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Un-ban Appeal - vision951 (Unbanned)

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Active member
In-game Name

Steam ID

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.

Reason given for your ban.

The Server you initially was banned on.
Server 1

In your own words, Please type why you think you was banned
In my honest opinion i was banned for abuse in OOC, the evidence provided shos that but the person who reported me ha chosen to leave out the fact that i had stopped and the fact people where carrying it on. the threat i apparently made which says andreas watch yourself is a load of rubbish. it was not a threat if he had took a screenshot 2 seconds later i explained what i said which was justified as not being a threat i warned him that if he continued to ram my helicopter with his car he would be reported as it was against rules. i personally feel that this is me being targeted by this player as he has only posted the parts he feels relevant. yes he told me once about what i was doing and no it did not happen all day. The fact that this was created and my opinion not asked for is also rather annoying i know sometimes it doesnt matter but the fact he missed out my reasoning for saying some of the things i did which where jsutified is annoying

Why should we unban you.
I feel i should be unbanned because i am a long standing member in this community and yes i called a few people idiots it was wrong and yes i know its against the rules which i apologize for and it shall not happen again.

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here

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You have been here long enough to know better.

Are you aware of the rule you broke. Please quote it.

Rules broke: 1 Adult Community ' We expect people to show respect, act like an adult, and treat people how you would expect to be treated to keep this a place where people enjoy. '

General Rules: 2.9  ' Please use the forums or teamspeak to report or discuss only (Punishment is a ban) Exception: You may contact someone using the text system if they are not on teamspeak or on the forums. Please only attempt to make this contact in effort to resolve the issue, not to antagonise the other player/users/members. '

Thankyou for reading my appeal

Why did you ignore these rules? Yes you may have been a bit angry however this is not acceptable 

As I've already said it was a mistake. There is no reason behind it . We are all inclined to make mistakes from time to time

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