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Un-ban Appeal - White Bison (Unbanned: 03/11/15)

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White Bison

Dear Admins 

White Bison has opened an un-ban appeal

Your In-game name: M'aiq the Liar
Your Steam Profile ID: STEAM_0:0:39514084
Your GUID or Steam ID: 76561198039293896
Date & Time you was banned:: 23/10/2015, around 12:00
Admin that banned you (Check ban message when you connect to the servers): It doesn't say (tested repeatedly)

In your own words, Why do you think you was banned: A rapid gain in money misconstrued as money-hacking; suspected money hacking.

Please copy and paste the rule you think you broke: 2D) Using known exploits such as looting dead bodies, any duplication of items, duplication of money, using the Anti-VDM script to regain full health, landing on the roof of drug processors, working with Bounty hunters to exploit money from the wanted system, using the ‘Flip Vehicle’ feature outside normal usage (Punishment is a permanent ban without appeal)

Please give reasons why we should give you a final chance: Simply, I haven't money hacked - though I do appreciate why this mistake has been made. My friend and I have been Arms Dealers, but in prepartion to become Bounty Hunters me and my friend sold all our arms, including MK.1s and MXs, that we'd stored up over the months to afford it (a group in shemags did a big deal for a bunch of MK.1s, one of many sales, hence the rapid gain). We then split the money so as to afford the license. We've been doing this for some time as the logs will show. We'd also recently sold the rest of our in-game drugs, and then went to the Police Station to have our bounties removed. The police can back this up. Both me and my friend are avid RPers (hence the swap), and so this is very disappointing. Given the system used to spot exploits, I understand why this has happened, but please re-evaluate this so that me and my friend can get back to the RP that we have been doing for 2 months now. (My friend is Henry, do see his appeal please).

Ironically, as we our now Bounty Hunters, that was our last weapons deal.

If your ban reason is "Forum Report - Date Here" then search the forums for your in-game name and that date and insert the URL below:

NOTE TO MEMBER, This unban appeal will be looked at in due course, Please note there are no timeframe's

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We are brothers mate. He just chose to specify, while I didn't.

I can give you our names if it helps (Thompson). Also, we're not on one IP; my brother's at University.

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Sorry if I shouldn't be butting in on this. I know Henry and White Bison. They've sold me LOAAADS of guns, at least a million dollars worth since we met. They've been my go to guys for guns. I don't know if this helps or not and I'm sorry if this isn't allowed. but they're good dudes and they do sell guns quite frequently. I've only seen good RP out of these guys. And yes they are brothers. Like I said before, idk if this helps at all, but they rlly are sincere and very nice guys.

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Thanks for your testimony, tho you being a bountyhunter and being banned at the same time doesn''t really help the story out. I am gonna leave this up to a admin. @Neo

Aha yeah his Bounty Hunter status is more of a coincidence (I didn't even realise...!). Anyway, as me and my brother were literally Bounty Hunters for all of half-an-hour before we were banned, it's a pretty arbitrary link anyway. xD


Please get Neo on this soon buddy. We reaaaally want to do some Bounty Hunting before my work starts again in a few days.

Sorry, this never tagged up for me. looking into this now......

Aha yeah his Bounty Hunter status is more of a coincidence (I didn't even realise...!). Anyway, as me and my brother were literally Bounty Hunters for all of half-an-hour before we were banned, it's a pretty arbitrary link anyway. xD


Please get Neo on this soon buddy. We reaaaally want to do some Bounty Hunting before my work starts again in a few days.
You state weapons dealer... but the it'd have to be a MASSIVE amount of guns to make 4 million in 1 go...

you'd never sell them for "retail" either... and then there's the 50% sales at the start of every month....

The reasoning doesn't make sense.

So details please.

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I'm surprised by this because we've sold more than 4 million before. These sales were to groups of individuals for big guns, sold at higher than retail with all attachments and ammo (having bought them cheap). I think more than anything these groups enjoyed the roleplay, because it was really awesome to pull up behind (what became known as) "our church" to find a bunch of offroads, and have armed guards walking along the wall while we negotiated with a bunch of high-rollers in shemags. It was on both sides just for the RP really.

Edit: Anyway to merge this thread with Henry's? We're in the same boat here, so it would make sense.

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@Wilco  @NeoThis one is over my head, think it is better if one of you makes this call..

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I'm surprised by this because we've sold more than 4 million before. These sales were to groups of individuals for big guns, sold at higher than retail with all attachments and ammo (having bought them cheap). I think more than anything these groups enjoyed the roleplay, because it was really awesome to pull up behind (what became known as) "our church" to find a bunch of offroads, and have armed guards walking along the wall while we negotiated with a bunch of high-rollers in shemags. It was on both sides just for the RP really.

Edit: Anyway to merge this thread with Henry's? We're in the same boat here, so it would make sense.

Approved in this instance. HOWEVER, you need to document any future large transactions, screenshots, video, whatever. If we're not happy, there's no coming back.

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