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Un-ban Appeal - XDanDudeX - 08/09/2017 (Unbanned 21/08/2017)

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In-game Name

Steam ID

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.

Reason given for your ban.

The Server you initially were banned on.
Server 1

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
I joined the serve,r fresh and new, my friend had been on the server for a little bit and then i bought a gun, first thing i did was buy a gun, i thought okay ive got some protection, i had no idea where to buy a vehicle from, no idea where to buy a license from, a drivers license of course. I didn't know what to do, my friend said we are initiated on everyone in the square, he said so i believed him and thought we were, i shot a guy then someone shouted and asked me to come TS, i had no money, only 23k i think, you can see yourself as well, i then did combatlog because my friend shouted, leave the game, leave the game, you weren't initiated on him, so i did, i was scared.

Why should we unban you ?
I have read thoroughly in the rules on what to do and where to go for things, i have seen this as a respected community and wish to roleplay till my heart contents on this server, i hope i can encourage and Vandoeuvre overs into roleplay, i hope i can speak sophisticate, i want to be a part of such community where people care for each other as i see from the forums, people helping others out, i want to join in on this, i really want to apologize for my mistake, i made, i learnt, i was not initiated, i didn't even have tags, it was straight up rdm and combat log, i made a stupid mistake believing my friend in what he said, i got caught in the moment, so confused i thought he was right, i do truly apologize for the past inconvenience i have caused, i hope you can forgive me, i hope i can roleplay with you all some day and have a laugh. I wish to bring some fantastic roleplay to this community and see it grow bigger and bigger, i want people to enjoy themsleves when im rping with them i didn't have too long on here until my friend tricked me as he knew i didnt know the rules, i furthermore understand what i did wrong, i wont be playing with him again, i would love to be able to come here and relax to enjoy myself.

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here

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so if your friend says jump of a bridge,  You will blindly without asking questions just do it ? 

so if your friend says jump of a bridge,  You will blindly without asking questions just do it ? 
Of course not, he had told me we were initiated (i knew basic rules at the time) so i thought we were initiated because there were 3 or less of us, so i believed we were, i did not realize that he was just messing about and having a joke, so considering this i actually did shoot them, i am sincerely sorry for this, it has been a while since i have been here and because of the time i have been gone, i have made sure i am sorted with all the rules, i have made sure i am comfortable with them i understand the ins and outs of them, why they are, i fully respect these and understand these now, i really am sorry for any inconvenience i have caused, i want to join back, roleplay with some people and have some great fun.

The fault lies with you and only you on these matters, you should make sure that you are able to open fire on someone, not have a "friend" tell you. 

Your also forgetting the point when the admin restrained you and was about to talk to you before you combat logged to avoid the conversation. Seem's more like trolling that my mate told me. Please explain. 

I do admit to what i did, what i did was just straight up RDM and combat log, to be fully honest with you, i had not too much of a clue of the rules, not too much of an idea of what to do,  not much of an idea of what i was doing, i went to the gun shop bought a pistol and with my friend, which i am not lying about, he said lets go and rob some people for stuff, as i had hardly any money, i thought, why not, just go for it, have some fun, so in a way we thought was the right way is everyone protects them self, i didn't know you had to actually tell people to put their hands up or anything, he said if you shoot them then money drops or whatever gear they had, i believed him considering on KOTH servers etc that happens, you kill them, all their stuff drops, so i thought to do this, when it did not drop, i realized that it obviously did not do that, i did not know if he would have had friends or other people who may have helped him, i had no clue of the combat logging rule to obviously wait 5 mins with no combat or anything, i thought okay to save my gear just log off and get away from it, this is my full truth on that day of what happened, i really did not mean to cause of me being stupid and not knowing on what would happen or even that it was a bad thing i did, i really do apologize for this, i have learnt the rules and am so keen to get into the game and talk to some more people, the time i did have, there were some great people, a guy gave me a car, i had no clue how to buy a drivers license or a car, so he gave me one so i could go to the gun store, i want to jump back in, without being a disturbance to anyone, i really do apologize for what happened.

The two rules you broke, Are very clear on our rulespage. 
Why did you not read the rules? 

I will be fully honest, i did not know their was a rules page for the server, at all, i went into it not really knowing what to do or what i should even start to do, had no idea how to get a car had to ask someone to get one out for me because i had no idea how to or where to buy one really, i had no clue about the rules page until obviously i got banned, from that moment i tried looking at the website and realized what i did and what i was supposed to do ,i made 2 stupid mistakes that are obvious rules but as i didn't read the rules page i did not know of these, i really do apologize for this inconvenience and the issues i have caused but i do feel i am extremely ready to jump back in, knowing now my rules all set forth and the knowledge of them i wont be breaking them ever again.

Alright quote me the rules you broke, And explain in your own words please? 

[SIZE=medium]Random Deathmatch (also known as RDM) - Shooting at someone without engaging in any form of quality role play (eg. Giving enough time for them to comply with your order. Count downs are not considered quality roleplay, please at least attempt to create an interesting roleplay story before considering shooting.) is considered RDM. (Punishment is a ban).[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]This rule is not applicable in the red zone.[/SIZE]

In basic terms this means you need to initiate upon somebody before shooting somebody, you must tell them a command, so "hands up" you must then give a threat "or you will die" this is then classed as a validate initiation and the gang members and the person being initiated on ( if able to without 180 them or take gun out and shoot them if they have the gun pointed at their head). red zones do not count towards this rule, the victim and shooter must both be inside the red zone to be able to shoot without verbally role playing, after this has taken place that gang is then initiated on that gang/police force which they then may shoot them from outside the zone to other areas outside of the zone.

Second rule) Combat logging at any point during RP is exploiting. Some examples of this include: logging out during a firefight, being chased by the police, arrested by the police, while dead awaiting a medic, logging out in order to save gear, rage-quitting, logging out whilst restrained/detained (Punishment is a ban, which may be permanent. *) *Staff can make an informed decision depending on if you’ve made an attempt to resolve the issue. We do suggest you attempt to rejoin the server and continue the role play (try messaging them with the mobile system first).

This is a rule that makes sure that nobody logs off or alt f4 etc when in RP, when in combat you cannot close the game or disconnect, this is to make it fair as for example you might know you may be losing, you then log off to save your car, load out, money, whatever, this is against the rules. being chased by police counts as somebody is trying to role play with you for a reason, you may be speeding etc, the police wants to role play with you, you must not log off during this as you are within role play and are not free to log off until they are finished and have waited the required time.

I hope this answers your question if you wish for me to extend any further on either of these rules please say and i can extend if that is required.

Well first of all, i would not get myself in the situation in the first place, i would not do what i said of being careless, not knowing the rules, not knowing what to do or where to go to get started, putting this in mind, if i came into a situation where i was in combat, restrained, chased by cops etc i would not be logging off throughout it until it was completely safe for me to do so, i would not be logging off during any type of roleplay with somebody else, as that is combat logging. In the future i will not be careless with what i do with guns, making sure if i buy another one, or whenever i may, i will use it appropriately and in an extremely better roleplay fashion or in self defense if needed. In the future these situations with myself will not be happening anymore, not in near future or atall in the fuiture, as i have read the rules and understand what to do and what i did wrong. In the future i will know who i am initiated on and what to do, if i can shoot them, if it is not failrp at the time, if they can shoot me etc, i will and already know what i will do in the future of being much more careful of who i am initiated on, not randomly shooting people, knowing full well what to do and how to come across it.

alright i gonna give you a chance on our server. 
before you log on please read the rules. 

UNBANNED 21/08/2017

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