Server: GTA RP
Character Name: GETTZ GRITTY
Steam ID: 76561198820834663
Ban ID (just the numbers): 1287
Ban Reason: C2.3 You must remain in character at all times, unless a uniformed Admin authorizes you to speak out of character
Why do you think you were banned: breaking rules
Why should we unban you: its been some time now and it aint like am coming trying to satrt some drama over something from three years asgo am i am sorry about the caps from befoer and am am truly sorry for the heartache and pain i caused ppl in the city i know am am a reformed character and i can and will do better its like my mama always told me dont spt shine no shoe if he got got no money for you ygm so am here spit shing your shoe for free let me in this is not chat gpt its aflesh and blood person who is sorry again for the trmendus heart and pain the city has felt due to my absecse and if this dont get me in ell am fucked haha
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes