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Unban Appeal - Aryell4 - GTA RP

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Unban Appeal for Aryell4 

In-game Name: Donny Darc

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561198272315031

Ban ID: !!rpuk8400!!

Reason given for your ban: Trolling

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I was banned for mic spamming after being left in a empty police riot van in a public place (LOST MC) with lots of people and continued to do so after an admin had asked me to stop in /OOC twice.

Why should we unban you ?: Dear Sir/Madam,
I feel like the time i`ve had away from RP and alot of other things in my life has made my look back on the way i`ve been towards other people, during the time of the ban I was also stuck in an extremely toxic relationship and I used to play RP on this city as one of my only ways to truly get some time to myself, which is my I think I was so pissed and unapologetic after I was banned even though I knew I was in the wrong I think I just needed to play... Anyways less of the self-pity, As i`ve made changes in my life and become a more happy person i`ve felt like I maybe want to make a return to RP and more specifically ROLEPLAY.CO.UK as I used to spend upto 10+ hours some days, but in wanting to play RP again I havent bothered trying to play a new city as I feel none are as well put together and thought out as this one, I know I was wrong in my behaviour back then and I have made the changes in my life to become a better person over the past few months, I hope you can accept my apology to the team and especially the member of staff that delt with me as I really wasnt in the best state of mental health at the time, I am now and im ready to return to the city:)
Kind Regards

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes


Your mental health caused you to send this to staff did it?

You have had a note added and spoken too by staff for landing a jet at AE before and you mentioned you would not troll like this again. Why can you not be trusted to act like an adult when advised and been given a chance before?

Hey Charles thanks for the reply,

Firstly is just like to ask that you please don’t jump to conclusions and think i’m trying to pass off my behaviour with a mental health excuse, Im currently now medicated for my depression and anxiety. I Also have a Mental Heath Assessment on the 10th of this month… As i’ve said there isn’t really any excuse for the way i spoke to the member of staff and I’ve held my hands up and said that, I know i was majorly in the wrong, but again I really wasn’t thinking straight at all, I think that much is clear to see… The Jet incident I can remember and I did not do anything like that after that happened, personally I don’t think landing a jet in AE is really related to Mic spamming in the back of the riot van, they really are completely different scenarios. As for why i should be allowed to return well like i’ve said i’ve made countless changes in my life since April, i’m now medicated and am receiving the correct help, i’ve cut the unhealthy people from my life that used to have a negative effect on me, and also i’ve said playing this city really did make me happy when nothing else really did, I worked for a £450,000 mansion i had 2 cars a bike i was putting in the effort, you don’t just get that from hopping on for a hour and trolling, i hope you can see that i actually have changed my behaviour and i sincerely apologies for the way held my self, i can assure you it will not happen again. 

Kind Regards.

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Whilst yes you haven't been warned about another jet incident after you was warned it does still play a factor, Whilst it is a lot different than mic spamming it still falls under the same rule, Trolling and that is the issue. You was warned and at that point it would of been wise to read the server rules, So did you read our rules after that or have you not read them?

Reading on this appeal you have mentioned a lot however failed to acknowledge nor show you have learned from what you did, You mention why you want to come back and other things you've done but that overall due to the way you conducted yourself via the ticket, DM, Other appeals won't simply cut it. 

So why do you believe your actions we're acceptable ?

The only thing you've mentioned about this ban was 'I know I was wrong in my behaviour back then' and that's it. What do we take from this? 

As this wasn't answered I'll pop it here from what Charles asked above 'Why can you not be trusted to act like an adult when advised and been given a chance before?'

Hi again, thanks for you time.

As i have previously mentioned there isnt any excuse for the way i conduct myself on any of the platforms you’ve mentioned. I really am fully aware of that, as i’ve tried to apologise profusely to any member of staff involved?  Also I have not said that I believe my actions were acceptable? Actually quite the opposite, looking back i’m disappointed in the way i was? and have said i know i was majorly in the wrong, and have tried to show this by apologise to the members of staff and anyone involved. 

Sorry for that I didn’t understand the context of the question. Well it’s obvious to see i can’t be trusted, due to my previous actions and the way i’ve held myself, The way i treated staff, i know the way i acted was completely unacceptable, i feel like i’ve have shown full acknowledgment for my actions and how stupid i was, the changes i’ve made in my life have helped me learn and see what i done was not right at all. hence why i’m here with my hands up accepting what i’ve done completely and apologising for it, i’ve don’t really have excuses to give you, i just want the chance to prove i have changed, but i can only show so much of that in words. 

And yes i’ve read the rules countless times, it’s quite depressing at this point lol 😆 


The only time you apologised was in your last appeal however how you conducted yourself in all previous appeals has been simply appalling. Whilst yes there does need to be a level of trust, Without taking responsibility for what you did it's not clear that you have learned at all from this. 

From an outside point of view, You've pushed blame when it was on yourself, As what was mentioned in your last appeal you are still trying to justify and excuse your behaviour when you was in the wrong. Whilst yes you have said that how you acted was completely unacceptable and claiming to acknowledge your actions however you've not shown this it's simply claims at this point. 

In relation to the questions being asked you have only been providing a small part of a response that doesn't help fully unless you explain more onto it, Just saying a simple no I didn't say that won't get you far. Unless you take responsibility for your own actions and show you have learned from this then we simply don't know you won't break more rules and that's a risk I'm not willing to take at this time. 

With that being said this appeal will be denied and you will receive a one month cooldown to think about what has been mentioned by myself and other staff in previous appeals and when you make a new appeal we will go from there. Take this time to think about your actions and help us understand in your next appeal. You may re-appeal on or after September 6th 2022.


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