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Unban Appeal - b1lly - GTA RP

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Unban Appeal for b1lly 

In-game Name: Billy Huncho

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561197984497499

Ban ID: !!rpuk11189!!

Reason given for your ban: C2.3

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: Originally I was banned due to combat logging when I left whilst waiting for a medic. In addition within 11 months, I have broken 8 rules, where breaking combat logging and value of life has happened twice. The rules I have broken are:

(C2.3) Combat logging - Logging out at any point during RP is, exploiting. Some examples of this include: logging out during a firefight, being chased by the police, arrested by the police, while dead awaiting a medic, logging out in order to save gear, rage-quitting, logging out whilst restrained/detained. Punishment is a permanent ban. Staff can make an informed decision depending on if you’ve made an attempt to resolve the issue. We do suggest you attempt to rejoin the server and continue the roleplay (try messaging them with the mobile system first).

I combat logged twice, once when I didn't feel like RPing so I left, but now I understand that it ruins the experience of others (I have appealed for this). On the other occasion, I unintentionally broke the rule as I forgot that if you are downed you can't leave until you respawn. I now understand where I went wrong on both occasions, combat logging is unfair and provides a disadvantage to others, it also ruins the roleplay experience for others.

(C1.14) Threats to report / Disputes / Breaking RP in Voice - There are so many people on the server with all different points of view and disputes and disagreements are all part of the game, however please do not discuss them in-game also do not break RP in voice. For example, if someone has RDM’ed you discussing this on the server or saying “I am going to report you” is not allowed. Please use the forums or teamspeak to report or discuss only.

If I recall correctly, on this occasion I mentioned "Admin" whilst being in RP and in the presence of one. I don't have much memory of the occasion however I should have been indirect or not mentioned an admin at all. After this I didn't break the rule again as I now know you must use OOC or refer to them indirectly only if you must.

(G2.4) Value of Life - At all times you are to value your life, if you are clearly outnumbered or at an obvious disadvantage you should comply with demands.

On the occasions where I broke this rule, I didn't carry any valuable items so I didn't fear for my life. This ruined it for the parties I was RPing with so I would like to apologise for this. Moving forward, I have and will carry on to always comply if I find myself in a scenario where I need to value my life. This ruined the experience for other people which I regret.

(G3.1) OOC Information - Using out of character information to influence the course of roleplay is considered metagaming and punishable by a ban. This includes but is not limited to: Twitch Streams, forum information and Steam messages.

I was on a Discord call whilst playing and shared information. After that occasion I only communicated ingame with radio/phone. Breaking this rule was unfair to other people in the city and ruined the purpose of RP. I'm sorry for this mistake.

(G4.3) When you respawn and NLR applies:

Your character does not remember any of the previous roleplay situation.
Any feud your character had with their killer(s) is ended.
If your character respawns as an exit strategy from a relationship then the relationship dies with them.
Your character must not return to the location where you died/bled-out for at least 15 minutes.
Your character must not re-enter the situation that caused you to respawn and must excuse themselves from the situation if they accidentally enter it.

I can't remember this incident however I understand the rule. NLR is key for RP as without it, RP would be chaotic and unfair. It also ruins the immersion for yourself and others as when roleplaying it's important we make the experience as real as possible. I apologize for breaking this rule and can confirm it won't happen again.

With my prior history, the staff have been so lenient with me and gave me a chance to keep playing on the server as they felt that they could trust me with not breaking any more rules. However, on one occasion I had to ruin it by leaving the game after getting knocked down in prison. During that period I was playing on the server less frequently, and due to a lack of engagement and ignorance, I didn't jog my memory on the rules.

Why should we unban you ?: I'm fully aware that appealing with a history like mine is a long shot, but this time I have tried my best to put as much effort into my appeal as told. I would've appealed immediately however due to other commitments (work and uni) I have not been able to and wanted to find a moment where I can sit down and pour as much effort into my appeal as I really regret my actions and miss the community and server. So for this I would also need to apologize for putting together an appeal previously, that I could have done better on and for wasting staff resources.

I'm hoping we can turn a new leaf, and that the staff can allow me back in the server as I am dedicated to complying with the guidlines that this community has set. I have re-read over the Community and GTA RP rules with a set of fresh eyes once again, to ensure if I do get unbanned I will do my best to engage with the rules of the server and community. I feel as though the 10 months I have been banned has been a long time. Writing this appeal has made me think even more about my actions, making me realise that I failed the community and staff. I would be honoured to receive a final chance, because I believe I have changed and have learned from my mistakes, I'm committed to not ruining my final chance.

Thank you for reading my appeal. I am willing to listen to what the staff have to say regarding my appeal and any potential further penalties.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

Good morning @b1lly, I hope all is well! 🙂

Your current record here at RPUK is absolutely ridiculous in terms of rule breaking, we've got players who have been here many more years than you with not a single punishment.
Considering your names keeps cropping up again and again, not in a good way, entertaining this appeal seems pointless to me since we'll only end up back here again a few months after if I were to give you another chance.

