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Un-Ban Request

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Hello, I started playing on Altislife.co.uk just recently (3-4 days ago), and I've had a great time and some intense and nice roleplaying.

But today I killed a cop in the city, during a massive desync, which turned out to be RDM from his perspective.

On my screen he was standing still infront of my friend pointing his gun at him (looked like he was about to arrest him).

Me and my friends had been talking to that officer just before this episode, and my friend somehow found a rifle on the ground. After he picked up he ran away and the officer went after him. That's where the massive desync kicked in.

On my screen everyone was standing still (didn't give it a single thought at that moment), so it actually looked like the officer was about to arrest my friend, so I went for the kill so we could get out of there without getting arrested. But after the desync it turned out that my friend had already dropped the gun and that the officer was trying arrest some guy doing VDM (which I couldn't see because of the desync). That desync actually lasted quite long, 20-30 seconds maybe (if not more).

So from the officer's perspective it looked like I randomly killed him while he was arresting some other guy, that didn't have anything else to do with me or my friends, which clearly would be RDM.

So I hoped that we could work this out somehow, since it wasn't my intention at all to do RDM.

I would also like to add that I'm a rebel, which means I did have permission to carry the gun etc.

The officer's name was "PSCO Charlie"

My in-game name is "Rasmus", and player ID is "76561198006820513" if that's needed.

I hope that we manage to work something out, because this is surely the best roleplaying server out there, with decent people on it.

- Rasmus

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I have all of this on video. if anyone needs it, and it does not tally up with what your saying, because your friend then carrys on to pick up the police officers gun and rdm me.
To which when I asked you wtf you replied that's for running me over earlier u F***ing Pr**k . . . . which I hadn't done. and I also have proof of.
Good luck with the sob story.
And if admin would like the videos just pm me :) much love

I have all of this on video. if anyone needs it, and it does not tally up with what your saying, because your friend then carrys on to pick up the police officers gun and rdm me.

To which when I asked you wtf you replied that's for running me over earlier u F***ing Pr**k . . . . which I hadn't done. and I also have proof of.

Good luck with the sob story.

And if admin would like the videos just pm me :) much love
You're welcome to upload that, since that wasn't even me :)

Didn't kill anyone there, it was my friend, which also got banned. This is another scenario which I barely participated in..

Welcome to check the killfeed and see if it says Rasmus, and if it does.. Well upload it then :)

- Rasmus

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really? if you read your original post you even admit to killing him! LOL

keep digging my old china!


I would sure like to see that video of you "not" running me over with your car and then driving off saying "dsync" (it even said "dogs has killed Laits (friendly fire). I don't really care that i died, i was just waiting for my friends to head over in the chopper.

Yes i did shoot you, but as you have a video of that aswell, you will clearly see that you were pulling out a rifle from your backpack. Seems you and Charlie looked like you had some alliance going on.... the scenario was "kill or be killed".... i don't see that as RDM.

I have a rebal licence. if someone kills a police officer takes his gun and points it at me, then yes I will take my gun out. its called self defence. and sure, as soon as I get home from work I will upload said video........ until then I suggest you keep thinking of more excuses to why you should be allowed back on.
I'm not admin so I can't say whether or not they will let you back on, I hope not as neither of you use rp, and both seem to have only just started using the forum just to get unbanned.

:) regards

I have a rebal licence. if someone kills a police officer takes his gun and points it at me, then yes I will take my gun out. its called self defence. and sure, as soon as I get home from work I will upload said video........ until then I suggest you keep thinking of more excuses to why you should be allowed back on.

I'm not admin so I can't say whether or not they will let you back on, I hope not as neither of you use rp, and both seem to have only just started using the forum just to get unbanned.

:) regards
You didn't even see what happened in my case, so please just quit it. Try to read the whole thread another 3-4 times and you might understand it, because at the moment I'm not even sure if you understand english.

And if you don't understand it, then just keep quiet and upload that video before you start accusing anyone.

My forum account was also made the day I joined the server, so I didn't just create an account here on the forums to appeal for my unban. 

- Rasmus

Exactly, you would of no doubt shot at me if i hadn't of shot you 1st, therefore how can you suggest it was RDM?

Secondly, we have only been on the server for about 3-5 days. So no, Rasmus didn't just start using the forum to get unbanned, as for me... well i'm not banned, so you're incorrect again.

Honestly, you are just trying to keep Rasmus banned because you're still mad that you lost a gun or something, for sure i want to see these videos, but if you could stop being butthurt that you died then that would be great.

lol. I have over 1.3 mil. so the loss of stuff doesn't bother me ;) just bad players

I'd like to hear from PCSO Charlie, and see Dogs' video before proceeding further.

I appreciate Charlie cannot post to this sub-forum (I think - maybe that's fixed now, because Mitch seems able) - in which case a PM will do.

I would very much like to evaluate Dogs' video. Dogs is usually a straight-up player and has some longstanding credibility on this forum. That doesn't mean I'll take his word over yours out of hand, but since he's raised some issues, I'd like to ensure we examine them fully.

Dogs, can you just be honest with us, and tell us that the video isn't even of me?

Stop hiding, please.


So it's been 1 week since Dogs said he would upload the video... yet here we are still with no video.

From what i have read Dogs' video is the reason this hasn't been resolved yet, and Dogs is fully aware of that! As he was killed in the scenario, from what i can tell he is still mad that he died, therefore not uploading the video so Rasmus remains banned.

Dogs has been on the forum in the past week, so why not post the video? It doesn't make sense to me. I hope Dogs receives some form of punishment for wasting Rasmus' playing time. Myself and Rasmus have some big role playing plans for the server, yet we can't because of Dogs......

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