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Unban Appeal - AlboReli - GTA RP


United Kingdom / London

Server: Discord
Discord Username: Albolini
Discord ID: 207110466097381376
Ban Reason: Inciting Drama On Discord
Why do you think you were banned: Being a 'Moron' and getting inciting drama via discord.
Why should we unban you: Good Morning / Afternoon, firstly I just want to start off by saying I apologise for the actions that have lead me on the forums again.

I understand completely if you decide to go ahead and just decline this report without reading any further, however I thought I would have sort of one last attempt at joining back to rpuk ( the server I spent so long on. )

I was being immature and stupid and it has lead me here, looking back on it I completely understand why staff had that perception of what I did. I should never have even tried joking about in groups, there is a line and I crossed it.
I genuinely am sorry for 'trying to incite drama - it was never meant to be like that, was only meant to be a bit of fun in groups ( I now understand after taking break that it was not )

I was never trying to be toxic or rude or hurtful / harmful to anyone. It is something I would never do especially after my first ban on here.

Just wanted to let you all know that what happened was not a true reflection of myself and 'discord' seems to be landing me in unnecessary trouble.

If by some off chance you did allow me to come back I would be very grateful, I never caused problems on the server and tried to maintain a high rp standard that I would love to come back and display.

If this appeal gets denied, I appreciate you taking the time to read this and understand wholeheartedly.

Kind Regards,

Albo R

I would be more than happy to clear up any concerns via voice / TeamSpeak.
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes
Good afternoon @AlboReli
I hope you are well.

Whilst we appreciate the apology, it has come too little too late.

Your previous appeal;

And on the above appeal it states another appeal, with a citation;


"If you are seen to be behaving in a toxic manner, you will be permanently banned without an appeal ever."

Therefore, we are not going to entertain any further appeals from you.
