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Apparently my whole gang got banned for Mass RDM... It says "Serious Roleplay Community" We declared WAR on kavala with 15-20 mins notice. War is we attack anyone and everyone no matter who they are... We was not rebel so civs were our targets as well as cops. When we robbed the bank we had a hostage and we asked for TWO cops unarmed to come across the bridge and you turned up in a hunter with guns... Yeah we are gunna shoot and yet when we joined your teamspeak to talk about it so you could explain the reasons you banned us on that as well... Can you explain why we was banned for A Declaring War with 15-20 mins notices we said everyone is our target yet no cops came to save them so we then Declared we was robbing the bank with a hostage and was going to roleplay it out till you turned up with a armed hunter! 

I feel that you guys banned us for no reason what so ever we did everything by the rules as it says  (i.e. taking over a city by force, randomly killing people) is allowed. You banned us all for no reason at all VERY unfair!!!!  My whole gang is pissed at the fact your apparently a "Serious Roleplay Community" Yet you wasn't willing to roleplay anything. 

Thanks for nothing guys! 

Have you not read the main rules ????


There are a few vital points you guys missed this evening

  • You also have to be a regular player on this server for at least one month
  • well prepared backstory
  • You can't start your character and just try to kill everyone
The players i banned i had reports from civs advising they got killed in kavala ... most of those players were new to the server or new to the game.

To back up there claim the banned players were on the wanted list one with 11 counts of manslaughter ... another with 9 and the rest with a varied host of different things.

The players I have banned have not been a regular player for at least one month so you cannot just go and take kavala and start killing civs. If you was a regular player for more than one month then you would need a very prepared back story... You had nothing

You have been banned for very valid reasons.

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We had a back story. We are all vietnamese children who was beaten as kids and trained as soldiers, We got into drugs and selling weapons but we was running low on money so we needed a way to get money. We decided to declare war on Kavala and rob the bank because our gang needed money to finish our drugs trades. For one YES there was a few people who joined the server today only because we needed more members... The leader of our gang had been on the server for one month or more there fore we saw no reason for us not too. He declared war we followed. 

It does not state that there has to be more than one member who has been active for more than a month to declare war. Our leader had been active for ages and HE declared war we followed. No where is the rules does it say we couldn't do that. 

You had no background story, there was no admin requests beforehand and if there was i would of advised not tonight... there was 3 cops on duty .... hardly a role-play situation

Apparently you spammed the cop dispatch saying you were going to have a WAR in kavala within 10 mins.

The next thing we have a high number of complaints from civs who are just getting killed shortly after spawn.

If you want to play the game like that... go and play wasteland.

Who asked you to come here ?... Whats the members name ?

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Yeah there was 3 cops online but normally there are cops playing as civs so we guessed they would switch as we attacked. Our leader Declared War - He has been active for more than a month - we just followed. WAR - (taking over a city by force, randomly killing people) is allowed we can kill people who just spawned because it was our town! Your making up rules because you don't want to admit your mistake. If you want people to follow the rules maybe they should be more clear.  We didn't spam the dispatch we told them we was declaring war and then declared we was robbing the bank? How else do you want us to tell you? THAT is a back story...  We are all vietnamese children who was beaten as kids and trained as soldiers, We got into drugs and selling weapons but we was running low on money so we needed a way to get money. We decided to declare war on Kavala and rob the bank because our gang needed money to finish our drugs trades. --- Where does it say THAT can't be our story. 

They knew we was attacking... If they didn't want to die then why spawn in a town that our GANG took over... It was our town and we could do what we please 

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Another thing - there was 3 cops on duty .... hardly a role-play situation... Does it state that there needs to be more cops online for our leader to declare war? 

Your all making stuff up because you know your wrong this is stupid. If i was you i would get rid of your Serious Roleplay Community, Make your rules more clear and stop making things up so you don't sound like the bad guys! YOUR all in the wrong and you know it. It does not state that a war has to been a role played situation maybe your should put this: - 

  • A real role playing scenario must be given for any act of war or terrorism and must be role played properly. Giving officers opportunities to negotiate for example. 

Tbh with you we don't want to come back on your server if your all like this. Learn how to run a server jesus! Going  to find a better server that doesn't ban for following rules. Thanks for nothing! 

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You haven't followed the rules!

Not one of you have been a member for a month and there was no solid background story... that's the 2 main rules for trying to take over a city!!!

You messaged the police advising were taking over kavala in 10 mins! then you turned up and killed every unarmed civilian in sight!

Not on our server Thank you.

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