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Unban Appeal - Anonymous Badger - GTA RP

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Unban Appeal for Anonymous Badger 

In-game Name: Anonymous Badger

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: Anonymous Badger

Ban ID: rpuk#4423

Reason given for your ban: Combat Logging

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: Game glitched out during a police chase with a friend- happens often with bad texture loading can't see nothing and always fall though the floor under map . logged back in was still having issues, couldnt see anything so force closed game, logged in again clicked wrong character and got permanent banned instanly. Possible issue with my graphics driver since it was updated yesterday and having serious issues since.

Friend got back in after a que and attempted to sort out why police were after us.

Why should we unban you ?: Not sure why police were chasing me in the first place did nothing after the storm was just cruising around in a car I purchased yesterday from a police officer.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

Would further like to add that friend who was on the same police chase logged back in fine after the que.

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Not excusing anything and I understand the reason for the ban and fully support it in fairness, I believe I triggered an automatic flag is what it felt like i'm not sure.

Just to add to the story the police chase was not serious at all, it was not even a chase actually-we entered the city and was driving through the middle to be stormed by police lights, I did speed up in panic and the chase lasted 10 seconds where we crashed and fell into a wall , at this point my game was awol I could hear, move but barely any textures, all I hear was officer say "Hands up" like he was going to arrest me for something, this I do not support since we have no clue why we were targeted by the police in the first place, I asked why we was pulled as I still had audio he said I would be told when I put my hands up... at this point I felt I couldnt do nothing, had no RP involved at all was chased down to be arrested for no apparent reason. My friend got back in after his que and went to the police station to find out the reason for wanting us.

Why I should be unbanned? It is not in my nature to purposely quit the game to avoid an RP situation, infact i've played for almost 2 weeks now and having a blast, i've had numerous RP scenarios that include me being robbed many times and losing a lot - once for a decent amount of cash from 1 of the gangs, great story RP was created. I can promise if my game was good and RP was brewing I would not have just quit to save a few k, even though I admit I did not think the RP attempted by the officer was close to enough, if officers are just chasing down randoms for a red light and immediately asking them to give up and take their inventory is poor - didn't even ask our names, what we're doing , nothing... 

I hope this can be concidered for an unban.  

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We all have definitions of a bump,

A bump is where one adds comments to a post in order to take it from the back pages to the top, I did not do that. At the point in time I added information I felt was needed after seeing other appeals, as I said in a previous appeal, not an excuse but i'm very new around here.

Also added 1 extra bit of humor which I aplogise for, but again, it was not meant to give my post any more visibility or get you to deal with it faster. 

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If you had seen it in other appeals you would know that every appeal that someone does this gets locked and they have to wait even longer. You have 2 bans currently, one on discord and one on FiveM then you break the rules of the unban process.

Why do you struggle to follow the most basic of instructions? this is before we even get onto your actual appeal. 

As I said,

We all have our definitions of a bump, as someone who has been around the Internet a long time, spamming and bumping are completely different things.

I did not bump my post , I added information. From my point of view I am not breaking any rules. 

In many cases, some common sense should be applied. If you feel I broke your bump rule and some would argue my last post could have been a bump which I accepted and apologize for. 


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We all have our definitions of a bump, as someone who has been around the Internet a long time, spamming and bumping are completely different things.
Well no we dont, if you read OUR rules you would know what our definition of a bump is


If you wish to add more information in the future use the EDIT option.

Now moving on from this bumping topic, explain to me the situation where your game was "glitching out", what happend why was Police chasing you, why did you not inform them of your situation via external means (discord) or opened a ticket knowing you left the game during an active RP scenario you took 0 steps to prove you are innocent.

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So lets move onto your actual rule break. 

Please quote me the rule you have broken and then explain it in your own words of why we have it. 

Now moving on from this bumping topic, explain to me the situation where your game was "glitching out", what happend why was Police chasing you, why did you not inform them of your situation via external means (discord) or opened a ticket knowing you left the game during an active RP scenario you took 0 steps to prove you are innocent.
I wish I knew why police were chasing us, I even asked but they said I would be told when I put my hands up, I was unable to get on Discord due to a ban which is also being appealed. My friend, who was in the same car , went back to the police station afterwards to attempt to resolve the situation but they had no record of wanting us.

I felt I had to quit I couldn't do anything in my defence, not that I should have even had to since I had done nothing wrong, I had only been a wake a short time, it was hardly what I would call an active RP scenario but again, we probably have different views on that.

Just for reference, this is from a different server yesterday but the visual bugs are similar, hope this helps explain what I mean when I say my game glitches out, pictures attached. 

I don't recall there being an active RP scenario unless officer turning on his lights and telling us to put our hands up for no reason is RP, I would have thought they need to ask some questions first no?



Are we going to have different views on everything in this appeal?

