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Un-ban Appeal - vesti - 27/03/19 <T>

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In-game Name
Signe Hansen

Steam ID

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.
Kempi Anderson

Reason given for your ban.

The Server you initially were banned on.
Server 1

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
I am banned, because I RDM a guy. My friend and I were doing a bank robbery. My friend was inside the bank I was in a house next to the bank. We had fair a gun fight with the police and my friend said repeatedly times that anyone who will get near the bank will be shot. The fight with the police was still going on, but it was a little more calm at the moment when I RDM the guy. I saw the guy next to the bank and I quite fast decided to shoot him because I was confused what he was doing, I didn´t know if he was armed or not because of his carryall backpack which could have contained a gun. It was wrong from me to shoot a guy that was not in the gun fight. I want to apologize for this because me and my friend did good roleplay in the fight with the police and therefore I am sad that it ended up with a RDM. He also wrote that he tried to resolve the situation, I must have missed the messages of him trying to resolve the situation.

After getting banned my friend and i were trying to resolve the situation in teamspeak. We started contacting him just wanting to talk about the situation for five to ten minutes. He refused several times but my friend got him to a voice channel. His friends first joined and told us why we even wanted to talk bc he couldn´t do anything about the ban and we said we just wanted to clear things up. AntonW didn´t talk himself only his friends replying the same things that its not worth talking about it bc I was already banned.

Why should we unban you ?
You should unban me, because I understand that it was very wrong to shoot a innocent guy. My roleplay has improved massively over the last year and I love playing on this server. It was a very stressful situation with more than 7 police officers and I got confused and handled it wrong, because I shot a innocent guy. I again deeply apologize for what happen and I hope you will give me a chance to prove that my roleplay is above the average. Thank you for your time.


Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here

  On 16/07/2018 at 20:25, vesti said:
I wont do any mistakes again because I have really learned from my mistake

We will hold you to this. We will be much less lenient if we see you back here.

Does the above message look familiar? 

yes i remember and i promise to stay clean.  
This is what you promised us last time as well. What is different now then your last time appealing the ban? Also you seem to have a habit of breaking rules.

  1. Warning for Breaking RP and threatening to report
  2. Ban for combat logging
  3. Warning for RDM
  4. Ban for RDM.
Why would we even consider your unban appeal when it's clear that you have a habit of breaking rules? 

I know that it is not looking good, but this time it was an accident, an accident that could happen to everyone. My friend and i did the robbery and i was shot everyone that stayed close to the bank, because my friend repeatedly said that everyone that gets near the building will be shot. At this time i could not know if the person heard my friend saying that ( unfortunately i and my friend did not record this ) it was in overall just an stressful situation and that´t my weakness in roleplaying. If everything is relaxed I am fully concentrated on the roleplay. I hope you see that it was a mistake and I love playing on this server. My friends play on this server and this server has very good performance compared to others. I have been playing for a long time on this server and in that long time mistakes can happen. I hope that you will understand that it took me a long time to get this far on the server and I would hate to leave the server forever.


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If you could go back to the situation that was the reason for you being banned what would you do different? 


if i could go back in time, 

What would I do differently if I went back to the situation? First, I would relax a bit more in the situation. I would tell my friend to tell everyone that if they went near the bank they'd be shot, and I'd make sure he said so clearly. With my aim, I'll take more care to identify the target. Next time, I will make sure to not shoot a guy that's not in the fight. Next time, I'll take my time with my shots and stay calm.

I am willing to give you one more chance but there will be a few conditions to this:

  1. You will be required to read all the server rules again before joining and if you don't understand them please come to Join for Support and ask for advice.
  2. If you break ANY rule does not matter how small or big you will be banned and you will not be able to appeal this for 4 months. 
  3. When in a situation you will always need to ensure to make sure that your target is actually involved in the situation.
Do you agree to these terms? @vesti

Yes I agree and I appreciate your patience! I will make sure nothing is going to happen again😁

Thank you! 

Now that you’ve been unbanned don’t forget to give our rules a thorough read over again here.

Please note unbans on the server are instant and you will be able to connect straight away.

Additionally, to get more involved with the community join our Steam Group and Discord!

Steam Group: RPUK Steam Group

Discord: RPUK Discord


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