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Unban Appeal - Anthony Bryan - GTA RP

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Anthony Bryan

Well-known member
Motel ;)
Unban Appeal for Anthony Bryan 

In-game Name: Anthony Bryan

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561199194477431

Ban ID: !!rpuk12319!!

Reason given for your ban: G3.1

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I believe I was banned for having access and posting a sheet of crafting recipes that was wrongfully leaked by a member gone rogue, this sheet was leaked onto the forums and I made a copy of this sheet and posted it to a discord server where it eventually then spread out to multiple members of the community.

Why should we unban you ?: First of all I want to thank you for your time reading through this appeal and I would like to thank Jeep, Archie and Liam for speaking to me prior in a discord call about what had happened.
I want this to be the first thing I speak about. I want to give you my sincere apologies for the issues this may have caused, at the time I didn't think much of it, I thought of it as an easier way to keep track of the recipes and I wasn't taking into consideration that this was OOC information since I assumed that the majority of this information was already well known.

I have been on this server for I think over 2 years now, I was banned at the start of July last year, since then I've tried my hardest to not cause anymore issues for the staff or to the community as a whole and I believe I've managed to keep my nose clean other than this silly, silly mistake. I'm sorry for how I've ended up here again. I sent this link into a discord which I am no longer in, I want to apologise for this also, it was extremely irresponsible and is not typical of my character. I know now how severely this could ruin the server, people who didn't know these recipes can skip a massive roleplay learning curve. It was not my intention to cause any issues, it was just a stupid decision from me and I should have known better.

I understand the rule G3.1 fully and is why I'm so annoyed with myself for ending up here again because of this, I thought all of the information inside was common knowledge and just thought it would be an easier lay out for members in my former gang. I was trying to be helpful to the people I was friends with and that particular document was neat and displayed the information in a way that was easily readable. The G3.1 rule is important to the roleplay on the server, without this rule the roleplay wouldn't be natural and the new player experience wouldn't progress normally. My intentions wasn't to cause malicious intent as i respect and put a lot of my time into this server and would not like ruin it in any sort of way. Especially not like this. Once again I am sorry for this and if given the chance nothing like this will happen again from me.

Thank you for taking the time out your day to read this.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

Hello Anthony. 

Since you've got hold of this document, I assume you know the story of where it originated and what happened to the last person that shared this information around. You're lucky the ban is only for G3.1 - Metagaming. The person that leaked this information originally, have burnt all bridges and shut all doors in the process, why be so reckless and share this like they did? 

I understand the thought / idea behind collecting the crafting recipes that you have already found out in RP, and keep track of them. Hell, you can AirDrop this information to all your friends if you wish - As long as it stays in-character & within RP!

I seriously hope this document will not be used or shared again. If you have it bookmarked, I expect you to delete it to remove any temptations of using it again - I'm sure you can guess the outcome, should you be caught using such things again, let alone share them around.

Tell me:
- How long have you had this document.
- Do you still have easy access to this document. (e.g bookmarked, saved somewhere, downloaded etc)
What steps would you take, if you see a either a friend or anyone else in general, use or share such information.
       ...I will hold you to the answer you give here, should you play your cards right and successfully appeal your ban.


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Hello Drex, thank you for your response.

I do know the story of how this document managed to get published in the first place which is why I'm annoyed at myself because I was oblivious to this at the time, I didn't mean it to turn out so reckless. As I said in my previous reply, it was never in my intentions to cause any issues with this, i just thought at the time it was an easier way to look at the recipes.

At this moment in time Drex, I have not deleted said file but I have removed all content inside and have put in big red writing that any use of this sheet is punishable by a ban, I was speaking to Jeep at the time and he told me to do this instead of deleting it, but if it needs deleting I'm more than happy doing so. I understand the outcome if I was to use this again which is why I'm grateful for you telling me this and giving me the chance. 

I've had this document from around the 15th-20th of December, I don't remember the exact date.

As stated above I still have access to the sheet but I can delete it forever whenever, I just thought it would be the smarter idea to do what Jeep said and instead of deleting it I would turn it into a warning. 

If I saw anyone using any similar sheet like this I would remind them of this appeal and the consequences of using these documents if they value their position within the community. I would remind them that it is fine if they make their own document based on recipes that they found themselves within RP, whether by crafting or receiving it from someone else (again within RP) but not to use information they have gained outside as it is Metagaming.

Thank you for your time

Do you think it is fair that you had this, used it, shared it out when we always tell people to "Find out in RP" but you had essentially a cheat sheet to a lot of items on our server?

I acknowledge that it is not fair that I had this "cheat sheet" saved on my pc and available to me at any time when we all promote to find out things within rp. I hold my hands up and say I was stupid for thinking it was okay at the time to do so. While I cannot comment for the other members within the coalition discord, or anyone else who it was spread to afterwards, on how they used the sheet, I myself already had most of the recipes that I would use from within rp but not in an organised way.

When I had seen this sheet, I recognised a lot of the recipes that I used and it was set up nicely so my initial thought was to save this and use this instead as I am useless with organising such things. I did not think about the whole document and that was very foolish of me as it gives a lot more wider variety of information which for one I didn't find out within rp but also did not use as far as I can remember.

Yes it was foolish of me to save the sheet, let alone send it to anyone else and I can only apologise as I had forgotten that I even sent it in that discord until the conversation with Jeep. I never meant to use it in a malicious way and only use it for the recipes that I already knew and found out much prior to gaining access to this sheet in December, as I had been crafting everything before this sheet as well as after gaining this sheet.

Thank you for the response Liam and thank you for taking the time to read this.

Hello again.

I trust that you understand the consequences of your actions, and that you have learned a valuable lesson from this. 
Revealing things OOC that are otherwise labelled 'FIND OUT IN RP', ruins the experience in a 'domino effect' for so many.

I will allow you another chance - as per our FBS, if banned again within months, you'll fall back onto a permanent ban.
To ensure we don't waste our time entertaining appeals from you frequently; should you be banned again within that time period, an appeal will not be entertained for months after that ban date. 

Bans of meta gaming within 12 months will come with a month cooldown until it can be appealed.

...This will be your 5th ban on record - Don't make it a 6th.

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Welcome Back!

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Please note unbans on the server are instant and you will be able to connect straight away.

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