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Unban Appeal - Ahmedzahran10 - 05/13/20

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dont need to know that
In-game Name
Steph Curry / AHMEDXZ

Steam ID

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.

Reason given for your ban.

Where was you banned
Altis Life

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
i really cant remember this was about 3 years ago , and im not really sure why i was banned

Why should we unban you ?
while i was banned , i have taken a very long break from arma and now i have matuted since the ban was 3 years ago i believe that i have matured from my stupid actions , while i was away i have had the oppurtunity to work on my football talents which have landed me playing for a u18 national side, I have been studying and took a break from arma as i did get good results as i took a break from gaming and i realised that if i did stop gaming i would have time to revise and focus on my footballthe outcome was brilliant however , now i miss this community so much as the roleplay standards here have risen and this is what i want however i was dumb enough to get banned here. .I can honestly say that I 100% regretted the things i done , as i believe that i didnt just get banned for no reason there had to be a reason for why i was banned andas soon as i done them and being told afterwards there were a lot of better ways to go about what i was doing but just acted in the spur of the moment and it cost me a lot so i do appologsie to a lot of people firstly to anyone who i have disrespected. as i realise now that i have idiotically done this moronic gesture i feel like this is the time to come back.
Thank you

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

I confirm this is not a temporary ban as those are not appealable


Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read our rules

No mention of being caught out when ban evading ? Which shown a complete disregard for our rules.

Oh yes now I really do remember why I was banned. I believe that this was 3 years ago this ban at that time I was very immature and childish to do these stupid things however currently I believe I have matured more and can be trusted and be more responsible. I want to apologise for me ban evading because at that time I really wanted to play the server but that is definitely not a valid excuse and I was very stupid to do what I done and therefore I do apologise again, I would like to ask you if you can give me another chance to play this server as I haven’t played this server in a very long time and I would really like to play it. And I would like to repeat Myself in saying that I am very sorry and massively apologise for my stupendous actions that I have committed 3 years ago when I was very immature however now I do promise you that I am a more mature and responsible person , I promise anything like this will never happen again. I believe that I can be trusted to follow the rules again and play on this server without showing any intent of breaking any rules but I would really like to be trusted to play this server again


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Yes , once you have brought that to my attention I realise what I have done wrong , one of the reasons I wanted to join the police using a fake age was me desperately wanting to try it out as I really wanted to play as a police officer on this server however the age requirement wasn’t met so I foolishly lied about my age , I apologise for what I done and this is no valid excuse at all , as I was young and immature at that time and believe me when I say , I’m more mature and responsible for my actions and I’m not stupid enough to lie about my age anymore , I realise why this rule has been put in place and the ban was deserved to be put in place therefore you were correct in banning me and I have no valid excuse to say but now I will tell the whole truth and not to stupidly lie anymore also I want to say that I deeply apologise for my actions And I promise if you give me another chance that I will not repeat any foolish decisions again

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 if you are already willing to lie about your age to join a whitelisted faction, Then we are concerned  how far you will go.
When it comes about more serious infractions. 
Honesty gets you alot further, So how can we be sure in the future you will tell us the truth? 

I realise that since I lied about my age , there will be some trust issues however since I’m 17 turning 18 soon there is no reason to lie about my age anymore therefore you’ll have to believe me this time that I have no motive to lie about my age , therefore I know it will take time to build up the trust , however this was 3 years ago and i have matured and more honest at this time because there is no reason to lie about my age anymore , therefore I do apologise for lying about my age and I guarantee you in the future I will tell the truth , as I was very immature and stupid at the time therefore I guarantee you that this will not happen ever again.

thank you

Ok will give you another go... however if anything dishonest arises during your time here you will be rebanned

Welcome Back!

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