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Unban Appeal - arokaY - GTA RP

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United Kingdom
Unban Appeal for arokaY 

In-game Name: Josh Castle

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561199013413536

Ban ID: !!rpuk7585!!

Reason given for your ban: G2.9

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I got banned for making new characters and transferring the starting money over to my main.

Why should we unban you ?: I enjoyed the server before I got banned, but I decided to do something stupid and as a result I got banned. I think I deserve a second chance as it was only stupid, nothing major. I do, however think it should of been a temp ban, not a perma ban, but I'm not gonna complain because after all I did break a roleplay rule and obviously it's not roleplaying if I'm giving myself money this way. I accept my punishment. I just hope that you accept my appeal and choose to unban me and allow me back into the server and I ensure you I won't be breaking anymore rules. I apologise for my actions within the sever.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

nothing major. I do, however think it should of been a temp ban, not a perma ban,
So let me get this straight you do not think that cheating to gain an advantage isn't major and deserves a temp ban when it takes staff there own personal time to investigate these situation so that the economy doesn't get ruined? 

Now instead of saying you deserve a second chance because it was only something "stupid" give me a reason to why I should give you another chance. 

I understand that the rule I broke was making the roleplay experience unfair and unrealistic. But I've only been playing for about 3 weeks, give or take, and I see people driving these nice cars and wondered how they got the money to get them, and so I kept asking people how do you get enough money to buy cars and they'd respond with sarcasm, so I decided to give myself money not knowing it was against the rules. I understand what I did wrong, and I agree that the rule is major as it ruins the economy. But what I meant was something different but I now understand how much it ruins the game.

I think I deserve a second chance because I have no prior bans, or anything like that, I'm also new to the whole roleplay experience as I downloaded fivem the day I joined the server as my friends suggested it to me. It was very stupid of me to think it was even allowed, it was just an impulsive actions and didn't really think about it before doing it. I now have gave the rules a good look over and won't be breaking anymore rules because I now know what Is and is not allowed. I just hope that I get a second chance because I really enjoyed my time on there and would love to return. 

So you are trying to justify your actions with "I had not been playing for long yet" and at the same time, you want us to take into account that you managed to not get banned within 3 weeks... which one is it gonna be? 

I don´t feel like you actually understand the severity of what you did. Please explain to me properly what would happen if we allowed people to do what you got banned for.

I'm not trying to justify anything, I'm just saying that I'm new to the whole roleplay experience and have only been playing for 3 weeks so I'm still trying to get a feel for it and that I now understand what I did to get banned was wrong and not really roleplaying. 

If there was no rule to prevent people from doing the reason I got banned for then it would be pointless naming the server "roleplaying" because money would be too easy to get and wouldn't have to put effort into getting nice cars or buying houses. It would also make the server really boring to play as you could play for an hour and already have everything that would take actual roleplaying servers weeks, maybe months and so you wouldn't have to work for anything, and so everything might as well be free.

Since I got banned I have had time to reflect and fully understand how much breaking the rule has done. When I made the appeal I said "I think I deserver a second chance since it was only stupid, nothing major". Looking back at this I can see how stupid that sounds since it's a serious rule that I broke, and that at the time I didn't think it was nothing crazy but now I fully understand that within the server it's not just a rule, but it's a very unrealistic roleplaying rule that I broke. Like I said before, I'm new to the roleplaying experience so I didn't think it was anything crazy, but now I understand that it was something that I regret and shouldn't of done in the first place and that I wish I could take it back. I hope that you allow me back into the server and will accept whatever punishment you decide.

If you was to be unbanned, what can you bring to the community if you are to be given another chance? 

If I were unbanned I would focus on improving my roleplaying skills and roleplay situations with the best of my ability. After I have improved I would like to apply to become a Lawyer or a Police Officer to take the roleplaying to the next level and more enjoyable for everyone. I would also not break any more rules and take the game seriously.

@arokaYAnyone else help you with doing this?

Are you going to do this again?

if given another chance you will have to start fresh and receive a full account wipe, do you agree to these terms?

Alright, I am going to be requesting a full account wipe on your person today. This can take anything from a few hours to a few days. Upon rejoining our server, you will be met with no characters and will have to start completely fresh. 

Please be patient whilst this action is taken.

The above has been sorted and you have been unbanned. Do not mess it up!

Welcome Back!

Now that you’ve been unbanned don’t forget to give our rules a thorough read over again here.

Please note unbans on the server are instant and you will be able to connect straight away.

Additionally, to get more involved with the community join our Steam Group and Discord!

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