Server: GTA RP
Character Name: Anthony Gambino
Steam ID: 76561199645739579
Ban ID (just the numbers): 0000
Ban Reason: UNK
Why do you think you were banned: I was involved in the blanket ban that was put on the group The Alliance. Also I believe it was to also do with a dip in RP standards.
Why should we unban you: Firstly I’m greatful for the staff team acknowledging this appeal. I understand my previous attempts have been rejected and I don’t want to come across as annoying by throwing appeals up left right and centre.
Link to my previous appeal here -
I appreciate being able to appeal and having some hope to be able to rejoin the community. If my memory is working properly it’s around the 1 year mark since the ban took place and although my time in the city was short it was by far the funnest I’ve had on FiveM. Having tried other servers and city’s after yours there really is a night and day difference. The community and rp standards is what makes Rpuk so fun and interesting (my opinion).
I understand why you might be hesitant to let me back into the community and into the city, but in all honestly my intentions are very much all within the rules of the city. It is my intention that if I was allowed back of course would be to grow my character Anthony gambino, but also create another character to explore the service roles within the city as a civilian ect.
Honestly I can say I’m a different person to what I was this time last year. It’s not an excuse but as I’ve said in previous appeals I was pretty much a noob and I ended up going along with a crowd. It was all new to me Pc gaming, five M, rpuk. I know I made a shite first impression, but another chance is all I’m asking for.
Cheers for ready, have a good one.
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes