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Unban Appeal - Bailey Parker - GTA RP

Bailey Parker

New member

Server: GTA RP
Character Name: Bailey Parker
Steam ID: 76561198438161160
Ban ID (just the numbers): 17214
Ban Reason: C2.3
Why do you think you were banned: Logging out while dead (combat logging)
Why should we unban you: To set the scene, my friends and I were playing from 7 PM until around 2:30 or 3 AM. At the end of the night, we were goofing around and racing when I died. One of my friends offered to take me to the hospital, but as a joke, he put me in the trunk of a car and dumped me at the bottom of a body of water. Since we had been talking about going to bed soon and it was already 3 AM, I thought I could log out and that the 15-minute timer would continue when I logged back in the next morning. I didn't log out to save any items because I didn't have anything valuable, and I was unsavable at the bottom of the ocean anyway.

I know you’re not supposed to do this, but I assumed it wouldn’t result in an auto-ban and that I could resume my death scenario when I logged back in. I’m not the type of player who waits for medical assistance to be online to be saved, especially since I wasn't saveable in this situation. I've been part of RPUK for a long time without any issues, so I suspect it was an automatic ban as there are no reports against me. I don’t have any footage of the incident because I didn't expect it to cause a problem. I hope you can check the logs to see I died in a car crash and where I logged out.

It's been a month since I was banned, and I now fully understand the consequences. I definitely won’t do this again. My friends are still active in this community, and I would love to re-join them as this is the only city I enjoy and is highly valued by the community. I sincerely apologise and hope you understand. Thank you.
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes
Good morning @Bailey Parker , I hope all is well! :)

You say you were downed with your friend, there was a 15 minute combat timer.
By the time you got picked up, put in a boot, taken to some ocean and put at the bottom you wouldn't have even had much longer left to respawn? I'm unsure as to why you didn't wait?

I know you’re not supposed to do this,
If you know you're not supposed to, why did you?

If players need to log off (Real life obviously comes first) there are steps that can be taken to ensure a ban is not issued...
Do you know these steps?
Hi @Danoo I hope you're well. I imagine there was not much time left, I can’t recall exactly how much time. However in that moment I didn’t think as I was just so tired and it was so late. I didn’t think about the consequences. I thought when I logged back in I would just be dead then respawn and given I was at the bottom of the sea, the NHS wouldn’t be able to save me. I guess it all comes down to misjudgement and had it have been earlier on in the night I would have been staying on but due to the fact I was about to fly out anyway I just quit. I was not aware of the steps at the time but I have since educated myself and now understand that if you need to log out and it may cause an issue then you should create a ticket with staff via discord. I completely understand logging off for it to resume when NHS are on would benefit the person that died, but I can assure you this isn’t why I logged off as stated above!
Thank you for taking time to review this.
Why do we have the C2.3 rule on the server, from your understanding?
Hi @Phoenix, Rule C2.3 is put in place to stop people exploiting the server by logging out during things like active roleplay scenarios, saving their items, to not get arrested or just logging out until medics are online. Combat logging during active RP situations ruins the fun and the point of serious roleplay.
Baily - I'm content you understand what you did wrong and what the C2.3 is on the server.

Your unban appeal is a good example of what all ban appeals should be, concise, straight to the point and allows me to understand as quickly as possible you understand. You've answered most of my questions without me needing to ask.
