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Unban Appeal - Anonymous Puffinbird - Altis Life

  • Thread starter Anonymous Puffinbird
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Anonymous Puffinbird

Unban Appeal forAnonymous Puffinbird

In-game Name: Anonymous Puffinbird

Server: Altis Life

Steam ID: Anonymous Puffinbird

The date you got banned: 04/18/20

Member of the team that banned you: Aiden

Reason given for your ban: 8.1.5

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I was banned for not being in the compound of the RBA when they started to break in and start the robbery.

Why should we unban you ?: I have spent the last 6 months debating whether I would make an appeal or not and I have put a lot of thought into it and I have decided that I would like to play on the server again and give it another try. I know that my history on the server is not of good standard but I am either gonna get denied or unbanned and I'm gonna take the chance and see how it turns out. I have done a lot of stupid stuff during the times I was on the server and I regret a lot of it but I cant change the past and its going to hang over me for the rest of my time on this community. I do really like playing on the servers and being apart of this community because it is really fun and you do make some good memories on them. I don't think I will get unbanned but I'm trying to be really honest on this appeal and I do hope I get unbanned and I think the reasoning to me getting banned is me being blinded by my own stupidity and thinking I know everything when I really don't. I have learned from a lot of my mistakes but some of my mistakes should not have happened in the first place.

I hope there is a chance of me getting unbanned I have put a lot of time into this community and I want to put some more on it before I one day stop playing games and focus on bigger things in life.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes
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Hello Anonymous Puffinbird

Just looking at your history here makes me very wary of unbanning you. I rarely see people with quite this many bans, let alone people who have any interest in coming back. Regardless, I will give you the opportunity to be heard out and explain yourself.

Firstly, why... why do all of these things that have got you banned in the past? Especially your most recent one. A very basic rule to follow and you broke it knowing full well that it would result in a perm ban.

Secondly, as Wilco said last time, do you think that the rules do not apply to you?

There may be further questions throughout this process, but we will start with these two.
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The rule that I broke I always thought that once you are on the server and not hopping on after the robbery has started it's fine to join in and that's where I am been blinded by my own stupidity and me thinking I know everything when clearly I don't since I did not know of this specific rule I didn't just say f*ck it I'm just going to go to the robbery knowing about the rule and thinking that I can break rules without consequences. I always did try go by the rules and sometimes I might have done something out of anger but a lot of us have done stuff in the heat of the moment without thinking.

The rules apply to me as much as any other member of the community and personally I think with my history on the server my actions should have a more harsher consequence.

I mean, you have been a member of this community for quite some time now, and that rule has been there for as long as I can remember. What would you do in future to make sure that you don't break any more of these fairly simple rules?

I would make sure to read every rule fully and every few months have a glance at them to keep them fresh in my memory.

That would probably be a good idea. 

Look, you have a hell of a long list of bans. But, I am willing to give you a single golden chance. This means that should you break any rules within the next 3 months (within reason), you will be permanently banned without any chance of appeal. This isn't a condition that I would usually set and I know it may seem a bit harsh to some, but given your history, we really cannot give any more chances. 

Sound fair?

OK good stuff. Please make sure you learn from this.


Welcome Back!

Now that you’ve been unbanned don’t forget to give our rules a thorough read over again here.

Please note unbans on the server are instant and you will be able to connect straight away.

Additionally, to get more involved with the community join our Steam Group and Discord!

Steam Group: RPUK Steam Group

Discord: RPUK Discord

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