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Un-ban Appeal - VincentC (Unbanned)

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Active member
In-game Name: [LOV] Vincent
Steam ID : 76561198123940578
The date of your ban.: 10/30/2015
Member of the team that banned you.: Steph
Reason given for your ban.: 3B) RDM - Random Death Match
The Server you initially was banned on.: Server 1
In your own words, Please type why you think you was banned: I killed a police officer after he initiated on my other gang mates and because I didn't make an attempt to re-initiate with some sort of decent roleplay. Because of this, I was rightly banned for RDM and poor roleplay.
Why should we unban you.: In all my time playing on ALUK, I have constantly maintained a high level of roleplay no matter what the situation. Everyone makes mistakes as we are all human and I recently made a mistake, and I was punished. And for this, I am deeply sorry. At first, I couldn't see how that the situation was RDM. Many people seem to think that once someone initiates (fires upon) your gang members, you can shoot them which is what I did. After speaking with a few game moderators and mentors, I understand this is not always the case. I did not for a second doubt that I demonstrated a disgusting level of RP. I completely understand what I have done wrong and I promise to never do something like this again. I hope to maintain that high level of roleplay that I always have done should I get unbanned. Again, I am sorry for everyone who was involved and this will not happen again. Thanks for your time.
Please confirm this unban request is for you.: Yes
I have read and understand the unban appeal process: Yes
Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.: Yes
Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here: Yes

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In future always re-initiate! After all this is a RP server right? 

Term: No guns for TWO weeks, do you accept?

You know what happens if you break the terms,



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