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Unban Appeal - Aiden Baw - GTA RP

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Aiden Baw


Server: GTA RP
Character Name: Aiden Baw
Steam ID: 76561198123356713
Ban ID (just the numbers): 19211
Ban Reason: C2.3
Why do you think you were banned: I alt-f4'd during an RP situation with the police which broke the combat logging rule and which ruined the roleplay of said situation.
Why should we unban you: I do not think that I should not be punished for my actions as it is a clear rule break. For context I had a delivery at my door which required my attention for a prolonged period of time so I shut off my computer to go handle it. I admit after having time to think about it I could have just went AFK and left the police to arrest me but that would have caused me to be unable to reply to anything they had to say and would have had to log out as soon as I got back to my computer which was roughly 45-50 minutes later. I have built a character which is known to a decent amount of people and have developed over the time I have to play, which will be upsetting to loose all the people I met and interacted with. I am aware that what I did was not right and there aren't excuses that will suffice, but I do hope that an arrangement can be made for me to be allowed back onto the server. I sincerely hope that I can have the chance to play again but if not I understand why as I know what I did, I do not deny it, I just regret it.

For clarity I did not combat log to get out of the police situation as I had not tried to log back in until a week after, my intention was not to evade police to get out of a fine, arrest or anything else. I would have logged out of any situation I was in or not in. I know this does not negate the action just wanted to let whoever reads this know it was nothing to do with the police RP.

Thank you for the time.
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes
Good evening @Aiden Baw

I hope all is well?

You were pulled 15/09/2024 and warned, during this warning you were told to read the rules again, why would you then break this rule?
Evening Jessie,

All is good thank you.

After my warning I did go back and look over the rules to freshen-up on what is not allowed. I have played different role-play servers on different games and I am aware that combat logging is one of the main rules on all servers. As stated previously I did not intend to break this rule although IRL circumstances arose which forced me to leave the situation the way I did. I was not intending to combat log for the main reasons that combat loggers use for such as getting away with a crime or keeping items that would have been taken away or missing out on a jail sentence. I would not have gained nor lost anything in game if the situation had been played out, I only did it due to the previously stated reasoning. As said before I understand what I did and that I know it was wrong. I just chose to deal with a personal matter that needed my attention and deal with my consequences of leaving after said personal issues were resolved. As stated I did not try log back into the server for a week after this incident which I hope shows that I never broke the rule on purpose to get an advantage.
I wonder, why did you not use any OOC communication to alert the players you were roleplaying with that you had to leave due to something coming up IRL?
When I heard the situation mentioned previously I immediately switched off my computer at the wall and went to deal with it. I have been in plenty of situations where no one is able to get a word in as there is too much going on and as I did not have the time to try talk to people and explain my situation where I would have ended up breaking another rule (G2.3). it would have ended up with me breaking some sort of rule anyway. I guess I could have typed something in OOC chat before logging out but I do not think that would have changed anything and to be completely honest I did not even think of using the OOC chat at that moment in time. As there was many people around the situation wither they were involved or not I still do not think trying to talk would have helped the situation and would have prolonged my situation which I did not have the time to do so. I probably could have handled the situation in a better manner although from my past experiences when dealing with police in the type of situation that I was in you don't really get to have a conversation until you get placed in the cells or driving to the cells as there is too much things happening with people speaking over others.
Good evening @Aiden Baw

I have been in plenty of situations where no one is able to get a word in as there is too much going on
I suggest not starting a situation if you cannot stick around to finish it then.

I guess I could have typed something in OOC chat before logging out but I do not think that would have changed anything
How would you know if you didn't try?

You seem to be missing some detail of what actually happened leading up to your ban, tell the truth in your next appeal

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