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Unban Appeal - AntonScK - GTA RP

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Unban Appeal for AntonScK 

In-game Name: Anton Junior

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561199438811140

Ban ID: !!rpuk14909!!

Reason given for your ban: G3.1

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: Banned for supposedly metagaming which resulted into ban.

Why should we unban you ?: I’ve spoken to staff leads about the situation and I never metagamed but we both have our views on things. Honestly is what's required then I’ll happily stand on my position but I’m still maintaining the fact I never did such thing

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

Good morning @AntonScK, I hope all is well! 🙂

I could easily deny this appeal due to the huge lack of effort on your behalf, but I will proceed with it.
Now this is something you could've already done if you decided to put some effort into this appeal, but walk me through what happened leading up to your ban and why you believe you've done nothing wrong. 

Hey Danoo, i apologise for the way i have entered this appeal but it’s just frustrating to always be back here and I know staff hate seeing the same people coming back here all the time.

So to begin with I have done all the necessary steps that I was guided too on TeamSpeak with Mike who was very good at dealing with this situation. Around 2pm  I came on and gave a fellow member a call, which I heard getting banned. At this time I’m thinking what’s going on he’s probably getting a warning or something and is jumping to conclusions, I met up with some other members after this I was told appo got deported/life off whatever they call it. At that point I tried to get ahold of him via discord but he wasn’t replying. At that point I knew I had my guns in his container n knew people needed some and knowing he got life/deported I took it in my own hands to take the guns out and place it for someone to hold. Few hours later I got a message saying he got banned for dupping, but at that point i was already banned and told staff I didn’t know what he was doing. To prove I broke rules I asked staff to prove it via TeamSpeak which they didn’t prove and told me I was lying, to prove a something evidence needs to be provided not point blank approvals. 
Thank you for putting time into reading this.

Good afternoon @AntonScK, thanks for the response and this is a much better response in terms of effort! 🙂

Just to state, I'm not talking about you now but your character Anton Junior.
Explain his roleplay for me.

Anton Junior I would assume had no reason whatsoever to take weapons from Appo's container right?
So what suddenly changed in terms of information? Why did Anton Junior suddenly have the urge to steal from his friend's container in such a large amount? 

Hello, so yes I can give you more depth on my character and why I did what I did. My character as always been known to cause trouble in the city but also a money making man, although it’s hard to live the style I want in the city I try to do the best I can in any aspect of rp. So we talk about the container, before I got deported and ban for 6 months I always gave my belongings to appo which he stored for me, hence I always knew the code just for myself if I needed anything ever taking out. Furthermore, coming back from my ban I did gain a few more guns which he did store for me. I found out he got life/perm off the server and he wasn’t coming back, I tried to get ahold of him but I had no response on discord, this is before I did anything. I knew after a bit people I know needed guns so taking what I know from the things I’ve been told I did indeed just take it all out then hand it to my mate. It wasn’t greed for my character or a snakey movement from a. Friend, it was just living the life rp moment. Taking it all out wouldn’t of affected me as it was all in rp, I didn’t even make £1 from anything it was all stashed away so I didn’t do anything as my character didn’t gain. I hope this helps you from my side as I’ve tried to give the best reply I could. 
thanks for taking your time to read this 

Good evening @AntonScK!

Please be strictly honest with me. 
Did you have the code for this container before Appo got banned? 

I had the code always but never used it unless it was for emergency, l have accessed it beforehand and it was my first time I did when I took the guns out. That’s the complete truth, I have no reason to lie as staff who know me I’m just a straight up person. If I didn’t have the code before this I would just admit it to you rn and I know it would be easier for you to deal with this, but this is not the case. I admit using the code after he got banned and I didn’t know the reasoning was very stupid, but to have access to the container I knew eventually I would took things out and to be fair it’s staff jobs to find people who dup items. I had nothing in my house,cars or anything and don’t even own a container. I’ve been friends with appo a long time n always had it for stashing things which I would give him to do for me. Many thanks for reading this 

Hello @AntonScK

I hope you are well today 🙂  

How can we be sure that you are how telling us the truth? 
How do we know that if given another chance on the server something like this won't happen again? 

The staff that know me well know I’m a straight up person and if I did something wrong I’ll just admit it cos end of the day there’s no reason to lie. I know I’ve said over time I won’t make mistakes but me coming back here I was genuine not trying to. I want to provide the best to I can give and hope what I’m saying + the actions I can show will help me and you guys understand I’m a good rp player l. I apologise once again and hope we can move on from this and become a good family on the community together 

Hello, I only recently obtained this document that was sent to me, n to be very honest with you there’s not much I can say on this topic as I never sent this out to anyone neither used it for my own gain. Furthermore, from what I know from the spreadsheet I heard it was sent out to a few people and whatever they did with it I would not know. Speaking to Mike and Stuart, they were fully aware of the situation and conducted every question towards me via TeamSpeak to get a better understanding on why I had the file. Many thanks for taking ur time into reading this 

Right, i am going to be giving you a chance here and let you back on the server.

Do not let us have to see you back here again. 


Welcome Back!

Now that you’ve been unbanned don’t forget to give our rules a thorough read over again here.

Please note unbans on the server are instant and you will be able to connect straight away.

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