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Unban Appeal - ABEZZX - GTA RP

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Unban Appeal for ABEZZX 

In-game Name: Benjamin Morehead

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561198082012405

Ban ID: !!rpuk12233!!

Reason given for your ban: C2.2, G2.9

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I was banned for G2.9 & C2.2. I am fully aware of these rules and the meaning behind them. I am unsure of why I was banned for these rules due to the fact that I believe I haven't broken any of these rules. Therefore I am a bit confused on why I was banned. I am a serious RP member on the server and I wouldn't dream of even breaking any of the RPUK rules.

With this being said. Could a member of staff please enlighten me on why I was banned and to provide evidence to claim I have broken these rules.

Why should we unban you ?: Due to the statement that i have said above, I am unaware of any rulebreak that i may have done and I am unaware of anything that springs to mind that may have given you reason to do this. I am a really finding my feet in RPUK and really upset this has happened. Please can we have a talk about this

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

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Hi, I would like to add, casting my mind back over the past day, i had head issues when arrested yesterday when taken to MRPD, i could not see or hear any officers in MRPD an i kept going invisible on their side as seen on a later stream. I did say in looc i need to pop my head as refresh interior wasnt helping. I very quickly popped head and came back to finish the RP, but that was just genuinely head issues. 

Hi, I would like to add, casting my mind back over the past day, i had head issues when arrested yesterday when taken to MRPD, i could not see or hear any officers in MRPD an i kept going invisible on their side as seen on a later stream. I did say in looc i need to pop my head as refresh interior wasnt helping. I very quickly popped head and came back to finish the RP, but that was just genuinely head issues. 
Your ban had nothing to do with this.

You were banned for C2.2 and G2.9 like you described above, please quote both rules you were banned for, then explain them in your own words so we can grasp if you know what they are.

Thanks for taking the time to reply to this Liam. 

The rules are I quote: 

(C2.2) Exploiting - Using or attempting to use any exploits in any of our community game servers such as but not limited to duplication of items or money, transferring/processing items through walls and windows or bypassing intended animations. Punishment is a permanent ban without appeal. If you discover an exploit that nobody else knows about, please reveal it to a staff member privately in order to ensure that it does not get abused in the future.

(G2.9) Transferring money or items between your own characters is not allowed by any method.

I understand both of these rules, more so now especially since reading up and researching since my ban as i do not want to or intend to break any rules as you may be able to check from my logs I have been enjoying playing on this server and i do not want or intend to do anything to ruin that I did not know much about RP before joining this server and I have jumped into it at the deep end and love it.

C2.2 to me means not finding a way to better yourself or have an unfair advantage over all other  players by wrongfully duplicating currency or items, or by getting past intended barriers to carry out an action that otherwise would not be possible. If people done this then it would not be the great, balanced server that i have come to know today. 

G2.9 is exactally as it states, nobody should transfer items or currency between their own characters by any method what so ever, this would also mean that one character would have such an advantage in the monopoly of the city and would not at all be fair to anyone else and would ruin the balance. 

Moments before the ban happened, I met a friend in little soeul, to which a few police pulled up and asked me to get off my bike (the sort of blocked me in) I tried to get away as I had drugs and weapons on me. I managed to get away a loose them, park my bike up, later on my friend came and got me (we was talking over radio coms in game) we then set about researching some banks to possible scope out to plan a robbery and whilst was was in a bank, the ban happened. To my knowledge, if this ban is to do with any of this, I am pretty sure i did not break either of these rules. 

I do have 3 characters in total, Ben is my main character that I play on basically all the time, I made a petty criminal character called Leo who I hardly play on and I made another character for my partner to have a go on but that character only went as far as spawning in, driving to city and has never been on since. 

Again thank you for your time into reading this, I never intended to break any rules.


This ban is in regards to your friend “Steve McCredie” transferring all his cash to your character, then you transferred that cash back to his main (new) character “Stevie Nickle”.

Overall, you have assisted in your friend transferring money between characters which is in violation of C2.2, and G2.9.

These types of bans come with a complete wipe of a character of your choice (Money, Inventory, Houses, Storage Containers, Cars etc)


A deletion of all of your other characters.

Do you agree to these terms?

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Hi Liam, thanks for your reply! I vaguely remember this as it was a while ago when we first really started playing on the server! 

