Server: GTA RP
Character Name: Aiden Baw
Steam ID: 76561198123356713
Ban ID (just the numbers): 19211
Ban Reason: C2.3
Why do you think you were banned: I alt-f4'd during an RP situation with the police which broke the combat logging rule and which ruined the roleplay of said situation.
Why should we unban you: I do not think that I should not be punished for my actions as it is a clear rule break. For context I had a delivery at my door which required my attention for a prolonged period of time so I shut off my computer to go handle it. I admit after having time to think about it I could have just went AFK and left the police to arrest me but that would have caused me to be unable to reply to anything they had to say and would have had to log out as soon as I got back to my computer which was roughly 45-50 minutes later. I have built a character which is known to a decent amount of people and have developed over the time I have to play, which will be upsetting to loose all the people I met and interacted with. I am aware that what I did was not right and there aren't excuses that will suffice, but I do hope that an arrangement can be made for me to be allowed back onto the server. I sincerely hope that I can have the chance to play again but if not I understand why as I know what I did, I do not deny it, I just regret it.
For clarity I did not combat log to get out of the police situation as I had not tried to log back in until a week after, my intention was not to evade police to get out of a fine, arrest or anything else. I would have logged out of any situation I was in or not in. I know this does not negate the action just wanted to let whoever reads this know it was nothing to do with the police RP.
Thank you for the time.
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes