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Unban Appeal - AdamMono - GTA RP

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Active member
Unban Appeal for AdamMono 

In-game Name: Adam Monaghan

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561198972804135

Ban ID: !!rpuk11839!!

Reason given for your ban: G1.2

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I downed another player by shooting them in Pill Box without providing high quality roleplay.
I shot the attackers to save the life of a friend who was being attacked at the time. 

Why should we unban you ?:  

I admit that this was a case where I reacted too quickly and there were a lot of alternative ways I could have handled it.
I could have roleplayed getting between them to defuse the situation rather than resorting to lethal action.
I should have been more aware that I was in a hospital, which I know has several security measures in place.
I'm here to roleplay, not frag, and this would have been the ideal situation to demonstrate that. I didn't have to react to those attackers' violence in kind. 

I've been a part of many great roleplay scenarios, and I'm disappointed that this doesn't do justice to who I actually am. I hope to demonstrate better roleplay in the future.
I was banned due to violating the G2.1 rule so to avoid this in the future I will provide high-quality roleplay before engaging in any sort of killing. Trying my best to make the experience enjoyable and entertaining for everybody involved. This is the exact reason the rule is in place to avoid the sever becoming a deathmatch lobby.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

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Together with managing my college work, I also spent my time moderating on another server. This gave me the opportunity to learn about roleplaying and pass forward what I had learned through RPUK. To further develop my abilities, I've also been watching a lot of streams and videos on YouTube of people playing GTARP. I've been in touch with my group and have seen all the entertaining situations play out, and I'd like to join in. In addition to this, I've been studying the Roleplay rules carefully to qualify me as a moderator and to educate me if I were allowed to return.

You learnt about roleplaying when you were a moderator on a frag server?

sorry, let me clarify in case you misunderstood, being a moderator on the frag server showed me the other side of it, the lack of roleplay and why it's so important to your in-game experience as I found out myself and was bored very quickly, which is why I'm trying to get back in the community and stay here to better my roleplay every time I log into the server, I have been watching RPUK streams and youtube videos to get a better understanding of what I could do myself. I only chose to play on a "frag" server because ultimately my goal was and is to come back to RPUK and was playing/moderating to pass the time whilst waiting out my 1-month cooldown to re-appeal.

What do you plan on doing when/if you return?

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Thanks for the reply,
If I was allowed to return, id like to continue my character progression on both my crim and police characters, and I'd like to spend more time on my crim at first to be able to help build bridges with other gangs and businesses, as a high-ranking member of my gang id also like a chance to display the top quality roleplay I know I can provide, I also want to show I can play the other aspect of roleplay and police the city in a fair and enjoyable way for everyone, I have honestly learned from my previous mistakes and never plan to ever be on this side of the forums again.

id like to continue my character progression on both my crim and police characters
Talk me through your plans for both of your characters if allowed to return. You mentioned a few brief surface level things, I want to know how you plan on progressing these characters.

Going back to the original reason you were banned for (RDM) and the situation leading to this ban, I would like you to talk me through how you would deal with a similar scenario to that now if it was to arise within roleplay that would be high quality and enjoyable for both parties.

Thank you for the reply siren, there were so many ways I could have handled that situation and any similar ones, I should have either waited for my members to come with me, as a force in numbers would have been more intimidating, but more creatively I could have tried to friend the attackers, join in on the mockery and encourage it just to lead them into a trap for payback on the beating of my friend, this way both parties could have had an enjoyable experience and not something that ended in 5 seconds, that in my eyes is top quality roleplay that I know I could provide.
firstly my criminal character has always been my main focus as I have made many connections with a lot of people. my plans with this character are to take my role in the gang seriously and showcase the level of RP we should be held to at all times and is something I've thought about a lot and think I can do very well, Id also want start to manage events at the arcade as I was planning on doing this before my ban, now with the jukebox and the extra space around the arcade I'm excited more than ever to finally host an event and run the place like a business instead of an area people are afraid to enter un-invited, this can make more connections amongst the city with businesses to help supply the things the gang need like armor/smoothies/body kits & mechanicals, etc and I want the help mold the gang's image and I know I can be influential to the lower ranks and will hold them and myself to high-quality roleplay at all times as I've learned from my own mistakes.
Secondly, regarding my police character due to the amount of time out of the city id say my first step would be to fully complete my ODP and get it all signed off by the training officers. Then my plan was to complete the taser training and be able to wield tasers, then potentially complete my FTOC exam to be able to wield a Glock17 to help keep myself/colleagues, and citizens safer. in the dangerous situations, the police have to deal with sometimes they are used as a last resort and always as de-escalation.  I also was very interested in being in RPU as this allows for many interactions that can lead to almost anything with every situation different but with similarities and this is what I love about RP.

Thank you for the effort that you're putting into this appeal. We are willing to give you another chance here, however this comes with a price.

If you are banned within a 6 month period, we wont entertain another appeal from you for at least 6 months. Do you agree to these terms?

I fully agree with these circumstances and accept the chance your ready to give to me.

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Welcome Back!

Now that you’ve been unbanned don’t forget to give our rules a thorough read over again here.

Please note unbans on the server are instant and you will be able to connect straight away.

Additionally, to get more involved with the community join our Steam Group and Discord!

Steam Group: RPUK Steam Group

Discord: RPUK Discord

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