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Unban Appeal - Andrew xx - 03/11/20

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Andrew xx

Hopefully the real earth?
In-game Name

Steam ID

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.

Reason given for your ban.

Where was you banned
Altis Life

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
i was mad that i got robbed at rebel, so i wrote some nasty words in side chat which i rergret. i then went to express my political veiws on gay`s which i also regret. i then get kicked with a kick message saying "stop being edgy, or you will be banned", i then try to log back on the server right after, i am then met by a ban for 7 days for 1.2. Next i went into support i asked why, they discribed why i was banned it was justified as i was breaching rule 1.2 and this is where it gets confusing to me as i went to read the 1.2 rule and i see they have implemented a "fair ban system", I asked why i got the full 7 days and not 1 day and was told it was by staff discretion. then mid support case i was told that it was being changed to a permanent ban by manegment and when i log on the server to see the new ban message i am now banned for duping.

Why should we unban you ?
first off im not gonna lie, i dont roleplay very much and i get that is is a roleplay server, but there is red zones for a reason, atleast thats what i belive. I spend most my time in redzones and that accumilates some amount of money, at one point i had 17 mill stacks of cash in my house and i laundered all of it, so i dont know if there is logs on such a thing, but if it is you can check there that i did not dupe that money.
as for the toxic bit named in the support case, i understand that im not the nicest person in side chat nor in direct, i do apologize for this and i am working on it, belive me it was worse before. once you get to know me though i can actually be nice towoards other people belive it or not.
i want to apologize for not reading up on the rules propperly and expressing my political veiws in side chat, i apologize for being toxic towards people in the community and i would like to change my ways after reflecting on all the things i did wrong.

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

I confirm this is not a temporary ban as those are not appealable


Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read our rules

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first off im not gonna lie, i dont roleplay very much and i get that is is a roleplay server
Right... So if you're admitting that you don't RP much, why are you appealing to be allowed back onto an RP community? You've mentioned that you'd like to change your ways, are you referring to your lack of RP, or your toxic comments?

On the subject of toxic comments, let's take a look!

(Unknown) Andrew.skeng.xyz.jokes: robbing at rebel innit.. pretty gay innit
(Unknown) Andrew.skeng.xyz.jokes: me i personally dont like homos, but idk bout u harkings..
(Unknown) Andrew.skeng.xyz.jokes: waiting to be unbanned on r*born
(Unknown) wetmain: why u trying to lie tho.. i could not give a single fuck if some1 tries to rdm me, free frags that is.. all i am wondering is why he started shootinga
(Unknown) Andrew.: shut the fuck up u and ur fucking ape gang
Based on the nature of your comments alone I'm awfully tempted to decline this appeal. Homophobia... Mentions of other communities.... Showing that you clearly care for nothing more than "frags"... Doesn't look good. Care to explain?

(Unknown) Andrew.skeng.xyz.jokes: robbing at rebel innit.. pretty gay innit
(Unknown) Andrew.skeng.xyz.jokes: me i personally dont like homos, but idk bout u harkings..
(Unknown) Andrew.skeng.xyz.jokes: waiting to be unbanned on r*born
(Unknown) wetmain: why u trying to lie tho.. i could not give a single fuck if some1 tries to rdm me, free frags that is.. all i am wondering is why he started shootinga
(Unknown) Andrew.: shut the fuck up u and ur fucking ape gang
there is no excuses as to why i would act in such a way, all i can do is change my ways, as a mentioned earlier ive had time to reflect on my behaviour on this server and i am ashamed over myself, and if i were to bet let back in i would 100% try my best to be more nice to players.

Right... So if you're admitting that you don't RP much, why are you appealing to be allowed back onto an RP community? You've mentioned that you'd like to change your ways, are you referring to your lack of RP, or your toxic comments?
ive had a total lack of rp interactions on this server, i dont think any1 here can say they had a good interaction with me and ive realised that this game is not what you get, its what you make and i would love to make some interstng rp scenarios and try to roleplay my heart out, i know you prob dont belive me, but trust me on this one eh?

Alright, fair enough.

Going back to your listed ban reason then. Have you at any point been involved in duping at any level? (Be it here or elsewhere)

I'd highly advise honesty here.

in the support room, my ban on r*born was mentioned several times, yes i did indeed duplicate on that server and i have owned up to my mistakes, been wiped and unbanned, i have not duped on this server, as i said earlier most my money is from cap zones.

the "nearest" ive been to duplication on this server was once in kav.. my gun was duplicated as a result of my game crashing, and i went on to deliver that "illigaly obtained assult rifle" to the police station in trade for a reward.

other than that i have not duplicated on this server.

What you have said and done this time alone is bad enough. But looking through the rest of your chat history on the server shows me this is not the place for you.


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