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Unban Appeal - adam22443 - GTA RP

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United Kingdom
Unban Appeal for adam22443 

In-game Name: Jake Osborne

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561198150860525

Ban ID: !!rpuk12121!!

Reason given for your ban: G2.9

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I was banned for transferring items between two characters which violated the rule which is G2.9.

Why should we unban you ?: I think I should be unbanned because firstly it was the first time that I've ever broken anything in the entire time of me being on the server. I know what I did was stupid and wrong I thought that it would be acceptable because my main character that I was using was joining the Police force and I knew that I wasn't allowed to use any criminal stuff which I was doing before I wanted to join the Police force again so I thought it would be accepted to transfer the items across which I proceeded to do in a roleplay manner which was tell my friends that I've put 69 unrefined Cocaine in the car and put it in the garage which my other character had the key for and told them to tell him when he wakes up to cut the coke and sell it. I can now see that it didn't matter because either way it was breaking the G2.9 rule but at the time I honestly thought that it would be acceptable since I built up the roleplay of it and thought that it was ok. I know you guys get a lot of these but I honestly didn't think at the time that it was breaking any rules I hope that you can forgive me and I understand if I don't get unbanned.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

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Please provide a correct Ban ID.

Hello sorry I missed typed the Ban ID this should be the correct one. !!rpuk12121!! First time being banned on a FiveM server so I didn't really know where to find it.

Hello @adam22443

Hope you're well..

Did you read the rules back in 2021 when you joined the server? or when you created 'Jake Osbourne' in 13/09/2022

Hello thank you for replying back to me. 

Yes I believe I did read the rules back in 2021. I thought that if it was centred around a Roleplay scenario that it would be different but since being banned I can now see that wasn't the case.

@adam22443Your not new to the server and I believe you knew that G2.9 was a rule, did you think this was a way of going around the rule?

Hello sorry for not responding I've been at work yesterday and today and do very long hours since I'm Security. I knew G2.9 was a rule and I honestly thought that it was acceptable if you did it in a Roleplay situation I thought that it would be acceptable this way which obviously it isn't but at the time I thought that it would be ok. 

So G2.9 isn't the only rule that would apply here,

I'm not going to say the other rule that would apply as I want you to go through the rules and find it for me, to ensure you know the rules.

I will only say this "Your characters shouldn't know each other"

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That's correct, can you quote the two rules and reasons why we have these rules in place?

Rule G2.9: Transferring money or items aren't allowed between two different characters under any circumstances. This rule is in place to balance the server and without it would cripple the economy of the server and make it meaningless. The rule encourages players to develop their characters independently and use the resources available to them which can lead to more interesting and diverse roleplay scenarios. It also encourages players to interact with others in the game and create relationships based on their individual skills and abilities rather than relying on a single character to dominate the game.

Rule G3.5: Two characters made by the same person can't meet or know the existence of each others presence within the city they can't have a middleman or anything similar and must not communicate with each other under any situation. This rule is in place to help enforce the G2.9 rule without this rule players could unfairly gain an advantage in the game by using information gained through the play of other characters to influence the course of the roleplay which can create an unfair advantage or disadvantage for other players. This can break the immersion of the game leading to a less enjoyable experience for all involved.

Okay, so to proceed with this you will be recieving a character deletion on "Jake Osborne" and then your other character "Adam Osbourne" will be receiving a full wipe to start over. Do you agree to these terms?

Rule G2.9: Transferring money or items aren't allowed between two different characters under any circumstances. This rule is in place to balance the server and without it would cripple the economy of the server and make it meaningless. The rule encourages players to develop their characters independently and use the resources available to them which can lead to more interesting and diverse roleplay scenarios. It also encourages players to interact with others in the game and create relationships based on their individual skills and abilities rather than relying on a single character to dominate the game.

Rule G3.5: Two characters made by the same person can't meet or know the existence of each others presence within the city they can't have a middleman or anything similar and must not communicate with each other under any situation. This rule is in place to help enforce the G2.9 rule without this rule players could unfairly gain an advantage in the game by using information gained through the play of other characters to influence the course of the roleplay which can create an unfair advantage or disadvantage for other players. This can break the immersion of the game leading to a less enjoyable experience for all involved.
What about C2.2?

I don't see how rule C2.2 would affect this because I never exploited anything nor did I duplicate anything I put 69 Unrefined Cocaine into the car gave one of my friends the key and say someone called Jake is supposed to be coming to pick up the goods I don't know when or what time but heres the keys for the car. I never duplicated or exploited any of it. 

So I would believe that the only rules that I broke was G2.9 and also G3.5 but I know that I didn't exploit or duplicated anything I just put the drugs into boot of the car as the Character Adam Osborne that I brought off a dealer and then told my friend to do the deal with Jake. I understand how I broke G2.9 and G3.5 and now realise about rule G3.5 but I can't see how I would have broke C2.2. 

You've broke C2.2 due to exploiting the Character Creation system in order to transfer items across characters.

So, please. If you will, Quote C2.2, Explain it in your own words, and explain why we have this in place.

No I created Jake Osborne because he was going to be my illegal character because as a Police Officer you aren't allowed to be selling drugs or anything like that so I was planning on rejoining the Police force on Adam Osborne again and do the criminal life on Jake Osborne. But I'll do it anyways Rule C2. is important tin a roleplay scenario because it prevents players from cheating and ruining the game for others. Exploiting refers to using glitches or bugs to gain an advantage that wasn't meant to be there, like duplicating items or money, or going through walls. This ruins the games balance and makes it less fun for everyone. By enforcing the rule everyone gets a fair chance to enjoy the game regardless of their technical skills. Reporting any exploits found to staff members helps keep the game free of cheats and improves overall gaming experience.

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Regardless if you were using another character to do illegal things, transferring items between your characters is a rule break under G2.9 and C2.2.

I don't see the need to prolong this appeal any longer, keep in mind that any ban within a 6 month period will lead you right back here due to the Fair Ban System.

Wipe has been completed on you, you'll need to create a new character for your illegal activities that isn't named as 'Jake Osbourne'


Welcome Back!

Now that you’ve been unbanned don’t forget to give our rules a thorough read over again here.

Please note unbans on the server are instant and you will be able to connect straight away.

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