I agree to the deletion and wipe of characters if that has to be the outcome of this, but I would like to explain my side of actually what happened as it all happened in RP and was a genuine, well i thought it was anyway!

So i had been quite active on the server and made a little bit of money from doing recoveries and taxi jobs. In RP Steve really wanted to own a car and asked if i could lend him some money so that he could afford to buy one from the shop, with the agreement that he would pay me back at his earliest convenience. I believe it was a few days later Steve contacted me saying he had the money to give back to me, asked for my paypal and send me the money he owed. 

At a later stage, maybe a week or two later if memory serves me correctly - Steve wanted to buy another vehice, it was a vehicle from benifactors i believe an SUV. Whilst we was in the shop Steve had worked his money out incorrectly and was short by around 10 or 20k and asked me to lend him the extra so he could buy the vehicle, to this I agreed. I believe this is what you are referring to above - I dont recall having knowledge that any money was sent to me on any other character - Steve did ask me this OOC and I advised him this is against the rules and cannot be done.

I guess I will learn from my mistakes and in lending any money to anyone!


Moments before the ban happened, I met a friend in little soeul, to which a few police pulled up and asked me to get off my bike (the sort of blocked me in) I tried to get away as I had drugs and weapons on me. I managed to get away a loose them, park my bike up, later on my friend came and got me (we was talking over radio coms in game) we then set about researching some banks to possible scope out to plan a robbery and whilst was was in a bank, the ban happened. To my knowledge, if this ban is to do with any of this, I am pretty sure i did not break either of these rules. 
Do you know each other from out of the server?

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In regards to the person i Met at little soeul that you have quoted above - No, this is a different person that i have only known for a few days that I met in RP and recently joined his organisation. 

In regards to Stevie - yes we did play another game together, so I know him out of the server yes. 

So, I don't believe you @ABEZZX

I believe you've lied to me in this appeal, you asked Steve to send you 35k and as soon as he did, Steve deleted his character. You then sent Steve 70k back a day later, which he used to buy a house.

Tell me why I shouldn't deny this appeal and give you a cooldown, purely on lying to Staff?

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Hi Liam, 

I am sorry I totally forgot about this house situation - I am being genuine with everything I am telling you as there is nothing more I would like in getting this sorted, I can explain, this is a different situation to the car story.

This would have been about a month ago as I heard in RP that people who don't pay rent get evicted on a certain date and I was looking for a house, Steve wasn't looking for a house but I managed to find 2 for sale. So I thought that if I give some money to Steve to buy the second house it would have some resell value and I could make a little bit of money on it. 

So I sent Steve 70k to purchase the house on my behalf with the intention of reselling the house the a slight profit. 

I am sorry Liam I do not recall me asking Steve to send me any money as it was a while ago I would not have thought I would have due to the fact of me being very active of the server and working as taxi / recovery I wasn't that bad money wise, I don't think Steve was into it as much as me. But I will hold my hands up if I did, it would have been a massive error on my part. I was still pretty fresh to the server back then and did not know as much as I do now. Its no excuse either but I wasn't that great health wise around this sort of time and on some strong pain relief so I also may not have been thinking straight either.

I apologise for getting myself into this situation and for the time you have had to spend on dealing with it, It has somewhat confused me with this whole Steve and Stevie  stuff, I never once intended to bypass or break any rules on the server and I assure you given the chance to come back I never will, I will be more mindful of situations I get in to ensure I do not end up back here. I have not enjoyed being  here one bit, and I never intended to get myself back here asking for any sort of unban. Since my ban I have been quite active on the forums, educating myself further to ensure I dont end up back here and can uphold the rules set out. 


I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt due to how long ago it was and how little money was transferred. However, I don't want to see you back here again. You've had an extremely clean record as this is your first ban with 0 notes, not even an AFK kick.

Usually these types of bans come with a full wipe and deletion of characters, but down to my discretion I believe it isn't needed here.

Any bans within a 6 month period will land you right back here, do not fuck up again.


Welcome Back!

Now that you’ve been unbanned don’t forget to give our rules a thorough read over again here.

Please note unbans on the server are instant and you will be able to connect straight away.

Additionally, to get more involved with the community join our Steam Group and Discord!

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