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Unban Appeal - Anonymous Squirrel - GTA RP

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Anonymous Palomino

GDPR Removed
Unban Appeal for Anonymous Squirrel

In-game Name: Anonymous Squirrel

Server: GTA RP


Ban ID: @@rpuk10360@@

Reason given for your ban: C2.3 Combat Logging and 2.4 Value of Life

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I was banned for f8 quit in the middle of a robbery and battle logging to save my inventory.

Why should we unban you ?: Since this event I have fully grasped the concept of quality role play and taken the time to go through the rules. I am more than aware of the rules in this city and have no excuse, If I experience any issue within the city there is a procedure to follow not to f8 and leave the scene as this disrupts the role play and also gives a bad name to the city to anyone who streams to the public.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

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How many steam accounts do you have?

I have 1 steam account but a person in my house hold was using my licence copy of GTA on rockstar social club to play the server also. We had a team speak meeting to discuss this also.

Can you link your Steam account please

Something is outright fishy here.

Why have you switched forum accounts in the middle of the appeal?

because i am forum banned and i cannot reply on my old account i created a ticket and they said to create with the word unban at the end im following the protocol 

Alright, working from that then, tell me about why you saw it fit to start advertising other servers after you got banned.

Are you seriously that immature?

I let my emotions get in my way and honestly looking back your right that was very immature from me as a grown adult. I deeply regret my actions following from that day and I do appologise to all staff and active members of the community. It was out of order and disrespectful.

Going back to your advertising then - unbanning you surely means that we put the community at risk of you advertising other servers.

Why do we have a rule against advertising, and how can we be sure this isn't going to happen again if you end up banned?

I understand that totally but I can honestly say 1000% that it WILL NOT happen again. I have matured and fully aware of the rules of the city and city forum section. I feel shameful looking back at how I reacted and responded to staff when all you have done is been helpful doing your job taking time out to deal with this case. 

You will never have to deal with me again in the appeal section as I am more than capable to follow the rules and produce quality role play. Thank you 

Can you tell me why you and your brother are sharing everything, apart from Steam accounts?

me and my brother only share (did)  is the epic games account used to purchase gta5 thats it.

we both had a call in teamspeak to confirm this. 

We know this isn't true, and you've spoken to staff about this before. You share hardware, you share rockstar licences, you share discord accounts and various other things too.

This isn't debatable, this is factual after doing checks on both of your accounts.

We can't separate you whilst you actively share accounts, we *know* this is the case because your brother can't play the server whilst you're banned, not due to a shared IP, but because you share everything else.

I think this is even more clear as you tried to initially start this appeal with a steam account that has never even played here.

Whilst you share so much information with someone else, how do you expect us to be able to separate you both as players or even ensure that you are two distinct people?

i honestly dont know what to say I know since then he has created his own windows account on my other computer and he made sure his discord and xbox account was liked to his Fivem account. 

feel free to contact me and i can facetime you and show you or call you on discord 

My brother was using my imac to play the server when we first joined the windows account on the imac was the same as the computer i play on i think thats where the confusion came into play but since then he created his own windows account and bought his own copy of gta etc 

not the same people .png

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