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Unban Appeal - _unban - GTA RP

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Unban Appeal for _unban 

In-game Name: unban_parsival-stone

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561198071409527

Ban ID: rpuk#1592

Reason given for your ban: C1.6

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: i think it was called a c1.6 ban but it was for trying to do a mass shooting and also acting like a stupid immature child at the time before i was banned

Why should we unban you ?: Hello ,
Well it has been coming up 1 year since my game ban for what happened which either way i respect that you had to do what was right and what was fair as i broke rules which are in place for a reason ( which im sorry for breaking ) I have been going over everything and know how sorry i am for everything i had done and also said to roleplay and its community . i realised now and when i got banned how much i enjoyed playing on the server wether it was chilling in the city with people chatting making friends or roleplaying and having fun. i have come such a long way from where i was and who i gamed with and have since drifted from the old me and made a fresh start in the gaming area which im just having fun and enjoying my time on games.

I did thoroughly enjoy the moments i had in the server weather it was high speed chases and going to prison to doing food deliveries when i first joined with my friend and me and him saved up enough to buy a truck and it was so enjoyable looking at all the rich people fly past us thinking yeah thats what we want to do here. we had such good moments that out weighed the bad so i do fully regret causing issues for my self which caused my self being banned.

I would very much like the oppertunity to come back to prove to my self and roleplay that none of the past things will hapen ever again as i have really learned from my mistake as what i did only punished my self from enjoying your server which i have to admit sucked and hit me really hard as im a big gta fan.

i was such a Dick how i acted and responed to stupid things and i am so sorry that i got your self and the community involved rather than me coming to speak to you in a civilised way so i am deeply sorry for that.i previuosly spoke about been allowed to come back weather it was for a trail period so i can prove and show you i am not the same as before as you have no idea how much i miss this server and beg to be back.
i can promise the only thing that will come from me in your server is good vibes and a friendly charector from my self as im 31 and would like to just have fun games and make many laughs in the future to come. if this is something you could consider i would be very greatful and over the moon with.

Again ide like to thank you for your time and also apologise for any stupid behaviour i have brought or caused in the past and also a big sorry to the community for not following rules and playing fair and for not coming to speak before i acted so childish and imature in that moment so for all of that i am very sorry.

I look forward to hearing from you and thank you again.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

Hello @_unban

So why did you let yourself get involved with this mess? You seem bright enough to know how it would end, so why do it? 

What did you do after being banned from our community? Did you go elsewhere etc? (no community names please)

to be honest it was a stupid reason for me to get involved ( which i have regretted for the past year )  after been banned i have been on another server to pass time and yet again the trouble followed me with the same people even after some people on here told me to stay clear of the people involved and after that i just stop playing all together and was putting a lot more time into work due to me working with covid 19. i no i made such a stupid mistake and ile say sorry 1000 times  as i really am i cant explain how sorry i am. ide just really like to come back no matter what it takes i just want to have fun thats it nothing more nothing less. if thats possible i would be so appreciative of the chance you all give me and i wont let anyone down. 

If this is something you would consider i would also like to come on the the TS and apologise aswell im not a kid im 31 and agree i did act like a child and at the time i acted out of charector as this is not the person who i am or how i game.

thank you for your time.

Do you still play with or keep in touch with the people that were a part of this?

i can 1000% say no i play with my brother and partner when she comes on ive blocked and deleted all of the ones i use to game with. plus i was really busy with work due to covid 19 so i wasnt online alot plus i wanted a hole fresh start to gaming 🙂 

Possibly the best decision you could have made. Right, onto the real issues. Why do you think it was so easy for you to join in with this immaturity from these people?

to be honest there was no easy way or hard way it should never have happened i know at the age i am i should of took a step back and just went a different way. it got that bad it caused issues in my own esports organisation. when i look back on the hole thing i keep tinking the same thing over n over. ( what if i just said get out and removed people ) but anyone nose sometimes you only think of the logical solution after when its to late. but yeah there was no easy reason or anything it simply shouldnt of happened at all which im sorry it turned out the way it did.

And to be honest i i should of seen the signs as some people from your community even said they will ruin your fun and get you in trouble but at the time yo no like anyone you think ile be the judge of that and my gos i wish i listened at the time. like i said they brought problems into something ive ran for over 9 years so i removed everyone and i even stopped gaming for a long time.

hindsight is indeed 20/20.

Now tell me about your previous ban before this one? Do you remember what happened there?

previous i think was at the time i thought i had been killed without the proper roleplay involved so i was quiet annoyed and i didn't let them throw me in the river as i genuinely thought i had been RDM after finding out i was in the wrong for breaking roleplay character i  think my self and the other party who had killed me said some words. i think i got a 24hr or a 7 day ban im not sure what one it was ( i did however apologise to the relevant party and we moved forward. which to be honest i actually started talking to some of them more wile in the city.

Edit: also i did get told i should have roll played the situation out as normal then come and speak to a staff member which after that if i had a issue i did speak to people first.

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Thank you for your honesty. And the advice you got there is spot on. Roleplay everything, sort out disputes later. 

Look, I am considering unbanning you as you do seem to have your head screwed on better than you did back then. But one more question first:

Since unbanning a C1.6 is not a thing we usually do, now is your chance to convince me. What can you bring to the server that would convince me to unban you?

Well im going to bring a massive fun roleplaying character from my self im going to offer help where i can. Weatber ita for new people or if anyone needs help im going. To come back with not 1 issue at apl nor will there be any from my self i want. To have and create a. Hole new roleplay side and. You will here about how people have had a great experience with me. 

Wether that ranges from team work or wether its a business its going to be amazing. You need. More?  Im going to do my best to become a great role model for people and prove to everyone that if you do the right thing and keep your head on straight you will always becaome a better peraon for the better and thats what counts. 

Which i think would be good for my self and new. People as they would be able to get a helping hand weather its making money or learning the city and gives them a purpose when they join and. Hopefully good vibes in the future 

Im also bringing my new revamped gaming head with no dramas at all 

One last thing you wont regret it and i will be forever greatfull for what you and roleplay have done. 

Thank you for your time keep well and safe. 🙂

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Well, fair play. You have convinced me. I will go ahead an unban you now. Please do note that if anything like this occurs again, you will not be shown the same level of understanding. 

Look, we all make mistakes, we all screw up badly and some continue to do so. Hopefully this is you turning that corner and starting new. Remember why you got here in the first place, but move on from it too. I hope you don't let me or yourself down.


edit: if you are banned on discord and/or teamspeak, please DM me to get that resolved.

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