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Unban Appeal - aranakovic575 - 08/17/20

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New member
holy land
In-game Name

Steam ID

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.
George Harris

Reason given for your ban.
(1.2) Do not express discriminatory or otherwise offensive views. This is no place for racism, religious hatred, ageism, sexism, homophobia, gender or disability discrimination. - Permanent ban.

Which server are you banned from?
Altis Life

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
I was standing around the green zone with my friends chatting to other people,then i walked outside the green zone and sat on a bench where 3 people came and tried to rob me,so i walked back inside the green zone and the robbers were yelling at me to get back out,i put all my gear in my car and walked back out on a bench so Jefke V. tped me away and banned me

Why should we unban you ?
I was mad and i wasnt thinking straight and i did a really bad mistake,i regret doing it because all my friends are still on the server having fun without me

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

I confirm this is not a temporary ban as those are not appealable


Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read our rules

was standing around the green zone with my friends chatting to other people,then i walked outside the green zone and sat on a bench where 3 people came and tried to rob me,so i walked back inside the green zone and the robbers were yelling at me to get back out,i put all my gear in my car and walked back out on a bench so Jefke V. tped me away and banned me
You received a 1 day ban for that. This has nothing to do whit racism... So try again to explain how you got yourself banned for 1.2

I wasnt racist,when u tped me and i got banned it said that i got banned for breaking the rule 1.2 which i never broke and it said perm ban from the start so i never saw the 1 day ban

Once again as Jefke has already stated this has nothing to with racism... Take you mind back to a group of people at the airport where you decided to abuse them whilst blocking the helicopter spawn... So now i've given you a hint, why do you think you are here? 

The appeal has been Timed out, We are unable to keep ban appeals open indefinitely, You may reopen a new appeal but don’t forget to give our rules a thorough read over again here.

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