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Un-ban Appeal - UndamagedVirus - 04/08/2017 (Unbanned)

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In-game Name
Fraser Scott

Steam ID

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.

Reason given for your ban.

The Server you initially were banned on.
Server 1

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
Someone was constantly using voice chat on OOC channel everyone was getting annoyed and just due to being annoyed i said "you need to die"

Why should we unban you ?
Look it was an accident I didnt mean it it was just annoying when you are speaking to someone and this chat kept coming through so the guy kept having to repeat what was being said

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here

Fraser Scott
where is the aDMIN
10:23 PM
Fraser Scott
10:25 PM
Fraser Scott

I also spoke to Drew directly after this had happened apologised and acknowledged I was in the wrong

Please let me back lads! :)

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How can we be sure that this won't happen again? What will you do in future if someone is speaking in side chat?

Trust me I wont. If it does annoy me I will just abort and possibly join the other server if it is up or just turn the chat down for a bit. Not going to mess up like that ever again 

Honestly didn't mean it like it came out. I know that sounds bad but honestly guys I let the server down, myself and the guys i play with.

 As soon as I said it I just knew I shouldn't of said it. 30 seconds later the ban came and I knew I messed up. 1st and last mistake  but hopefully not my last time on the server. Great guys there and some funny scenarios!

As soon as it happened I popped on TS and spoke to Drew about had happened he explained that it was a bug in the coding which i completely understood I didn't know this. I believe Drew knew I was apologetic and regretted what I did

I'll admit I was a dafty

I believe what I did could come under rule 1.6

(1.6) The Staff Team may ban any member from the servers and community at any time if they are considered disruptive to the community or we have a valid reason to believe they are here to cause issues.

I believe this due to being disruptive in the OOC chat. This rule in my own words means - a member/player who is interuppting or ruining someone rp experience and/or immersion/ community experience 

If/When I return I am looking forward to bringing funny and mature rp to Altis 

I can come on TS to discuss if you would like 

I have also read up on the rules, might as well :) I have learned alot from this, I have learned to be more accepting and understanding about the community. 

I am also on holiday for this week and would love nothing more than to chill on Altis, here is hoping!

EDIT: it has been a few days missing the RPing. <3 

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I am satisfied with your response. Any further outbursts and you are gone for a wee longer than a few weeks...


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