have been banned for G1.2, you have broken this rule twice in a short amount of time, how can we ensure that this is the last time?
Hello @OneShot

Like I have mentioned I’ve taken the time away usefully and have looked back at both of the instances of where I’ve went wrong, I have taken account in where I have gone wrong and know how I should proceed when in hostile rp, I know better now to provide more roleplay in the situations at hand to ensure that there is no breach in high quality roleplay, I have also spent some time on myself to ensure that I do not have an impact on how I navigate situations rather than letting emotions get the best of me. I will be thinking logically and ensuring that both sides have a fair chance and an enjoyable experience.
Hello @Barry C ,

From the conversations you had with staff in tickets, appeals or by voice, we have noticed a decline in RP and I think its safe to say you do notice that. We have looked into some conditions to put in place that we can hopefully agree with, we would like for you to explore different avenues and step away from the gang RP side of this because at the moment we are struggling to see were you exactly fit in.

We will let you figure out what exactly you would like to do whether it be in factions such as Police, NHS, Courts, Fire, Gruppe 6 and Park Rangers. If you want to still play as civilian we are limiting you from your regular type of RP which would be gang RP. We don't want to see you regularly RPing with gangs but a different type of storyline that we can hope fully leave up to you, we don't mind if you commit petty crimes.

  • You cannot play as "Barry Clevedon" for atleast 3 months from your unban date.
  • During these 3 months we want to see you actively play as a different character and not just wait it out.
  • If you accidently log onto "Barry Clevedon" you must log off straight away and notify staff.
  • You must adhere and abide by all Server Rules at all times, any rule breaks within 6 months will result in an immediate permanent ban.
Do you agree to these Conditions?
Hello @OneShot ,

As this is my first permanent ban, is there any way you could evaluate how long it will last I feel 3 months is extreme. I've played many different characters on the server, such as gangster, ranger, and police officer. I'm not clear why there has been such a harsh penalty.
I feel like I have explained why we are issuing these conditions,

You have been banned for the same rule "G1.2" on the same character in the span of 2 months. we believe this is caused due to you playing on this character too much and possibly have a frag mentality, but as mentioned we have noticed a decline in your roleplay overtime, which is why we set these conditions because this does seem a good amount of time to come up with a new storyline on a different character.

I do have to ask again, do you agree to these conditions?
Hello @Barry C ,

Thank you for agreeing to these conditions we do believe that we will see nothing but progress moving forward and will not see you here again, once is too many.

Moving forward you have agreed to follow and understand to the above conclusions, if there are any issues or concerns don’t hesitate to reach out.

These conditions will expire on the (12/10/2024), once they do expire please open a discord ticket.

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