You were banned previously for C2.3, that was your chance to sharpen up on the rule yet you decided to throw the chance of an unban back in our faces by committing exactly the same offence? This was because you "Didn't feel like RP'ing".
This is a roleplay server at the end of the day, if you don't feel like RP'ing then don't play here. We do not want consistent rule breakers ruining the game for others that do feel like roleplaying and enjoy their time on the server.

So, is this going to continue being a frequent thing that you're breaking rule after rule because you don't feel like RP'ing?


Thank you for getting back to me so quickly and taking the time to respond. So what happened was during RP I ended up in prison and got knocked down by someone, he did walk away from me leaving me to bleed out. As my player was bleeding out, it was approaching my bedtime so I logged off with the intention that I would carry on RP another time. However, this was where it was my mistake, due to ignorance on my part I left whilst I was awaiting a medic. For the other instance where I didn't feel like RPing, somebody was dumping my body somewhere after an altercation and I was not having fun so I left. Since then I learnt that  me leaving ruined the fun for someone else which I apologise for. I feel as I did learn from my first violation and I can prove this as the reason how I got myself banned now was due to ignorance on my part and it wasn't intentional. 

After the incident, the next time I logged on, I was surprised and disheartened to see a ban. Up until then,  I tried my best to follow the rules, however, it was a mistake where on this occasion I left my guard down and broke a rule. I should have updated myself on the rules before playing and been more vigilant as I was walking on thin ice. I fully acknowledge my past rule violations and know that it isn't ideal for the community. I know that it's essential to always comply with the rules, and I am committed to improving and rectifying my previous mistakes. This is why I have decided to appeal. I believe that I won't ever be in the same position again as this time round I will ensure that I am up to date with the rules and commit to making RPUK one of the best Roleplay Servers on FiveM. I will ensure that I remain vigilant and you won't regret giving me another chance.

Thank you for your time and understanding.

If you're unbanned, what are you going to be doing on the server?

Hi Phoenix

I hope you're doing well this Morning.

If I am unbanned I will try my best to settle myself back into the community. I really miss interactions with unique characters, visiting different events hosted by the community, and the thrill of grinding for cash with some competition from others. I also can't forget cruising in my Audi RS6 Avant and playing as a Police Officer. Furthermore, if I was to be unbanned I'm going to enjoy these different parts of the server whilst following the rules. I do not want to ruin it for myself or for others anymore, so this time round I'm even more dedicated to following the rules. If I am allowed another chance, I will ensure that I will follow the rules rigorously and never let my guard down again, ensuring I am always aware and up-to-date with the rules. The only time I will leave the server is if I am not bleeding out and not in any RP situation, ensuring I don't combat log again. I have learned from my mistakes and I'm willing to make amends and start again with a fresh mindset. From being unbanned, I will prove myself to the Staff Team and Community and will not let anyone down.

Thank you for taking your time and thinking reading my response.

I was looking for specifics in all honesty. What are the plans with the character(s)?

Hi Pheonix,

Thank you for getting back to me so quickly and sorry for my misunderstanding. 

With Billy Huncho, AKA my main character the end goal is to work my way up to getting a helicopter and starting a pilot/security service. Currently, Billy works legitimately as a Taxi driver but also gets involved in earning dirty cash to make a few extra quid. With this character, I plan to reconnect with previous links and establish Billy back in the city. Much has changed since Billy was around so will he regain his position or be swallowed up by the city?

As for Xavier, who is a cop, I enjoyed playing as a police officer and catching criminals by setting them up. I would like to work on getting a higher rank so I can take a higher level of responsibility and have access to better perks in the force. I may need to retrain as a police officer for Xavier as it has been a long time but this time he is aiming to take down the most notorious criminals in the city. 

I would also like to add that I'm committed to improving the server. Previously, I submitted a bug report which has now been solved thanks to the wonderful dev team. I do fix bugs myself, so I always have an eye out for issues that can hinder the server. 

Thank you for reading, and I am looking forward to your response 🙂

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So you have been banned for almost 1 year. Only for that reason will i be taking a chance on you in the hope that you have stopped what you were doing. You will be here to roleplay and not continue to act the way you did when you were here previous. 

You have 3 bans for C2.3. You will not get an appeal if you break this rule again. You will not be back. Stay out of the limelight when your back.


Welcome Back!

Now that you’ve been unbanned don’t forget to give our rules a thorough read over again here.

Please note unbans on the server are instant and you will be able to connect straight away.

Additionally, to get more involved with the community join our Steam Group and Discord!

Steam Group: RPUK Steam Group

Discord: RPUK Discord

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