Regardless of if you think its justified or not, if the a police officer or anyone is talking to you in game thats roleplay is it not?

Now obviously we dont know context and quite frankly it does not matter. If you are being pulled over even for a traffic stop or anything its not up to you to decide if thats warranted or not.. i can almost guarantee they had a reason for doing so and handling it the way that they did. 

Is it good roleplay to just vanish infront of someone?

So lets move onto your actual rule break. 

Please quote me the rule you have broken and then explain it in your own words of why we have it. 
Hi, as I said in my 2nd post, 

"Not excusing anything and I understand the reason for the ban and fully support it in fairness, I believe I triggered an automatic flag is what it felt like i'm not sure."

I broke rule
(C2.3) Combat logging - Logging out at any point during RP is exploiting. Some examples of this include: logging out during a firefight, being chased by the police, arrested by the police, while dead awaiting a medic, logging out in order to save gear, rage-quitting, logging out whilst restrained/detained. Punishment is a permanent ban. Staff can make an informed decision depending on if you’ve made an attempt to resolve the issue. We do suggest you attempt to rejoin the server and continue the roleplay (try messaging them with the mobile system first).

I do fully support this rule and can imagine what it does to other players experiences, rest assured, I would never think of doing anything like this in an active RP scenario, I have already mentioned previously, I have only played for 2 weeks and lost count the money I have lost from being robbed etc, this combat logging ban does not reflect my character or personality.

Are we going to have different views on everything in this appeal?

Regardless of if you think its justified or not, if the a police officer or anyone is talking to you in game thats roleplay is it not?

Now obviously we dont know context and quite frankly it does not matter. If you are being pulled over even for a traffic stop or anything its not up to you to decide if thats warranted or not.. i can almost guarantee they had a reason for doing so and handling it the way that they did. 

Is it good roleplay to just vanish infront of someone?
Certainly not, I appreciate that.

And the context does matter because as I have said previously, if this was an active RP scenario and i'd just robbed the bank, I would have FOR SURE acted differently and took the situation more serious, 

IT WAS NOT a serious situation, if it was, they would have been able to tell my friend what happened or why they wanted us etc.

You say they have acted this way for a reason but they didn't even know who we was?

Also what concerns me is that my friend was there in the car also but he did not get banned?

Further like to add that since I am new to the server, and the RP scene in general... admittedly I am still sometimes confused by what can be concidered RP or not, I was under the assumption that just jumping on people for no reason asking them to give up was not concidered RP hence why I said I didn't concider this an active RP scenario. If I can't put a gun to someones head without initiating RP, why are cops coming at me with tazers for running a red light? 


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Let me just put this out there: You dont get to decide when a situation is serious or isnt, rule of thumb is if someone is around you (talking to you or engaging with you in some form of RP) you are not to log out, find an RP excuse to get away from the situation and the log out when you are on your own.

Now this appeal is not for you and me to discuss Police procedures, doesnt matter why they pulled you over or what their reasoning was, you shouldnt have logged off.

Also what concerns me is that my friend was there in the car also but he did not get banned?
Well your friend didnt log out did he? Either way again this appeal is about YOU, stop bringing your friend or the police into it .

Let me just put this out there: You dont get to decide when a situation is serious or isnt, rule of thumb is if someone is around you (talking to you or engaging with you in some form of RP) you are not to log out, find an RP excuse to get away from the situation and the log out when you are on your own.

Now this appeal is not for you and me to discuss Police procedures, doesnt matter why they pulled you over or what their reasoning was, you shouldnt have logged off.

Well your friend didnt log out did he? Either way again this appeal is about YOU, stop bringing your friend or the police into it .
I understand this completely and for the record I did not just log off, my game was broken , I attempted to get back on straight away, I believe I did actually get back on but my game was still playing up so I restarted it again, jumped back on and got instant banned , I assume because I clicked the first character in my list which was not the 1 I was playing at that time, this was a mistake but there was nothing I could do after to rectify it other than come here and explain the situation.

As for my friend, I will not comment for him but assume if my game was awol and he was in my car maybe he had issues too i'm not sure, I spoke to him after and he was in the que so he did not stay logged in no, I think I already explained this. He did get back on fine very shortly after and is still playing the server now, no issues what so ever, He did also go to the police straight away to try and resolve the issue they had with us but they knew nothing about it. 

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Alright, reading our notes regarding your ban and your story you have given us here I'm not quite sure I buy it and then theres all the other stuff bumps etc. It looks a lot like you cannot follow simple rules and you seem to develop your own interpretations of every single rule we have for when it suits you, this appeal has been more us educating you on everything than actual appeal to be completely honest with you. I do not think you are ready to re-enter our server at this point. Therefore this appeal will be denied, feel free to try again 3 months from your ban date that would be on the 23/09/2021.

Denied - free to re-appeal after 23/09/2021

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