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Unban Appeal - Aryell4 - GTA RP

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Unban Appeal for Aryell4 

In-game Name: Donny Darc

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561198272315024

Ban ID: !!rpuk8400!!

Reason given for your ban: Trolling

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I was banned for mic spamming and then my following actions towards members of staff.

Why should we unban you ?: After a lot of time away I've realised that nobody else was to blame, for a start I should not have even been near the situation then all of this would have been avoided, I fully understand that I was completely in the wrong and no one else was to blame, what I done was not only childish, blatantly against the rules, annoying and extremely disrespectful towards staff. But I also ruined the RP experience for everyone else around me at the time, I understand now that my mental health at the time was no excuse for my behaviour and I should have just taken a break from the game. After a near 6 months away from this city I now really do understand the value of proper RP and why there is a level of trust needed to be unbanned, but I really do take full responsibility for all my previous actions and understand that how what I done de-values the experience for everyone else, it really will not happen again.
Thanks Don.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

I'm going to be honest with you, your attitude after getting banned was actually awful. Admission and understanding of wrong doing is a start, but as you say, the level of trust needed to now be considered for an unban is something that you currently don't have. 

Run me through what happened, why it happened, what actions you're going to take to not be in a similar situation again. 

hey there, I really know it was mate i was a total arse and didn’t not conduct myself correctly at all and looking back now i cannot be more ashamed of my action, i just hope i can prove that my name will never end up here again.

i can’t remember the exact date but there was a raid happening on the lost MC, now like a twat a decided to go over and start being annoying asf, and rightfully so i got put in a police van for it, getting left for 25+ plus minutes was annoying since it was around 11pm and i wanted to sleep after waiting a while, that was why i started mic spamming to be let out as it was late but is still no excuse for my actions and i should’ve stopped when asked the first time and waited hence it was my own fault i was in that position, it also seriously does not act as an excuse for my following actions towards staff, after a lot of time looking back i really do know out out of place and unacceptable my behaviour was and why you wouldn’t want it back on the server, i now see the why proper RP and actually playing the way intended makes the experience better for everyone.  i just hope that i can prove i do understand all these values and will literally never ruin the experience for anyone else or myself or staff, all i’m asking for you is one chance to prove i’ll never end up here again.

i really do know i’m asking for a lot considering for much of a prick i was but i really do just want to put this behind me now as it’s something i’m really not proud of, i really do understand why it’s important to not have these situations occur at all. 


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I can understand you being frustrated about being stuck in a police van for 25 minutes but as you said yourself. This was your own doing and you would not have been there if you were not trolling in the first place. Going forward in that same scenario again, how would you act differently?


Honestly I really wouldn’t get myself in that situation again, it had absolutely nothing to do with me and I shouldn’t of been anywhere near,  I should’ve just stayed in the taxi rank watching like others.

however in that same scenario now I would just wait patiently to be delt with by an officer, other than than properly RPing the situation without abusing rules and members of staff i feel would be the right way of going about things. 

I am extremely sorry for the way i was i can only ask you give me the chance to prove it, i really do value RP now like i should’ve then. 

Tell us about what you're going to do if you where to come back, what are your plans and ambitions for your character/characters?


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hey lil, actually i’ve got BIG BIG plans, Firstly i know that i have some unpaid fines that i’ll need to do a few shifts down the taxi rank to cover, Seconds i’d be moving onto getting my two cars back into my possession, i’ve missed my mazda RX-8 and my Honda Civic so much! After that i’d be putting in a lot of hours to get an property again, as i previously did own a £450,000 house in the vine wood hills but as it’s been a long long time i’d guess a new tennent has moved in, then i’d start to like making a few new friends and possibly turn my life into a life of helping other and giving back to the community. 

I really do have a checklist of sorts as i have a lot of things i need to do as i want to get back everything i lost and back to where i was asset wise previously. thanks for the reply:) 

Welcome Back!

Now that you’ve been unbanned don’t forget to give our rules a thorough read over again here.

Please note unbans on the server are instant and you will be able to connect straight away.

Additionally, to get more involved with the community join our Steam Group and Discord!

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