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Unban Appeal - Baaz_ - GTA RP

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Well-known member
Unban Appeal for Baaz_ 

In-game Name: Johnny Fennah

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561198873363915

Ban ID: !!rpuk9443!!

Reason given for your ban: G2.9

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I was banned for transferring money between characters I did this by transferring money to my friend at the time on a new character that i had made, and then having him transfer the money back to the character I played the most. This therefore lead to myself being banned under.
(G2.9) Transferring money or items between your own characters is not allowed by any method.

As I had transferred money between my characters through a "middle man".

Why should we unban you ?: I believe that I should be unbanned as before this I have never broken a rule, and understand the severity of my mistake, this rule is in place to protect the economy and each character should be completely separate from one another. Meaning that the money I have on my character should be money that MY character has earnt and not money that I have received through means of other methods such as transferring money between characters. I realise the mistake I have made and can only apologise for this and guarantee that this will not happen again.

Now that I have taken some time away from playing RPUK due to my appeal being denied for a month I have realised how much this community has given me in terms of friends and the amount of enjoyment I get when I play on the RPUK FiveM server and this is something I want to add to and allow others to experience this, I believe if I were to be unbanned that I could add to the community and believe myself to be a good role-player, attempting to make each scenario that I am in to be unique and aim to make it fun for all parties involved.

Going forward I would ensure myself to follow all rules as I understand the importance of each rule. In my last appeal it appeared that I stated some rules were "not as important" but this is not what I meant, I understand the reason for each rule that is in place, they ensure that the server allows people like me to experience fun and an enjoyable time. 

In my last unban I was asked the reason that I broke this rule in the first place, now taking sometime away from the server and time to think about my unban I believe the reason that i broke this rule was laziness, I know that this money could have been made through other means and would not have taken much time at all, however looking back I chose to make a new character and transfer the money rather than making this in a legit manner this laziness lead to myself transferring money between characters ultimately leading to my ban, and for this I again can only apologise and ensure this will never happen again and give my assurance that i will remain with in the rules at all times.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

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Good morning Robbie! I think where I just wanted to get back into the city I tried rush through my appeal and give it no thought whatsoever and therefore even lie. Looking back now after being away for another month due to being denied I realise that lying was never gonna get me anywhere and really was quite a stupid thing to do and in the end Ive let myself down. By having my first one denied It gave me that time to think, rather than the heat of the moment of getting banned and replying straight away without thinking properly and just writing out something quick. I also realise that it should not of taken a denied appeal for me to of come clean in the first place and this would of been a lot easier if I just was completely honest in my first appeal, but I hope that I can prove myself once more. 

I will give you one more chance at this. Do not mess it up. You will get no further chances for rule breaks. I have removed your house and its contents in repayment for you ill gotten gains. Is that more than you transferred? yes, but let this be a lesson. 


Welcome Back!

Now that you’ve been unbanned don’t forget to give our rules a thorough read over again here.

Please note unbans on the server are instant and you will be able to connect straight away.

Additionally, to get more involved with the community join our Steam Group and Discord!

Steam Group: RPUK Steam Group

Discord: RPUK Discord

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