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Unban Appeal - Axis24 - Discord

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Ben Elias

Active member
Unban Appeal for Axis24 

In-game Name: Ben Elias

Server: Discord

Steam ID: 76561199160959712

Ban ID: C3.0

Reason given for your ban: a link to another discord

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: a link was sent to Rp discord about another server

Why should we unban you ?: A friend sent a link to a server and i even said to him before hand, "if i join this and its some fucked up shit or it breaks my pc i swear down 😂". so about 10 mins later my discord blows up everyone and every server got sent some link to the server through my discord. I'm genuinely sorry, there was no intention behind what had happened and i can assure you u it will never happen again. i was just messing around with mates not thinking my discord would get hacked in the way it was. i thought if i was gunna get hacked they would go for bank details but because i never registered my bank stuff on discord i thought i was fine. just didn't think that would happen if i was to get hacked. again it wont happen again and i really am sorry.

I just found out my discord is still hacked and i deleted my old discord (had no choice) (BenW#3902 is the banned discord name)

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

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Some friend that is... 

So Benw account has been deleted? Have you made a new one?

yes, the BenW account has been deleted and yes, my new one is Axis24#0824. im so sorry for this, I can ensure you guys it will never happen again

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Did you make any attempts at all to contact us and let us know this was happening? If not, why? 
Also, are you still in contact with said "friend"? What are the chances of something like this happening again?

it all happened within one night, so i was hacked and got banned from the discord due to the link being sent all within minutes. i was the guy that was involved with @Globaldisastersban. my discord friend that sent me the link was hacked and it wasn't him sending me the link. i have learnt from my mistakes and in the future if a friends sends me any dodgy link to not click on it. i can assure u my laziness on not thinking about what the link could actually be will never happen again. i have definitely learnt from my mistakes. this will never happen again and to make sure i have enabled 2FA

i have read some other ban appeals and being asked your age is a common question. -redacted-

thank you for  responding 

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I've unbanned the account. Go through your security measures. Get a PW managers and 2 FA to secure your accounts.

Porn is free on the internet dude, use that instead.. Don't press silly links.


Welcome Back!

Now that you’ve been unbanned don’t forget to give our rules a thorough read over again here.

Please note unbans on the server are instant and you will be able to connect straight away.

Additionally, to get more involved with the community join our Steam Group and Discord!

Steam Group: RPUK Steam Group

Discord: RPUK Discord

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